Another Karishma Herbal Henna User...Best Henna I've Ever Used

I AM SO HAPPY you guys are loving Karishma. I knew it was a special blend because the results are ALWAYS so great and it washes out so clean. Oh happy day!
PrettyfaceANB, What would be a good combination using Karishma Henna for moisturizing/deep conditioning?
PrettyfaceANB, What would be a good combination using Karishma Henna for moisturizing/deep conditioning?

Honestly, I used to mix my henna with a bunch of stuff but now...

Water and conditioner for thickness is all you need and it gives the silkiest results. You're not weighing your hair down with a bunch of stuff. You dont need to add anymore powders because the blend is already perfect.
Honestly, I used to mix my henna with a bunch of stuff but now...

Water and conditioner for thickness is all you need and it gives the silkiest results. You're not weighing your hair down with a bunch of stuff. You dont need to add anymore powders because the blend is already perfect.

Agreed! prettyfaceANB how often do you use Karishma?
After every relaxer. I henna then indigo.

I may start doing it every month now to protect my aging ends.

Do you find that the strengthening effects last from treatment to treatment for you? I am trying to figure out how often I want to do this and keep the strong hair going:yep:.
So how would you work this into your reggie now if you decide to do this more often?

I would it like a intense deep conditioner.

I'd mix it (no release of course).
Sit under the dryer for 30mins.
Rinse with a bottle of V05 conditioner.

I always buy a bottle of V05 conditioner for my henna treatments.
Did my second Karishma henna today and it turned out great! The color is even better this time around. My hair is so soft! I love this stuff so much I purchased 20 bags!:grin: I lucked out though because these bags are only 8 months old so the henna is very fresh.
I just used the last of my Yemen henna from I just used it cuz I wanted to get rid of it. I'ma do a Karishma probably on Friday in a week. The color is unbeatable.
HEY! Using Karishma or Reshma brand make the new growth gray not that nasty orange but a darker auburn. I always mix it with green tea (and add NO honey or oils) and let it sit for 8 hours before applying, then after I apply let it sit on my hair for 4 hours or so (no heat) under plastic cap and towel.

I used indigo a few times but that was over a year ago when I kept a 1/2 inch TWA. I really like the dark auburn color and prefer to not make it brown or black with the indigo.

Thanks so much! I'm gonna' try it your way the next time I henna. I haven't been letting mine sit but applying it immediately after mixing it! I was doing this when I first started using henna but would sleep in it. I haven't done that in forever because I couldn't tolerate the smell and itchies while I was trying to sleep. I also add honey. I have already been adding green tea. I will definitely let you know if I have better succes with these orangies because they are driving me crazy!
Y'all got me wanting to do my Karishma tonight! I did some Yemen henna from Mehandi Friday afternoon-night for 5 hours. Its so so. The Karishma color soo doesn't compare to the Yemen.
Man, Karishma is the real deal. This past weekend would be my 6th henna treatment ever but I consider it my 2nd because the 1st four were not done with Karishma! My hair is strong! I have not done a protein treatment in months and my hair is really strong after using Karishma twice. I don't see how I wouldn't be able to retain all of my growth with this henna.
I just used the last of my Yemen henna from I just used it cuz I wanted to get rid of it. I'ma do a Karishma probably on Friday in a week. The color is unbeatable.
I'm already wanting to use it again. LOL! I found out that the local store here sells it (after putting in a bulk order on Ruchita Ayurveda's website :wallbash: ) Ah well. I was thinking once a month, but I think I may go with every 2-3 weeks now. I like the color and my grays don't look all orange and crazy.
YES that's why I love it. No ORANGE grays. Orange is horrendous. But the Karishma color is SOOOO GOOD and rich. Also in case you evern can't find Karishma, Reshma is good too.
YES that's why I love it. No ORANGE grays. Orange is horrendous. But the Karishma color is SOOOO GOOD and rich. Also in case you evern can't find Karishma, Reshma is good too.
Thanks! The particular store I found, she had a freakin' TON of it. I don't see me running out any time soon. :grin: I just wish I had gone to her first before I ordered from Ruchita, because there are other powders Ruchita has, that she does not have.

I leave on Thursday to go to NY and Detroit...I won't have time to henna before I go. I might have time to do it up there, so I'll pack it up just in case... :lachen:
Pretty, how do you use the Indigo? Meaning, how long do you leave it in your hair. Also, do you wash that out with conditioner too or shampoo?
If you are looking for a henna that adds color and washes clean without the gritty remains it often leaves behind try Karishma Herbal Henna.

I added 2 eggs, conditioner, water, and lemon juice to mine. I needed to tighten up my line of demarcation for this stretch Im trying to do.

I have tried Jamila and something other one I cant remember. Karishma is the best. I found it at the indian grocery store in Rockville, MD. This brand is hard to find.

As stated before, its said that you shouldnt use non-BAQ henna but the herbal mixture of this one is incredible. You notice a difference when you're washing it out. You hair is much softer and new growth is looser, of course given you dont use shampoo to wash it out.

Anyway, just wanted to share another Karishma Herbal Henna success story.


Contains Pure Henna, Amla, Shikakai, ARITHA,BHRINGRAJ and selected
Herbs as described in Century old Indean Vedas. Regular use of
Karishma Herbal Henna, Darkens Hair, acts as natural Hair
Conditioner, Controls Dandruff & prevents Hair loss. Due to natural
cooling effect of the herbs used it improves eyesight and gives sound

ETA: I just mix the henna, water, and conditioner now. Thats all you need. It works great!

What color do you get? Does it make your hair darker or does it add a reddish tint to it?
Those who buy it locally, how much is it? :yep:

You shouldnt pay anymore than $4 a bag.

Pretty, how do you use the Indigo? Meaning, how long do you leave it in your hair. Also, do you wash that out with conditioner too or shampoo?

I always henna...heat...rinse...indigo....heat...rinse.

I leave it on with heat for about 45mins to 1hr. (Like an extended deep condition)

Conditioner for henna. Conditioner than Dr. Bronners Soap with indigo. I always buy a .99cent bottle of V05 Moisture Milks conditioner to rinse with.
prettyface, i saw your recipe for indigo, but do you have to use sea salt? idk I just have a problem with putting salt in my hair...
Thanks. :yep: What is the name of the store in Rockville you go to? I tried a yellow pages search and didn't find anything.