What Was Your First Products Used Ever (Relaxer, Shampoo, Etc.)?

Where's my old heads at??? Come on ya'll...get in here:lachen::lachen:

I remember folks used to use Wella Balsalm- :nono: and that old nasty, sticky, super thick, green Queen Bergamont hair GREASE (emphasis on grease). You talk about clogging up some follicles.

Shoot I remember when black folks used VO5 hair "conditioner" in the tube- which was "white folks grease." It looked like pure petroleum jelly!

Did I go back far enough for you?!:lachen:
:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: OMG :lachen: :lachen: I can't breave! :lachen: :lachen :lachen:

:lachen: Man, I have some memories!

How could I also forget that castor oil grease that ya mama would use to press ya hair. You could hear it popping and see it smoking but you just knew that your hair was going be off da hook!
I remember folks used to use Wella Balsalm- :nono: and that old nasty, sticky, super thick, green Queen Bergamont hair GREASE (emphasis on grease). You talk about clogging up some follicles.

Shoot I remember when black folks used VO5 hair "conditioner" in the tube- which was "white folks grease." It looked like pure petroleum jelly!

Did I go back far enough for you?!:lachen:

Girl yes...and you if you left the tube in a hot place it would squirt all out like cooking oil
My first relaxer was Dark & Lovely when I was in middle school. I mainly remember using Pert shampoo and conditioner. Basically, the whole family used whatever products my mom bought on sale.
I remember folks used to use Wella Balsalm- :nono: and that old nasty, sticky, super thick, green Queen Bergamont hair GREASE (emphasis on grease). You talk about clogging up some follicles.

Shoot I remember when black folks used VO5 hair "conditioner" in the tube- which was "white folks grease." It looked like pure petroleum jelly!

Did I go back far enough for you?!:lachen:

Oh.No.U.Didn't bust out with the Wella Balsam....:lachen::lachen: and the Queen Bergamont GREASE!!!

You know...I used to use the VO5 Hair Grease and that stuff protected my ends like nothing else..my hair grew long too...I think it was pure petroleum....:yep:

Yes, you did...you went back in the day!:lachen:
My first relaxer was a PCJ when I was 7. I used to beg my mom to buy Just for Me. Looking back, my hair was texlaxed for years, and I did not get relaxers often, maybe twice a year...

When I started doing my own hair, I bought mainly Soft and Beautiful, their relaxer and styling cream. :rolleyes:
My first relaxer was a PCJ when I was 7. I used to beg my mom to buy Just for Me. Looking back, my hair was texlaxed for years, and I did not get relaxers often, maybe twice a year...

When I started doing my own hair, I bought mainly Soft and Beautiful, their relaxer and styling cream. :rolleyes:

Exactly. I know now that I was texlaxed for years and never knew:rolleyes:
Dax---was that the tar grease? I remember that smelled so bad. Is that the same stuff?

Dax smelled pretty good. I think you are talking about Sulfur 8...stank, stanky, stank stank stank:yep:

That was a big jar too, that Blue Magic? The whole house used that jar, and that jar lasted a longggggggggggg time:lachen:
Pert Plus for kids
Johnson and Johnson hair detangler (still use today)
VO5 (still use today)
Just for me relaxer (Still use as well)
Pink Lotion
Ultra Sheen Grease- my mom used this on my hair and it grew to waist length. But grease is known to clog pores but using it helped my hair. Weird.......
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When I was in middle school I would spray my hair with Isoplus hair sheen (the one in the blue can) every single morning. It smelled really good to me. I wonder what was actually in it.
Pert Plus for kids
Johnson and Johnson hair detangler (still use today)
VO5 (still use today)
Just for me relaxer (Still use as well)
Pink Lotion
Ultra Sheen Grease- my mom used this on my hair and it grew to waist length. But grease is known to clog pores but using it helped my hair. Weird.......

Girl....you are right about that Ultra Sheen. My great-grandmother grew her hair to midback using that stuff:yep:
When I was in middle school I would spray my hair with Isoplus hair sheen (the one in the blue can) every single morning. It smelled really good to me. I wonder what was actually in it.

I never used that one...I like the way most of them smell:yep:
I remember my mama telling me she used LIV on me while I was little and probably until I started elementary. I was also relaxed with PCJ.
This should be a fun thread. :)

My first shampoo was probably Johnson's Baby Shampoo. IDK what conditioner was used. I'll have to ask my mom. IIRC, my first relaxer was Optimum No-Lye.
I was relaxed with TCB for a long time.

My Aunt used TCB everything, shampoo conditioner and hot oil treatment..

When I started taking care of my hair at about 14 or so, my hair thrived.

This was around the time my Aunt started to buy Optimum shampoo and conditioner, cos they changed the TCB shampoo and conditioner.

I had a simply routine, wash and condition once a week.

Blowdry then put front of hair into braids,canerolls and tie the back in a bun doughnut.

I use to never blowdry my hair when wet without adding tonnes of grease cos I loved the shine.

By the time I got to Secondary School all the girls would ask. What do you do to your hair? How is it like that? LOL

Till this day I still use Optimum Shampoo and conditioner. And TCB hot oil treatment.

Let me see here.

First Relaxer ever: S' Curl Hair Texturizer all the way to the ends :wallbash:(crazy, I know). Leave it in long enough and it would straighten the heck out of your Hair! Moved on to Dark and Lovely!!!

Shampoo's: CON- I grew up on that stuff

Hair Grease: DAX, Royal Crown, Something called 4-in-1 or 4-way???

Hair gel: Ampro Prostyle gel in the black jar (wanna talk about breakage)

Growing up was all about "faking" the baby hairs for me :lachen:!!! I did not have any but some water, grease, and black gel would make it seem like I did :yep:!!! I never lost my edges though.

I did however have thin, limp, stringy hair:nono:!!!

Let me see here.

First Relaxer ever: S' Curl Hair Texturizer all the way to the ends :wallbash:(crazy, I know). Leave it in long enough and it would straighten the heck out of your Hair! Moved on to Dark and Lovely!!!

Shampoo's: CON- I grew up on that stuff

Hair Grease: DAX, Royal Crown, Something called 4-in-1 or 4-way???

Hair gel: Ampro Prostyle gel in the black jar (wanna talk about breakage)

Growing up was all about "faking" the baby hairs for me :lachen:!!! I did not have any but some water, grease, and black gel would make it seem like I did :yep:!!! I never lost my edges though.
I did however have thin, limp, stringy hair:nono:!!!

Why did you just make me spit out all my water???:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
Just For Me relaxer kit and hair line, I was about 8 years old at the time. I remember my mom puttin' the creamy crack on my head and me singing along to that Just For Me cassette lol:lachen:. I didn't even speak english at the time. I remember keeping two pics of the two girls who always did the commercial for the Just For Me relaxers, one had waistlength hair, I wanted her hair so bad:rolleyes:
When I was a little girl, my mom used Creme of Nature Shampoo, Mane n Tail Conditioner, and Blue Magic Grease. My mom let me start doing my own hair in the 5th grade (trust me, it was better than her doing it). I remember her using Gentle Treatment No-Lye Relaxer on my hair too. She didn't know how to do hair and it showed :(

When I started learning more about hair care via internet, the first products I used was Optimum Care's Line and Aussie's Line. Neither of them worked but at least I know what products to use now.
I don't remember my first relaxer but I know I use to kill Dark & Lovely and Optimum in the box!! I also used Let's Jam and Perm Repair! :grin: CON shampoo was my s--t!! I would use any old conditioner. Then came Motions, and it was Motions EVERYTHING!!!! Man, those were the days. I used to kill my hair with Isoplus Oil Sheen and I used to use this mousse that came in 'flavors'. I used to use the chocolate every day for my roller sets or curling iron sets. :lachen:The build-up was crazy! hehe
I got my first perm when I was 13. I was so happy because everybody I went to school with already had one and of course I wanted to be "cool". The shop always did my perms (Revlon)
My used to wash my hair with Vo5 and conditioning it with Queen Helen I swear she leaved by that.
When I started doing my own hair yes brown gel was my friend too lol.
I used to buy that BIG bottle of pink lotion with the pump, I swear my hair had so much build up it was crazy.