Another Karishma Herbal Henna User...Best Henna I've Ever Used

You could try one bag, and use the other one if you don't get enough coverage. Since you can henna as often as you like, you can do it again soon.

I find that I get the best gray coverage when I let my henna sit mixed with my acid (citrus juice, green tea or whatever) for 6-8 hours, then right before applying add some indigo to it (I never measure) then let that sit on my hair at least 4 hours (preferrably like 6). After rinsing that out, in a separate application, I like to apply just indigo to just the gray (which would now be red/orange) areas.
I plan on henna'ing my hair tomorrow night with this brand. Question: How much or how many bags should I use? My hair is past APL but not BSL and I am 41 wks post and then I only texlaxed. Would one bag cover or would I need 2? (I have 2 bags but don't want to open the 2nd one if I don't have to) I attached a pic from the last time I flatironed over the summer when I took my braids out. I did put them back in for 2.5 months so it may be a little longer now.

Also I want to cover my temple grays so should I mix the indigo in right before I want to apply it or wait and apply the indigo seperately afterwards? When I used Jamila henna + indigo it did not cover my grays all that well
Any Suggestions?

I am about 1 1/2 from APL and one bag worked for me. So I would suggest 1 1/2 bags for you. Seal the other bag tightly and place in the freezer till next time. With two you may have a lot of excess.
Click here:

This will answer everything you need to know re Henna!:yep:

I know this is old but thank you for the link to that guide on how to henna. I did a couple of things wrong. I added hot water to my henna and I made mine more watery and actually did not mix enough. I also did not have gloves. Duh I should have known that. And the guide states to wash hair and dry before hand. Didn't realize that either. I'm going to add more powder and start my soak all over again.
You could try one bag, and use the other one if you don't get enough coverage. Since you can henna as often as you like, you can do it again soon.

I find that I get the best gray coverage when I let my henna sit mixed with my acid (citrus juice, green tea or whatever) for 6-8 hours, then right before applying add some indigo to it (I never measure) then let that sit on my hair at least 4 hours (preferrably like 6). After rinsing that out, in a separate application, I like to apply just indigo to just the gray (which would now be red/orange) areas.

How long are you leaving the indigo on during the 2nd application? Is that part now black and the rest of your hair reddish? Just curious.
i get my karishma herbal henna from a local indian store as well. it does give my gray and/or lighter brown colored strands a hot fiery redish orange color. i usually do the second step with the indigo and get a really pretty natural looking black but i was lazy this time and did not follow through with the indigo but wanted to get rid of the ugly gray. LOL so i settled for looked a lil weird but hey that's what i get for being lazy, huh? i gray on the edge of my hair so and here are my results.

BTW....henna 30-45 mins indigo 45-60 mins

i used to do henna 1 hour....indigo 2 hours....for me there were no difference.



I moved back to AZ and couldn't find Karishma. I couldn't even find it online-- everyone was out of stock. For months, I was without my lovely Karishma and had to use other brands... bleh! Yesterday I found an international market about 15 minutes away from my home and they had my Karishma, for 99 cents.

99 cents, people!

*doing a praise dance* Now I can have beautiful colored hair again! :reddancer:
I used this henna last month. I guess my hair felt a little stronger...but I wanted the benefit of a little bit of loosened curl. Honestly, I don't mind if my hair's texture loosens a lot. :blush:

What kind of henna can I use with no amla that is pretty easy to apply. Should I just look at the Curlynikki site?

I hope everyone is doing well!

Blessings to us all,
I promise I dont usually bump old threads, but I too have to testify to Karishma. I've been using this henna for a little over 1yr now and I've never used any other henna. I keep mine simple and only add water to it. I also leave it out, covered overnight. I usually sleep in my henna too.

I love the color, lustre and shine it gives me. I think CurlyNikki types about how it gives her babydoll hair. I noticed that when I was doing them at least 2x a month, I was noticing the results as well.

Well, I've just done my 2nd treatment in the course of a month, and I still love it!
And the guide states to wash hair and dry before hand. Didn't realize that either. I'm going to add more powder and start my soak all over again.
I always do my henna on freshly clarified hair. I also apply the mixture to wet/damp hair. Never dry. It helps with smoothing imo. Good luck w/ your next round of henna!
What is the best container to mix and store the karishma overnight? Someone please help, I want to do this tomorrow for the first time.
OK, so I can just use henna and water with conditioner. I am hoping to turn my grays red. I don't want to use indigo. Can this henna do that?
OK, so I can just use henna and water with conditioner. I am hoping to turn my grays red. I don't want to use indigo. Can this henna do that?

Yes you can DDT.

I like this henna a lot. I can't wait to get to it again. I am trying to use up some Mehendi henna I bought from amazon a year ago. They won't expire until 2012 but I don't want to wait that long to use them up and get to my Karishma henna again.
Since I'm so bad with taking photos I'll just add my review for this Karishma henna here. I found the bags of Karishma at a local Indian grocery after work last Friday and I was so souped because of all the great reviews in this thread.

I bought two bags and two bottles of Dabur Amla hair oil. I boiled about 5 bags of tea in water and mixed it into one bag of the powder, along with some Amla, about 4 capfuls and let it sit for a few hours. I coated my hair with Amla oil while I was waiting to use it. Right before I applied the henna I mixed one egg into it. Then applied it in sections to my dry hair. I was supposed to wash it out in 4 hours but I fell asleep so it was on my head for at least 8 hours.

I rinsed with water in the shower then added Infusium moisturologie conditioner (smells great btw) to help work it out the rest of my hair. When it was out I DC'd with NTM Deep Recovery Mask with some amla oil coated over it and DC'd with heat from the sun and left it on for a few hours. Then I rinsed it in the shower and put some more Infusium condish for a few minutes while I showered.

The results: Much stronger feeling hair and a deeper brown/auburn tint. This is my first henna ever so I don't have anything else to compare it to but I will say I'm pleased and looking forward to doing the treatment once a month. I can also already tell that it's thicker. It's a great treatment. I will probably wash and DC my hair again tomorrow or Wednesday but so far so good.
This is my 2nd time henna'ing in the past 2 weeks (and ever). Both times I used this brand. The 1st time I tried on dry hair and tonight freshly clarified conditioned hair. Felt the difference immediately upon washing out... much smoother. Very pleased! :yep: Will be doing it every other week a couple more times before going to once a month. Glad I found this thread!
Just purchased 6 packs of Karishma in Columbia, SC (Indian Grocery Store - 2301 Bush River Rd) but the store owner said that Nupur is better. He encouraged me to use Nupur first and said he would be waiting for me to return the Karishma to his store because the Nupur was so much better. Anyone have experience between these two hennas?

Nupur may be better for condish but Karishma is the best for color
Whipped up a batch last night. Got bored with my usual mix of hot water only, so I added about 3C of hot lavender tea.

I usually apply at night and rinse in the morning. Gonna leave on up to 6hrs
I LOVE HENNA. I can't believe how long it has taken me to truly get on board. this is my 2nd time after a year :spinning:. but I'm so glad I found my iron bowl!!