Another Karishma Herbal Henna User...Best Henna I've Ever Used

Nixing the lemon/lime juice is an EXCELLENT idea, as these are often drying ingredients. I only add honey and hot water.
I apply all my herbal powders on dry, unwashed hair. :look: I've had great results. Many call for a pre-oilling so it doesn't make sense to me to wash the oil out. Indians are BIG on oiling the hair. :yep:
That's what I wondered about, because I do use shikakai, amla, fenugreek, etc. I always oil my hair the night before, then apply the mixture the next day. But the other day, I was in someone's Fotki - she posted pics of washing and conditioning her hair before using henna. I just want to make sure I get the maximum color effect. If the oil is going to block that, then I'll apply to damp, clean hair.
Ima henna again. I just did it Friday but the Yemen henna from Mehandi does NOT get my gray nice and dark auburn like I like.. instead it makes it light orange (NOT good). I already mixed up all the Yemen henna I had left and used half on Friday and put the rest in the freezer. So I'ma use the other half in the next coupla days, prolly Thursday afternoon. The light orange tinge on my new growth gray is UGH. Hopefully this 2nd application will darken it.

I KNOW my next Karishma or Reshma session will yield the color I am after.
I apply all my herbal powders on dry, unwashed hair. :look: I've had great results. Many call for a pre-oilling so it doesn't make sense to me to wash the oil out. Indians are BIG on oiling the hair. :yep:

That's what I have been doing, mostly because it allows me to eliminate a trip to the shower (since I'm in and out of it on henna day).

I just got my Karishma from Ruchita today and I can't wait to use it and compare to Jamila! I may try applying it to damp hair though so I can stretch it out. I want to be able to use one bag for my whole head. I have to use 200g of Jamila when I apply to dry hair so maybe I can get away with 150 g of Karishma on wet hair.
That's what I wondered about, because I do use shikakai, amla, fenugreek, etc. I always oil my hair the night before, then apply the mixture the next day. But the other day, I was in someone's Fotki - she posted pics of washing and conditioning her hair before using henna. I just want to make sure I get the maximum color effect. If the oil is going to block that, then I'll apply to damp, clean hair.

If your oiling with "conditioning" oils like coconut, avocado or olive, I don't think color penetration will be a problem. These oils are renowned for their ability to penetrate the hair shaft. "Sealing" them in with henna can only be a plus!:yep:
That's what I have been doing, mostly because it allows me to eliminate a trip to the shower (since I'm in and out of it on henna day).

I just got my Karishma from Ruchita today and I can't wait to use it and compare to Jamila! I may try applying it to damp hair though so I can stretch it out. I want to be able to use one bag for my whole head. I have to use 200g of Jamila when I apply to dry hair so maybe I can get away with 150 g of Karishma on wet hair.

Perhaps you can stretch your henna by dampening your hair with water in a spray bottle. :look: If you care less about color, you can also opt to mix the henna with plain yogurt for extra conditioning. :yep:
My Karishma henna has a date stamp of Aug 2007...I'm guessing (and hoping) that this is the manufactured date??? I believe henna is good for up to three years.

I would love to order this in bulk direct from the manufacturer but I read in another thread that they don't sell to individual consumers.
This is the only brand i use and it is wonderful! It comes with amla and shikakai already in it. I just mix mine with mostly condish and a little water. I am a fine 4 relaxed and henna definitely makes my hair stronger and thicker. I loooove it!
Ima henna again. I just did it Friday but the Yemen henna from Mehandi does NOT get my gray nice and dark auburn like I like.. instead it makes it light orange (NOT good). I already mixed up all the Yemen henna I had left and used half on Friday and put the rest in the freezer. So I'ma use the other half in the next coupla days, prolly Thursday afternoon. The light orange tinge on my new growth gray is UGH. Hopefully this 2nd application will darken it.

I KNOW my next Karishma or Reshma session will yield the color I am after.

Keep us posted. Your new growth gray is never orange? Mine has always been orange except for the ONE time I tried the two step henna/indigo around my front hairline and ended up with almost black hair! Please tell me your secret for yielding dark auburn instead of orange.
I am so excited, my karishma and reshma henna arrived today but I won't be able to use them until I take down my braids extensions.
I finally used my Karishma Henna this week and I am very happy with it. I added water and a little conditioner. I kept it on for about 3 hours with no heat.

The rinse out was pretty easy, I didn't have to add conditioner to assist with the removal of the henna. My hair did not feel hard at all.

After I rinsed all of the henna out, I added conditioner for a co-wash.
I then applied my indigo.
Keep us posted. Your new growth gray is never orange? Mine has always been orange except for the ONE time I tried the two step henna/indigo around my front hairline and ended up with almost black hair! Please tell me your secret for yielding dark auburn instead of orange.

HEY! Using Karishma or Reshma brand make the new growth gray not that nasty orange but a darker auburn. I always mix it with green tea (and add NO honey or oils) and let it sit for 8 hours before applying, then after I apply let it sit on my hair for 4 hours or so (no heat) under plastic cap and towel.

I used indigo a few times but that was over a year ago when I kept a 1/2 inch TWA. I really like the dark auburn color and prefer to not make it brown or black with the indigo.
The henna is on! Mixed it last night around 1:30am with green tea. I let it sit until I started applying a little before 11:00am. When I took the saran wrap off I could see the change in color from how the mixture looked last night.

I clarified with Aveda Detoxifier...I did not do a conditioner rinse, but I think next time I will. I plan to leave this on until at least 3:30, possibly 4:00. It wasn't as messy as I thought it would be, and not as stinky. I mean it's not sweetness and roses, but it's not chit'lins either. LOL!

Can't wait to see how my hair turns out!
No it's not chitlins. LMAO! DEF not roses though! hah. You may notice it starting to leak down your neck as time goes by. I keep a towel around my neck in addition to the one on my head.. normally the towel around my neck has a good bit of henna on it when it's over.
No it's not chitlins. LMAO! DEF not roses though! hah. You may notice it starting to leak down your neck as time goes by. I keep a towel around my neck in addition to the one on my head.. normally the towel around my neck has a good bit of henna on it when it's over.
My mixture was kind of thick...I probably could have added some more green tea to it, as it's not really dripping. I globbed it on. I don't have a ton of hair, so one package worked for me, and I had a little bit left over (but not enough to freeze). But I have a towel over here just in case it decides to drip. I have to plastic caps on, and I think I may hit it with the heat cap for a little bit.
Well I used the Karishma henna last night. It is definitely better than hair quality Jamila but I feel like the BAQ Jamila left my hair a little softer than Karishma. I don't know if it was because I used a moisturizing shampoo AFTER rinsing the Jamila henna out or what. I shampooed BEFORE using Karishma. Don't get me wrong it's still plenty soft with Karishma just even softer with BAQ Jamila.

Karishma has GREAT dye content, it's pretty strong! And it releases pretty quickly. It's very smooth and easy to get on, no twigs or grit. I felt that Karishma left my hair much stronger than Jamila did though. I don't know why but it just didn't feel fragile at all! Maybe the shakakai in it? Since the only reason that I henna is for the strength I would have to say Karishma wins hands down.

I'll just try to tweek some things to see if I can get it as soft as the Jamila. I think shampooing it out helps get the henna out for sure but I was told that the shampoo also washes away the positive effects of henna when used to get it out. The price is right and my hair is strong so I'm sticking with Karishma!
An Indian beautician at a market in Memphis said atleast 4 hours. :look: She was awesome, she started telling me about all sorts of things. She was like don't shampoo after it; just put on coconut oil. Then she said grind up fenugreek seeds and water and put on scalp before shampooing. She answered every question I could think of. :yep:

The minimum I do is 2-2.5 hours and the most is overnight.:look::yep:

Ah, more confirmation not to shampoo afterwards. So she doesn't even use conditioner to get it out? Just rinse and put coconut oil on?
If your oiling with "conditioning" oils like coconut, avocado or olive, I don't think color penetration will be a problem. These oils are renowned for their ability to penetrate the hair shaft. "Sealing" them in with henna can only be a plus!:yep:
I just saw this...yep, I usually oil with vatika oil or vatika frosting, and/or just plain coconut oil.
OK, it's done! I rinsed after 4 hrs, 15 minutes. The grays look a little orange, but it's still wet right now. And if I remember correctly, it takes a few days for the color to oxidize and settle? All and all, my hair feels thicker, if that's possible. And I'm just glad the grays are not gray! :yep:

Henna will now become a staple for me! Off to order more Karishma...:grin:
Ok, I washed my hair last night w/shampoo and WOW!!! My hair is super soft now and silky strong! I think I had not so soft hair initially with Karishma because I did not get all of the henna out with just conditioner. The one time I did use shampoo to get Jamila out my hair was so soft. Now I am an exclusive Karishma user, this stuff is awesome! If you try this henna and your hair isn't soft you probably didn't get all of the henna out.

I was told that using a shampoo after would dry my hair out but I find that it's the complete opposite. Using a bunch of conditioner seems to dry it out more. I use Elasta conditioning creme shampoo, it's sls free and very moisturizing. I rinse the henna out, use a light detangling conditioner to get rid of the initial hay-hair, shampoo once then DC. I like doing it this way because:

1. It ensures that I get it all out
2. I don't have to spend forever rinsing and conditioning (less manipulation)
3. I don't have to go through bottles and bottles of conditioner
4. I get super soft and silky hair!

I am just gonna do what works for me:yep: but Karishma is it and it's so cheap! How often are you ladies using Karishma? I plan on doing it weekly for a month to get a nice buildup and then every two weeks to maintain after that.
Ok, I washed my hair last night w/shampoo and WOW!!! My hair is super soft now and silky strong! I think I had not so soft hair initially with Karishma because I did not get all of the henna out with just conditioner. The one time I did use shampoo to get Jamila out my hair was so soft. Now I am an exclusive Karishma user, this stuff is awesome! If you try this henna and your hair isn't soft you probably didn't get all of the henna out.

I was told that using a shampoo after would dry my hair out but I find that it's the complete opposite. Using a bunch of conditioner seems to dry it out more. I use Elasta conditioning creme shampoo, it's sls free and very moisturizing. I rinse the henna out, use a light detangling conditioner to get rid of the initial hay-hair, shampoo once then DC. I like doing it this way because:

1. It ensures that I get it all out
2. I don't have to spend forever rinsing and conditioning (less manipulation)
3. I don't have to go through bottles and bottles of conditioner
4. I get super soft and silky hair!

I am just gonna do what works for me:yep: but Karishma is it and it's so cheap! How often are you ladies using Karishma? I plan on doing it weekly for a month to get a nice buildup and then every two weeks to maintain after that.

I don't think its that shampooing after henna actually dries the hair out, but rather, like commercial color, tends to somewhat strip the color before it is "set" in the hair. Waiting to shampoo for 24-48 hrs lets the color "set" and oxidize, so that there is no initial fading. :look:
I don't think its that shampooing after henna actually dries the hair out, but rather, like commercial color, tends to somewhat strip the color before it is "set" in the hair. Waiting to shampoo for 24-48 hrs lets the color "set" and oxidize, so that there is no initial fading. :look:

I see. That makes sense. It's probably a good idea to shampoo after the color oxidizes. Then again I really don't care about the color but am only after the conditioning effects so as long as I don't wash the strength and softness away I'm not worried. If I notice that my hair isn't as strong after shapooing during my next treatment then I'll know for sure.