Anonymous Poll-Does your mate get on you about changing/fixing something about yrslf?

Does your mate get on you about changing/fixing something about yourself?

  • Yes - he comments on my weight

    Votes: 4 9.3%
  • Yes - he wishes I cooked more/cooked better

    Votes: 3 7.0%
  • Yes - he wishes I were a better housekeeper

    Votes: 5 11.6%
  • Yes - as it relates to the bedroom (keep it clean!)

    Votes: 4 9.3%
  • Yes - he doesn't like when I cuss/fight/get mad

    Votes: 8 18.6%
  • Yes - he think I work too much

    Votes: 3 7.0%
  • Yes - he wishes I earned more/less money

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • Yes - something not listed (please explain)

    Votes: 3 7.0%
  • No - he accepts me as I am

    Votes: 19 44.2%
  • Actually I'm the one who comments on his [fill-in-the-blank]

    Votes: 13 30.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Re: Anonymous Poll-Does your mate get on you about changing/fixing something about yr

You can't make a broad sweeping generalization that African men are more critical so I'll say it this way, Yes! If you're not guilty for one thing, you're guilty for another. But this is usually with somebody who is controlling and on his way out...sorry I am saying that...might not be true in anyone else's case. But it's kinda typical culturally (as broad, diversified racially, culturally, religiously and ethnically as Africa is).

But one gripe I heard...."do not get too excited." I was supposed to lay there and watch paint dry. :rolleyes: Freedom is so lovely...even though I haven't done the deed for a loooong time now. Maybe it's the Madonna complex? I dunno.
Re: Anonymous Poll-Does your mate get on you about changing/fixing something about yr

I didn't vote because I'm single but I did have a guy I dated who said that my hair needed to be about a foot longer ( it was chin length in a bob). Anyway he said alot of things that I'm ashamed to type even though this is anonymous. By the way he couldn't place the same standards on himself. And I was stupid for hanging around and to this day don't know what type of drugs I was hooked on to be as crazy about him as I was.
Re: Anonymous Poll-Does your mate get on you about changing/fixing something about yr

The main thing is him getting on me about getting back in shape. I am nowhere near overweight, but I have a bit of a belly. I was in a bad car accident last December and lost my ability to walk for a few months. After rehab, I had this desire to get in shape to lose (or at least tone up) some of the weight I gained when I was trying to "beef back up". I went from 130 to 115 after the accident and felt VERY thin, so I ate and ate to try to gain weight. It worked, but of course it went straight to my midsection. However, that desire to get in shape never really translated into me getting out there and doing something. When we met, I had already recovered, but I was still having issues with my appearance and general anxiety related to the accident. He has always been very active and wants me to be able to go on long walks with him, play soccer with him, and things like that. I want to be able to run again, and he wants to be my personal's just that when I'm faced with actually doing the things I say I need to, I can't get up. Today we went for a 2-3 mile walk and it was great, but I can't say I'll do it again tomorrow if he asks. LOL

Other than that, not a lot. When I wear my hair straight, he tells me that he prefers it curly. I kinda like that. :) He is more sexual/intimate than I am, and he tells me that he wishes things were easier for me sometimes, but he is patient and understands that hormonal BC is a b----. He tells me that I need to learn how to communicate when I am frustrated, because a lot of times what will happen is I will have a look on my face or just get really quiet when something he does/says gets on my nerves, but when he asks what is wrong I ignore him and stay quiet. I am now realizing that a lot of it is me not wanting to start anything or say something offensive, but something ends up getting started anyway when I repeatedly say nothing is wrong. This is NOT the first time I have heard that, so I know I need to fix it. I'm a work in progress.

I just let him know that he is very absent minded (I hear "baby, have you seen _______" about 10 times a day) and he needs to stop trying to prove how smart he is to me. I am more book smart while he is very creative and good at thinking outside the box, and he is always trying to prove he is right about something. I mean, when every debate ends with him googling something or going out of his way to see who is right....
Re: Anonymous Poll-Does your mate get on you about changing/fixing something about yr

Ummm ex-guy I used to date, said I needed to gain weight and grow longer hair. Mind my hair is in it's most shrunken state all the time since I've been wearing it this way all summer. Mind, I love to exercise and eat somewhat healthy while he pigs out every chance and abhors exercise. :ohwell: He was supposed to be my first boyfriend. He always complained about me being too boney this too skinny that. Not having any a** not have t*** So glad I didn't sleep with his fat a**. I don't count him as a first boyfriend. I still feel as if I've never had a real boyfriend. Because I pictured my first real boyfriend to acutally like me for me skinny body, shrunken fro and all. :nono:
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Re: Anonymous Poll-Does your mate get on you about changing/fixing something about yr

guy i am dating, complains when i where my hair in a wash-n-go, twist-out, or any other style besides pressed straight ( i am natural). his mom even said i look "homely wit dat afro", he didnt defend me.. just laughed... he complains that i dont dress up.. he even offered to take me shopping "because he likes nice things"... needless to say he is on his way out.

man.. i am fool for even contemplating keeping him around.