

Well-Known Member
This mostly a vent and let me preface this by saying a have some really good girlfriends and I love them like they’re my sisters, we’re in our mid 30’s to early 40’s, educated, successful and looking for the one. And some of them still put up with men who are unfaithful and below is just the latest scenario. Am I the only one who’s willing to walk away from a relationship if it’s built on lies?

I have a friend who said her boyfriend of 3.5 years received a couple of text from other women that said something like “I miss you; I woke up with you on my mind etc.” Also one of the text was from a man as well and she asked me if I think he's on the DL. Although, he keeps his cell out in the open it’s locked but you can read some of the text messages as it comes in. She’s asked him to change his number and he said “no”. She also found some cards. He always says that the other ladies are just friends.

My problem is that I’m just so annoyed; we make list, we talk about what we want, what things are deal breakers and basically when to move on. But then compromise your desires when you find out he isn't honest because you love him. Why do we ask our girlfriends, questions we already know the answer too?

This man is attractive, he’s over 6 ft tall, he’s educated, he an executive, he makes over $150,000 a year, he has his own house which is very nice and a couple of luxury cars. My point is on paper he’s a dream but let’s face reality he’s not marriage material.

But she continues to stay and I decided a long time ago I’m not going to tell someone what to do with their relationship but it’s quite obvious to me he’s a liar and a cheater. I feel hurt for her because she doesn’t have the strength to find the relationship she wants. Why can’t she just accept it and stop making a big deal about his indiscretions since she’s staying?

All of this non sense reminds me of college and my early 20’s when I wanted the relationship so bad I’d believe the lies even though I knew better. At this stage of my life, a liar and cheater won’t occupy the same space with me regardless of how much I Love him. I’m so over being addicted to love, just to have someone in my life.

What am I to do?
Everyone has a journey and must sail their own boat to get there.

Do NOT take on your friends issues to where they become your own. It's ok to be concerned, offer some advice, and to be a listening ear, but anything beyond that (unless it's a life threatening situation) is getting to emotionally invested in the problems of others.

As you mentioned in your post, you might have put up with lackluster men while you were college age, but now that you are grown and in your mid-30's, these types of men will no longer occupy your space and time.

As women approach their late 30s and early 40s, they either have high standards (like you) or they lower their standards in hopes to finally settle down in a committed relationship...or trying to make people "the one" who really shouldn't be.

Unfortunately, if a man is a dream on paper (like you say), many women are okay with dealing with the cheating and lying because they think it comes along with the territory.

Don't ruin your friendship trying to show your friend the light. She will find it when she's ready. If she's ready.
Don't bother offering your opinion. And as rude as it sounds, I wouldn't even listen to her griping about him. I say that because it's only going to frustrate you more. And there's no point in you letting her waste your time complaining when she likely knows what she needs to do.