An Asian Guy wants to date me HELP!!!!!!


New Member
This Asian guy I know from around the way asked on a date. He is 5'10" , handsome, muscular build, funny, and he is almost as dark as me. The only reason I haven't agreed to go out with him yet is that I have never dated anyone other than black. Oh ladies what to do????
This Asian guy I know from around the way asked on a date. He is 5'10" , handsome, muscular build, funny, and he is almost as dark as me. The only reason I haven't agreed to go out with him yet is that I have never dated anyone other than black. Oh ladies what to do????

Accept his offer. Go somewhere nice for your first date. Get to know him. If he is a winner, continue dating. If not, tell him to kick rocks. :grin:
This Asian guy I know from around the way asked on a date. He is 5'10" , handsome, muscular build, funny, and he is almost as dark as me. The only reason I haven't agreed to go out with him yet is that I have never dated anyone other than black. Oh ladies what to do????

What do do???? Chile puleez. Getcha hair straight, get the gear ready, get the perfume out....and it's on. Oh, and don't forget your feet..... that's whatchu do.....I don't understand :grin:

Hey, it's not like you guys are getting's a DATE. Go out, be yourself and have some is too short. And when it's all said and done, don't even mind the fact that he's Asian....because at the end of the day..guess what....he's still a MAN! And remember this, it's all about you. Do YOU and have fun!

Chile....the last time a man asked me was for some spare change at the subway!! :wallbash:
Chile....the last time a man asked me was for some spare change at the subway!! :wallbash:[/quote]

You are hella funny you got me rolling. Your right it isn't like we are walking down the aisle. I guess it wouldn't hurt to go hang out a bit.
Go on the date and have a good time. If something should develop from it then so be it. I'm pretty sure that other than cultural differences he is pretty much like other men so he's being Asian doesn't mean that he will be any more or less of anything.

Have Fun!
Chile....the last time a man asked me was for some spare change at the subway!! :wallbash:

You are hella funny you got me rolling. Your right it isn't like we are walking down the aisle. I guess it wouldn't hurt to go hang out a bit.[/quote]
Go out with him if you're interested. A man, is a man, is a man. :) If he's an American born, there's even lower chance that there would be things lost in translation due to cultural differences.
If you go, have fun!! :D
He sounds like a nice person. :yep: One date can't hurt, right? Besides,
men are not complicated. Really they all seem the same to me. If you look good to them, have good conversation, a decent attitude and shared morals, thats all they want. Correct me if I'm wrong:lachen::lachen::lachen:
If the only thing you have in the minus column is he's Asian I say go for it. You might have fun, it might turn into something, it might not. Don't put too much on it right now just go see what's up. :grin:
This Asian guy I know from around the way asked on a date. He is 5'10" , handsome, muscular build, funny, and he is almost as dark as me. The only reason I haven't agreed to go out with him yet is that I have never dated anyone other than black. Oh ladies what to do????
I've dated Asian guys with success. I don't see any difference with dating them or any guy except cultural differences when they are from other countries, not Asian-American. I love being treated with respect and the ones I've dated were very classy, tall and handsome. Have fun! :)
HAVE FUN! It's summer time!! I live in the DC area, and these broke down a$$ bamas aint got nuffin to offer. Shooot..let a Asian ask me out...i wouldn't give a dayum if he was short, worked at the carry out, smelled like fried rice n chicken would be on n poppin....:yep:

Oh, and let us know how it went with an "Asian update"
This Asian guy I know from around the way asked on a date. He is 5'10" , handsome, muscular build, funny, and he is almost as dark as me. The only reason I haven't agreed to go out with him yet is that I have never dated anyone other than black. Oh ladies what to do????

:lol: Girl, you better get on that! And sure he's Asian, but men are men. REMEMBER THAT and don't be surprised by anything. Have fun and come back w/ details :wave:
A Black girl wants to date me HELP!!!!!

This black chick I know from around the way asked on a date. she is 5'10" , pretty, nice body, funny, and she is almost as light as me. The only reason I haven't agreed to go out with her yet is that I have never dated anyone other than _________ what to do???

lol doesn't that sound odd? I'll just take it that you are joking or something


Please lol, my Asian man is the only man I've been with that knows the deal. Out of all the black guys I've ever met, had a conversation with, "dated" :nono:.....cannot compare. It's all about who he is as a person. Infact, I have his fevered, clingy, fat little half asian baby on my lap right now
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HAVE FUN! It's summer time!! I live in the DC area, and these broke down a$$ bamas aint got nuffin to offer. Shooot..let a Asian ask me out...i wouldn't give a dayum if he was short, worked at the carry out, smelled like fried rice n chicken would be on n poppin....:yep:

Oh, and let us know how it went with an "Asian update"
i know that's right!
What do do???? Chile puleez. Getcha hair straight, get the gear ready, get the perfume out....and it's on. Oh, and don't forget your feet..... that's whatchu do.....I don't understand :grin:

Hey, it's not like you guys are getting's a DATE. Go out, be yourself and have some is too short. And when it's all said and done, don't even mind the fact that he's Asian....because at the end of the day..guess what....he's still a MAN! And remember this, it's all about you. Do YOU and have fun!

Chile....the last time a man asked me was for some spare change at the subway!! :wallbash:

What she said
He sounds like a nice person. :yep: One date can't hurt, right? Besides,
men are not complicated. Really they all seem the same to me. If you look good to them, have good conversation, a decent attitude and shared morals, thats all they want. Correct me if I'm wrong:lachen::lachen::lachen:

I certainly hope you are right.
I've dated Asian guys with success. I don't see any difference with dating them or any guy except cultural differences when they are from other countries, not Asian-American. I love being treated with respect and the ones I've dated were very classy, tall and handsome. Have fun! :)

Ok Isis I am going out with tonight and maybe we can compare notes:lachen:
HAVE FUN! It's summer time!! I live in the DC area, and these broke down a$$ bamas aint got nuffin to offer. Shooot..let a Asian ask me out...i wouldn't give a dayum if he was short, worked at the carry out, smelled like fried rice n chicken would be on n poppin....:yep:

Oh, and let us know how it went with an "Asian update"

You got me over here crackin up!!! I will do just that. We going out tonight to an upscale Asian restaurant where I live so I will start a new thread called "Asian Update" LOL
A man is a man I don't care what he is. Come over to the dark side :grin: My bf is Asian and it's all good girl. Go for it.