Advice: Potential romance with an older guy


Well-Known Member
I really need some advice on a matter that has been bothering me for a while.

For a year or 2 I've had my eye on a guy who goes to my church. He's beautiful, I'm working on a drawing of him. :blush:.:lick:

*ahem* I've never never said more than a few words to him like "good morning" in the early morning services, "good night" at prayer meetings and "thank you" when he opens a door for me.

I KNOW he's attracted to me because we sort of have a little game where we look at each other and look away repeatedly, smiling and laughing and what not.

I would love to say more to him, but there are 2 things in my way: my pride, the church and my mother:wallbash:

This guy is maybe 21 23 max (sorry about the gap, don't even know the guys name!) and I'm 17 going on 18 in less than 2 months. This guy has his own car, a job, a sense of self (he's really involved in the church), and friends...I have none of that. I really believe that when two people come together, they have to be at the same level or point in their life for it to work. My own pride and beliefs are keeping me from talking to him.

Then there's my mother...she's so harsh! She literally gives no hockey pucks! I'm afraid of her being all in my business asking me all these questions, being the C in the AB relationship.

Our church is very small. I'm afraid that if he and I even begin to talk I'm going to have all kinds of people who weren't talking to me before ALSO all in my business and then I'm going to be pressured to actually participate in church functions, fundraisers, etc.

Do I sound paranoid or are my reasons valid. Thanks
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U do sound a lil paranoid but u know your church folk so...
And 18 means nothg! I know its a milestone but in all honesty u r not any more prepared for life bcuz r 18. Listen to your mom. That doesnt mean do as she says. Just hear her out.
I think its ok for u to hav a conversation w this guy. Start w that. As attracted as u r, he may not b the one for u so keep your eyes/ears open and your legs closed :) and have fun
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:lol: This is so cute. I remember the days of teenage crushes: they are so wonderful and horrible at the same time. If this were any other circumstance, I'd say move on, he's not interested. But y'all are so young and innocent that he's probably scared. Break the ice and just say something. :yep:
OP Why don't you start by making goals to talk to him more. Just plan on something to ask him about and start from there. If you waste time dude will get snapped up right in front of your eyes. The number of young, nice, successful, men of the faith is so small.

He may not even have the faintest idea you are interested in him. Women love to focus on hints and nuances and most men don't get anything unless you break it down Barney style. You may be going home thinking googly moogly how he looked at me! And he doesn't even remember seeing you that

Plus about your mom, do you live at home? Are you in high school? If so, respect your parents' wishes. If you are in college it is time to spread those wings a bit, and if you still live at home though you still need to respect they who pay the bills! Learning how to deal with parents especially with dating is a huge part of growing up.
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Given his age, wait until you're 18. He'll approach you if he wants to/ready. Also, pay no mind what the rest of the congregation has to say about your relationship.

All the best :)

Also one of my best relationships... probably my best relationship, was with a man when I was 18 he was 23.
if hes 23 making eyes at a 17 year old hes a creeper. when i was 23 i was in grad school, i wish i would with a high schooler.
^^ idt he is a creeper just because he's 5 years older. Its different if the woman is older imo. Of course you have to evaluate him like everyone else
i dont expect everyone to agree with that perspective, just throwing it out there. either way hes not likely getting any play with women his own age if hes looking for a teenager. i know a job and a car and all that seems mature when youre 17, but overall the end product is probably going to be disappointing.
A grown 23 year old shouldnt be looking at a 17 year old. Nor a 22 year old with a 16 year old, ect. Something is not right with that OP. I remember when I was your age...::sigh::. Now I am currently dating a man 5 years older than me, but we are both over 25. I dont think the # of years is a problem...its the life stages. I honestly dont even approve of a highschool senior and a college sophomore together. Listen to someone older than you who has wisdom on this one OP. Is there someone else you know that you can trust besides mom?
Also I just wanted to say OP...he's not better than you. You are still the prize. If he likes you, when you turn 18, he will find a way to talk to you. He just has things you dont because he's older (you mentioned friends, sense of self, ect). And I actually wish I would have listened to my parents a lil teeny bit more when I was 17 going on 18. They knew a lil more than I thought lol.

Eta: Find out how old this man is! maybe he is younger than you think
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Lol, why did I read this as he is 21 years older than you....lawd I need to go back to bed already...
This guy is maybe 21 23 max (sorry about the gap, don't even know the guys name!) and I'm 17 going on 18 in less than 2 months. This guy has his own car, a job, a sense of self (he's really involved in the church), and friends...I have none of that. I really believe that when two people come together, they have to be at the same level or point in their life for it to work. My own pride and beliefs are keeping me from talking to him.

I'm interested in what led you to conclude this at the tender age of 17 lol.

My SO is 10 years older. House, career, car etc.. I was a mature student. It's never come up as an issue in our relationship ever.
He doesn't sound creepy to me. Until we know his age we just don't know. He might only be 20. She don't even know his name :lol:. I would not approach him though. Just be sweet and smile like you've been doing. I would pray for discernment on this. You also need to find out more info about him. Idk how you do this. Shoo he might be 25 for all you know. Good luck OP. If he's interested though I do believe he will approach you. And if he doesn't and someone snatches him up, so be it, he wasn't meant for you. Like someone else mentioned, you are the prize, remember that.
:lol: This is so cute. I remember the days of teenage crushes: they are so wonderful and horrible at the same time. If this were any other circumstance, I'd say move on, he's not interested. But y'all are so young and innocent that he's probably scared. Break the ice and just say something. :yep:

I have no idea what to say. I'm such a good writer but but i just flop when it comes to face to face contact.
If he's interested though I do believe he will approach you. And if he doesn't and someone snatches him up, so be it, he wasn't meant for you. Like someone else mentioned, you are the prize, remember that.

I feel like has tried, but typically i leave right behind my family after church, so that may be intimidating
I'm interested in what led you to conclude this at the tender age of 17 lol.

My SO is 10 years older. House, career, car etc.. I was a mature student. It's never come up as an issue in our relationship ever.

Like a college student? I'm a highschool senior who is still pretty dependent on my psrents. I guess i came to that conclusion bc I've never seen a relationship where a girl is 18 and the guy is 28 work out. That doesn't mean impossible i suppose
It isn't a potential romance yet. Neither of you has made any first step. Surely another church member would know some details about him and his family.

The next time he opens the door for you...just say "thank you...what's your name?" He might say "bob". Then you say, "thank you bob" smile and keep walking.

That would be his chance to strike up a convo.

I don't think 3-5 yrs is a big deal when you're 18+.
Awe! This is so cute.
I can only these things:

Wait till you're 18.

Don't be afraid to approach him, could be waiting till forever and a damn day for him to make a move. Lol You never know until you try.

Don't waste your life, worrying about what other people will think. People are going to think many things, especially those that having nothing of interest happening in their lives.

Be safe, use good judgment, and just have fun.
Focus on who you want to be with the relationship that you want. Then when you are "complete" you'll be ready for whomever is intended for you.

He may look and you and play eye games but if he wanted to talk to you he would. Maybe he knows your age and is waiting but if your church is that small I wouldn't even play in those waters. The odds of it working out right now are slim but once you go there you'll forever be tied to him through the church gossip grapevine.

Right now you are 17 - finish HS, go to college and or start living your life so you can BE the equal match you are envisioning in a future mate. Don't think of it as your pride saying you're not good enough but reality that he's in a different space in life right now.

You are a minor and your mom has every right to ask questions. Heck even when you're not a minor mom's tend to ask questions that rosy eyed girls like to overlook when they are smitten. Don't dismiss her concern for you out of need to prove your independence. You'll learn in time but if a potential beau can't handle questions from her that you haven't asked then he's not that much of a loss. (But I lurve him is not an answer to erase obvious flaws).

Things may be very different 2-3 years from now. There's a BIG difference between a 17 year old dating a 23 year old and a 20 year old dating a 26 year old. Good luck sweetie!
Focus on who you want to be with the relationship that you want. Then when you are "complete" you'll be ready for whomever is intended for you.

He may look and you and play eye games but if he wanted to talk to you he would. Maybe he knows your age and is waiting but if your church is that small I wouldn't even play in those waters. The odds of it working out right now are slim but once you go there you'll forever be tied to him through the church gossip grapevine.

Right now you are 17 - finish HS, go to college and or start living your life so you can BE the equal match you are envisioning in a future mate. Don't think of it as your pride saying you're not good enough but reality that he's in a different space in life right now.

You are a minor and your mom has every right to ask questions. Heck even when you're not a minor mom's tend to ask questions that rosy eyed girls like to overlook when they are smitten. Don't dismiss her concern for you out of need to prove your independence. You'll learn in time but if a potential beau can't handle questions from her that you haven't asked then he's not that much of a loss. (But I lurve him is not an answer to erase obvious flaws).

Things may be very different 2-3 years from now. There's a BIG difference between a 17 year old dating a 23 year old and a 20 year old dating a 26 year old. Good luck sweetie!

So you're saying i shouldn't talk to him, and just focus on me? Thank you!
Like a college student? I'm a highschool senior who is still pretty dependent on my psrents. I guess i came to that conclusion bc I've never seen a relationship where a girl is 18 and the guy is 28 work out. That doesn't mean impossible i suppose

You are still in H.S.? Then that explains a lot. He is prudent to stay away from you and I advise you to keep off and enjoy your life. At least wait till you are in college. The time for the men will come soon.
Like a college student? I'm a highschool senior who is still pretty dependent on my psrents. I guess i came to that conclusion bc I've never seen a relationship where a girl is 18 and the guy is 28 work out. That doesn't mean impossible i suppose

Not when one is in high school. It can work but it rarely does. Shoot, even with one in college and the other one out it gets complicated. At 18 though I would not be interested in a person who is are in such incompatible stages of life.
You are about to go to college and you're almost 18 don't worry too much about a relationship now! Your life is just starting!
You are about to go to college and you're almost 18 don't worry too much about a relationship now! Your life is just starting!

Well I'm not really worried about relationships but I don't know what to say bc i feel like i should say something! Because there's this other situation that kinda overlaps and having it happen 2x may paint me in a unflattering color...
So you're saying i shouldn't talk to him, and just focus on me? Thank you!

I'm saying stepping to him may not end the way you want. Right now you're idolizing him for all the things he has that you don't. That self confidence etc will come when you have your own list of things behind you.

You have an ideal of what you want in a man but you need to develop the traits you need to be equally yoked. Don't depend on someone else to validate you before doing so.

Once you've become the woman you want to be then he or others will fall over themselves trying to get into your orbit. Remember you are the prize.
So Update :)

He talked to me!! *she said while smiling ear to ear* all day I was having premonitions that something big would happen and I could tell there was a devious plot afoot. He seemed a little TOO happy today. He basically cornered me as I was leaving.
He asked me to stay after church for the youth group meeting. I stayed for prayer but not for the fun BC I was not dressed for it (they're big soccer people, I was wearing church clothes) but the invite is extended BC they have a meeting every Sunday. He now knows that I am shy person and need time to come around. I was so on edge I stayed on my phone with my bff to calm me down. Though I was thoroughly uncomfortable due to my anxiety I'm happy he cornered me because I think that opened a door for future conversations. I may update more if you ladies care to know about the metamorphic process I feel I will be experiencing soon.
Thank you for your words of wisdom and guidance. As a newer member, I'm still learning sooooooo much and sometimes i feel awkward but this thread made me feel so welcome and like family :) until the next update'
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