Advice for a friend


Well-Known Member
She has the angel (me) on one shoulder telling her to leave and the devil (him) on the other shoulder telling her to stay.

She and her boyfriend broke up for 1 month and during that time, he slept with several other women while she remained celibate not yet ready to move on. One of these women is his current roommate. :rolleyes: The roommate moved in when they were broken up.

A month after they get back together, he tells her that one of the women he was with was the roommate. They live a few hours apart so she tells me having to stay with him and have her next door makes her uncomfortable. Apparently, she likes loud music, she's a screamer, and she leaves her doors open when she's naked.

His side: He didn't cheat. He doesn't want the roommate. Its not his fault what she does.
My opinion (I dont have a side): Too much drama. :nono:


The roommate would have to go if I were to stay with him. And no, I don't really consider it cheating, but I'm trying to figure out how he had a chance to sleep with several women in a month of a breakup? Were they monogamous before that or seriously dating but, like an "until we're engaged we're single" kinda thing? Or was he cheating the whole time, even before they broke up? I guess what I'm getting at is....did he cause the "break up" on purpose so he could sew some oats and then "make up" with the gf so he could have his cake and eat it too? And how is this other girl all of a sudden a roommate? All this has gone down in a month?

IDK. I just don't like it.

eta: really, he knows the roommate has to go. So if that's an issue at all then she gotta break up with him. He knows that's sketchy: we broke up for a month and now you live with a whole 'nother woman "roommate" and you think yall can just keep living together? No. He doesn't think that unless he's trying to punk your friend. He knows that's not right, so the next question is: is he just going to turn out to be a d-bag?
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The big question is did he use protection while he was engaging in his extracurricular activity??? That should be first and foremost on her mind. And yeah, that roommate's got to go. If you think he's not going to be hitting it knowing he can hit even when he's in a relationship...heheheeeeee....well...I got some swamp land right here I'm-a sell ya for free! All you got to do is pay the taxes...heehee...
She worried about the wrong thing at this point...

She needs to get herself tested first and foremost, then she needs to evaluate why she loves herself sooooooo little that she is choosing to be with a man that fcuked 50-11 women during their break, one in which he still lives with.

Tell your friend to take care of her business and grow some self-esteem.


The roommate would have to go if I were to stay with him. And no, I don't really consider it cheating, but I'm trying to figure out how he had a chance to sleep with several women in a month of a breakup? Were they monogamous before that or seriously dating but, like an "until we're engaged we're single" kinda thing? Or was he cheating the whole time, even before they broke up? I guess what I'm getting at is....did he cause the "break up" on purpose so he could sew some oats and then "make up" with the gf so he could have his cake and eat it too? And how is this other girl all of a sudden a roommate? All this has gone down in a month?

IDK. I just don't like it.

eta: really, he knows the roommate has to go. So if that's an issue at all then she gotta break up with him. He knows that's sketchy: we broke up for a month and now you live with a whole 'nother woman "roommate" and you think yall can just keep living together? No. He doesn't think that unless he's trying to punk your friend. He knows that's not right, so the next question is: is he just going to turn out to be a d-bag?

They were long term and committed before the break up and discussing marriage and kids. But she was arguing with him a lot...
sounds like a bunch of flkjlfkjdlfkj to me. period. point blank. She needs to move on. run fast away from the potential dangers there. disease, unwanted pregnancy, getting beatdown by one of his side chicks.

She is worth more and she has to know she will NEVER change him and that it is not her responsibility to hang around to find out if he will change himself for her. .. .because he is not.

Why should he. They broke up, he screwed around, he has a woman laying up in his place butt booty naked tearing up head boards and whatnot. . . . .

Tell your friend to leave him alone, change her # and tell him to never contact her again for any reason. Trust me.. . .I learned this lesson my own self.