Would you date a guy who had female roommates?

You are one trustin' woman, lol.

It's not hard to entice men, even if they have an SO :look:...doesn't even really matter if his level of attraction is higher for you (gf/so) than the roommate...

The thing about that next chick is...she is there, day and night, chattin' with your man, laughing together, watching movies, in pajamas...they might want to have a glass of wine in the house, a boob might slip out coming out the shower, etc. I'm getting mad just typing this, lol.

Emotional intimacy can develop very easily in close quarters like that especially if both people are attracted to one another...
<<<And if they weren't, they will be soon more than likely.

I told my friend to get her a hot male roommate, lol.

That's what I'm thinking....human nature, temptation all that jazz.
I will date him but when we begin to get serious or the lease is up (whichever is first) I would expect him to get a new place and will question if he chooses not to.

It is more of a respect vs trust issue for me.
And for the people saying that they would not feel any type of way with someone they were dating or a bf having a female roommate...

What if the female roommate were sexy/pretty/cute/had a body etc.?

Like, one day you go to the dude's house and Kenya Moore is chillin' on the couch in poom poom shorts and a tight t-shirt :lol:.

I mean, you couldn't get mad at her style of lounge wear because, afterall, it is her house.

I still wouldn't care :lol: That would be irrelevant to me. If I don't trust him, I'm not going to date him. If I suspect something is going on between them, I would address it with him.
And for the people saying that they would not feel any type of way with someone they were dating or a bf having a female roommate...

What if the female roommate were sexy/pretty/cute/had a body etc.?

Like, one day you go to the dude's house and Kenya Moore is chillin' on the couch in poom poom shorts and a tight t-shirt :lol:.

I mean, you couldn't get mad at her style of lounge wear because, afterall, it is her house.

I still don't care. It's her house. She's paying rent. She can do whatever she wants. I would look really weird trying to tell her what she can wear in her house.
I still don't care. It's her house. She's paying rent. She can do whatever she wants. I would look really weird trying to tell her what she can wear in her house.

That's the thing, i completely agree with you, you couldn't tell her anything because it's her house!

But meanwhile... a** and t*itties all in your man's face :lol:.
I still wouldn't care :lol: That would be irrelevant to me. If I don't trust him, I'm not going to date him. If I suspect something is going on between them, I would address it with him.

Like gabulldawg said, it is not about trust at that point. Folks put too much faith in man. It's about putting oneself in a sticky situation where human instinct/lust/temptation can easily overpower one's better judgment, if even for a moment, happens all the time.

The flesh is weak...a co-ed roomming situation, especially if folks are attractive to one another is analogous to putting a chocolate-loving woman who is trying to lose weight in the Godiva section at macy's :lol:...or putting an alcoholic in a bar.
^^^I completely understand where you and gabulldawg (and everyone else who opposes it) are coming from :yep: I would still date him though lol I wouldn't automatically rule him out because he had a girl roomie.
Like @gabulldawg said, it is not about trust at that point. Folks put too much faith in man. It's about putting oneself in a sticky situation where human instinct/lust/temptation can easily overpower one's better judgment, if even for a moment, happens all the time.

The flesh is weak...a co-ed roomming situation, especially if folks are attractive to one another is analogous to putting a chocolate-loving woman who is trying to lose weight in the Godiva section at macy's :lol:...or putting an alcoholic in a bar.

LOL this made me hungry and thirsty! :lachen::lachen::lachen:

Ok so I have an example for you , then. Would you date a man in the military? The navy recently allowed women to serve on submarines. Submarines are historically for men only and they are very VERY small about 150 people. Some men even share beds (navy term is called hot-racking). Sub go out to sea for deployments.

Even serving on a ship. I have plenty of stories of men cheating on their women even even when they are not on deployment :lachen::lachen:.

What about a man that works? Would you stop dating a man that work? We're all aware about office romances. He can go on trips abroad with co-workers. Am I not supposed to date a man then, lol.
i have male roommates. i decided to give males a shot since females and i weren't working out. one (the homeowner) has a fiance in DC. the other one is single. they are both nice, but def not my type/no attraction. i really don't see them that often since i'm busy and they are both pretty busy.

i'd be ok with it. if a guy told me he was uncomfortable, i'd be like "soooo, you're going to pay to break my lease...?"

my male cousin had a fit though. but he's pretty racist/classist/homophobic/etc, so idc what his opinion is. my mom was like w/e.
i have male roommates. i decided to give males a shot since females and i weren't working out. one (the homeowner) has a fiance in DC. the other one is single. they are both nice, but def not my type/no attraction. i really don't see them that often since i'm busy and they are both pretty busy.

i'd be ok with it. if a guy told me he was uncomfortable, i'd be like "soooo, you're going to pay to break my lease...?"

my male cousin had a fit though. but he's pretty racist/classist/homophobic/etc, so idc what his opinion is. my mom was like w/e.

The bold is the main reason I, in theory, don't have a problem with it. Because most living arrangements that I have seen are like this (the bold). The people aren't just home all the time on the couch naked smoking weed with each other :lol: They have separate lives and act like it. Again, just my experiences.
Nope, wouldn't do it.
But I fantasize about having 2 male roommates sometimes. It's this darn Bliss episode that put that idea into my head :look:. Two handsome roommates, one blonde, one dark and Middle Eastern looking, both unattached, one petite sort of Native American looking girl. Lots of tension and some jealousy between them...It was so sexy, anyone seen it?
I wish I could find it and post it but it doesn't seem to be online lol.

In a perfect world we could all have two handsome, straight, unattached roommates :look:.
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I wouldn't have an issue with it. *shrug*

One of the guys I was recently dating has 3 roommates. 2 of which are female.

If you can't trust him around roommates then you shouldn't be seeing each other. It would be a different story if he and one of his female roommates had previously dated or something, though. Still, I'm not the jealous type, so if I trusted him I wouldn't let my imagination run away or get vivid or anything, lol.
LOL this made me hungry and thirsty! :lachen::lachen::lachen:

Ok so I have an example for you , then. Would you date a man in the military? The navy recently allowed women to serve on submarines. Submarines are historically for men only and they are very VERY small about 150 people. Some men even share beds (navy term is called hot-racking). Sub go out to sea for deployments.

Even serving on a ship. I have plenty of stories of men cheating on their women even even when they are not on deployment :lachen::lachen:.

What about a man that works? Would you stop dating a man that work? We're all aware about office romances. He can go on trips abroad with co-workers. Am I not supposed to date a man then, lol.

I would never date a man in the military. :nono: The work scenario is different IMO. A person would have to place themselves in a position to cheat. I trust my DH to not place himself in that type of situation. If you are living with someone of the opposite sex you are forced into that position daily. There's nothing you can really do to avoid it.
Not saying anything about the women in this thread, because I dont know what's in your hearts, but I find that SOME women who say they dont care about things like that are simply not that into the dude. But when you are in love, have a serious relationship and serious plans for the future...YOU WILL GAF...you dont want anything jeopardizing your relationship because as was stated earlier, there are enough challenges in general even for the best of relationships...IMO. Just sayin'
It would certainly cause a huge amount of stress for me. I don't think I could handle it unless both girls had SERIOUS bf's who were there often lol.
Not saying anything about the women in this thread, because I dont know what's in your hearts, but I find that SOME women who say they dont care about things like that are simply not that into the dude. But when you are in love, have a serious relationship and serious plans for the future...YOU WILL GAF...you dont want anything jeopardizing your relationship because as was stated earlier, there are enough challenges in general even for the best of relationships...IMO. Just sayin'

Hmmmm... so if you aren't worried about every available woman (and unavailable woman, since obviously some of the time these female roommates will have their own boyfriend) then you don't really love your boyfriend?

Is it ever the case that a woman is secure enough in herself and in her relationship that she isn't worried about every temptation being a potential source of conflict? She doesn't REALLY love her boyfriend if every woman is not viewed as a threat? Loving your boyfriend and being concerned about keeping the relationship going well is one thing. Thinking every woman nearby has the potential to break you guys up is an entirely different thing. That's called jealousy and insecurity, not intense love.

It's not even like we're talking about an extremely serious relationship here because if the relationship was heading for marriage I would think the two people would live together if one of them needed a roommate. So we're really talking about a dating/short term relationship situation.

Yeah, if a relationship can't withstand a roommate of the opposite gender, it's doomed. Maybe feeling concerned about every other woman spells true love to some. But believe it or not there are truly women out there in the world who aren't threatened by other women (yes even beautiful ones). That's what this question all boils down to: are you threatened by other women? My answer is no.
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Hmmmm... so if you aren't worried about every available woman (and unavailable woman, since obviously some of the time these female roommates will have their own boyfriend) then you don't really love your boyfriend?

Is it ever the case that a woman is secure enough in herself and in her relationship that she isn't worried about every temptation being a potential source of conflict? She doesn't REALLY love her boyfriend if every woman is not viewed as a threat to her relationship? Loving your boyfriend and being concerned about keeping the relationship going well is one thing. Thinking every woman nearby has the potential to break you guys up is an entirely different thing. That's called jealousy and insecurity, not intense love.

It's not even like we're talking about an extremely serious relationship here because if the relationship was heading for marriage I would think the two people would live together if one of them needed a roommate. So we're really talking about a dating/short term relationship situation.

Yeah, if a relationship can't withstand a roommate of the opposite gender, it's doomed.

This is why I said "SOME" women...I'm aware that there are some extremely secure women out here and I congradulate them.

If I didnt care if he had a roomate, I'd have to include myself in the bunch that was not really that into him.

And yes, I can be a bit insecure in certain instances, I'm in no way afraid to admit that. In a case like him living with a female roomate--YUP. I dont profess to be perfectly confident in all areas of my relationship because I'm not. I work on those things as I live my life being fully aware of it. :yep:
I mean, nothing's wrong with having insecurities, but don't call an insecurity "REALLY loving your boyfriend." That's the same defense stalkers and date rapists use to excuse their crazy behavior :lol:
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I so agree with ChasingBliss. :yep: When you experience it you will know. If you've never had a serious boyfriend or husband you won't get it. Even the most secure women have crumbled after finding that one perfect man. Everyone and everything is a threat!! :lachen: Eventually you will get it under control, but some things will still bother you and if they don't then you should question whether you really love this person. :yep:
Not saying anything about the women in this thread, because I dont know what's in your hearts, but I find that SOME women who say they dont care about things like that are simply not that into the dude. But when you are in love, have a serious relationship and serious plans for the future...YOU WILL GAF...you dont want anything jeopardizing your relationship because as was stated earlier, there are enough challenges in general even for the best of relationships...IMO. Just sayin'

Maybe some women aren't insecure. :look:
I so agree with @ChasingBliss. :yep: When you experience it you will know. If you've never had a serious boyfriend or husband you won't get it. Even the most secure women have crumbled after finding that one perfect man. Everyone and everything is a threat!! :lachen: Eventually you will get it under control, but some things will still bother you and if they don't then you should question whether you really love this person. :yep:

Maybe for you. I don't know why you would assume that would be a universal experience, but whatever :up:
I so agree with @ChasingBliss. :yep: When you experience it you will know. If you've never had a serious boyfriend or husband you won't get it. Even the most secure women have crumbled after finding that one perfect man. Everyone and everything is a threat!! :lachen: Eventually you will get it under control, but some things will still bother you and if they don't then you should question whether you really love this person. :yep:

I was wondering when it was coming! :lol: I'm surprised it took this long! lol

So you're just assuming that everyone who has commented in the affirmative hasn't had a serious relationship? Or, like ChangingBliss said, didn't really care about him? That is a very big assumption.

And what does having a husband have anything to do with roommates at all? If you have a husband, the roommate situation goes off the table completely. How are you going to say "if you had a husband you would understand that him having a female roommate is a big no no" Like duh. He's your husband...he doesn't have any male roommates, let alone female ones :lol:
Lmao. This thread is absolutely hilarous to me. I have 2 male roommates, and and even if I were into dudes, that would still be a hell no. We are roomies who share an aparment. The end. Worry about something that actually matters in your relationship.

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Lmao. This thread is absolutely hilarous to me. I have 2 male roommates, and and even if I were into dudes, that would still be a hell no. We are roomies who share an aparment. The end. Worry about something that actually matters in your relationship.

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Bolded: Why? Simply bc you are roommates?

So roommateness precludes any potential for physical or emotional attraction or interaction?

Your position is skewed anyway if you aren't even into dudes :lol: