Act like a goddess..get treated like one!

Great thread. I agree with the original post and a lot of the other opinions in this thread. We have to start viewing ourselves as Goddesses and Queens and then the rest will follow (meaning everything in our lives will start to fall in place).

I HAVE to subscribe to this one!!!
Love this really hit the nail on the head.
We need to raise our standards on the real..
You were and are so on point on all points, love it!

ITA!!!! I am a queen and married my king, coincidentally enough, he's a Leo and he knows he's the ish!

As for these parts...
On dates, when he should be showering you with attention, you allow him to answer his cell phone and hold ten-minute-long conversations with his “boy” (hmmm).
Uhm, aw, hellz naw! Even when we were just friends, there was a girl flirting with him via text message - he was flirting back. I told him, "I know we're just friends, but I am a lady, and I expect your full attention. Be a playa on your own time." He tried to act like I was jealous until a male friend flirting with me texted my phone. I showed him the text and asked, "how would you feel if I responded to him while we're hanging out?"

He tells his friends to this day, THAT'S how he knew I was the one.

You allow him to continue a friendship with an ex even though you know it gets a little “too friendly” at times.
I didn't give him an ultimatum with this, but I did tell him that I wasn't going to witness him being punk'd by this triflin' excuse for a woman. He made the choice as to how I wasn't going to witness it. He knew that once I was gone, I was gone. I don't play the gone-but-keep-in-touch game.

You allow him to interrogate you every time he hears that you were out with a male friend.
I don't go out with male friends unless he's with me. I don't and won't disrespect my husband like that. All it takes is one inappropriate-looking snapshot from a cameraphone from someone and all kinds of chaos will ensue. Same goes for him.

As for interrogating me after I've been out with my grrlz, he did it once. I was like, "Awwwwww... :rolleyes: you're so adorable, playing the jealous boyfriend," pinched his cheek and walked away. He knows I'll share my adventures with him (the parts I want to, that is, but he don't know that) so he got over that. He didn't want to risk getting his man-feelings hurt if I talked down to him like a 15y/o boy again.

I guess my point is that I FULLY agree with what that man wrote. I demand respect, but I also give it, whether they expect it or not. I stuck it out, and got a wonderful hubby.

I once dated this guy who I could've been Mr. TBeBe. When his phone conversation hit the 3 minute mark with no signs of wrapping it up, I gathered my things and headed for the door. He got off the phone immediately and asked why I was leaving. I told him since he's otherwise occupied I'll find something else to do. He said, "Oh, I'm supposed to disrespect my boy because you're here. You ain't no damn queen." I told him I beg to differ and went on my way. He just wrote me a month ago to find out if I'm still happily married. I showed it to the hubby, and HE wrote him back, "yes she is, thanks for asking... Mr. TBeBe."
Unfortunatley, this is with everyone. A man, another woman, coworker, peers, elders, children, etc.. they will all disrespect you if you allow it. Don't get rid of the disrespectful man, and keep the "girlfriend" that outs your business to everyone or puts you down in public.
Keep my legs closed!
Feel free to say no with a huge smile!
And anything or anyone that takes away from my day, or how I feel emotionally is a liability and will be cut from my life.
So true! :yep: It's so's almost like the less you give men, the more men want to give to you. Strange but true! I'm even applying these principles to a guy friend of mine that I used to be soooo "enthralled" with. Now that I can take him or leave him, but I've still kept my positive upbeat attitude, guess who's singing a different tune? :look: :giggle:

Ha! It's so funny! Now that I don't care so much about whether or not he likes me, and I return text messages IF and when I personally feel like it, the tables have shifted somewhat. :scratchch Not only that, but I don't go to every single thing he invites me to either. If I'm busy....I'm busy! No more cancelling plans to hang out with some guy. :nono: NO way.

I think that the whole moto is: When you care more about YOURSELF and your well-being more than you do about some dude...suddenly the guy sees your self-worth and figures that you must be something/someone to treasure and respect. But if he doesn't even see you respecting and valuing can he possibly value/respect YOU??

I'm doing the samething with a male friend of mine. We talk every week and I was always picking up the phone when he called. One day he called and I knew he called but I didn't return his call until the next day. He was blowing me up on FB, text, etc. I'm going to be doing this again.
Yes, yes and more yes. This goes for more than men, people treat you the way you let them treat you. It makes such a difference when you start living for yourself and putting yourself first.
I didn't realize that I've started to act like a goddess in some ways and I have definitely noticed a difference. My life is more peaceful and people are treating me differently. I'm also learning to let go and NOT look back. And I don't care about feelings either. I mean, I'm not callous, but I won't take mess and just sit there and give you the response you expect. I walk away and just have developed a low tolerance for crap.
I have seen this thread for a minute and I read the 1st half and was like this is bull this only applies to nice cute little skinny chicks...who came from good upbringings..I guess I wasn't ready to take in..this was very useful but more important the comments have been extremely helpful for me who wants to break my 5 yr dateless streak..I know i still have alot to over come ie weight,beauty perception,strong personality but hopefully within the next 5 years I can be ready..
Yes, yes and more yes. This goes for more than men, people treat you the way you let them treat you. It makes such a difference when you start living for yourself and putting yourself first.

THANK YOU! :clap: :clap:

I think the older I get the less and less I have time for crap. :look:

I know I still have some things to work on, but so far I'm improving. :yep: People DO tend to treat you differently too. I just need to work on gaining more confidence in myself around certain people who intimidate me somewhat.
The article is great, it's funny that the author quoted Picasso who happened to be one of the most abusive and sexually deviant men out there. Did I mention he had tons of kids out of wedlock and slept with prostitutes like it was going out of style. They must have all been door mats. I know it's beside the point but I find it humorous that she chose to quote him of all people lol, it's probably one of the reasons. Picasso knew women ;)
This is an amazing thread, I love it.

In light of the original post and the subsequent ones, how do y'all feel about the whole living together before marriage thing. Any stories/experiences? Have you done it? If so, why, if not, why not, etc? If one is in a loving, stable, supprtive, respectful relationship, do you reckon living together before marriage will diminish the respect you get from him, etc?
This is an amazing thread, I love it.

In light of the original post and the subsequent ones, how do y'all feel about the whole living together before marriage thing. Any stories/experiences? Have you done it? If so, why, if not, why not, etc? If one is in a loving, stable, supprtive, respectful relationship, do you reckon living together before marriage will diminish the respect you get from him, etc?
I'm not sure if it will diminish respect, but I know I'm not doing it and my FH is onboard with my decision. We'll live together after we get married next Oct.
My parents have been married 30 years this month (he's my stepdad technically, emotionally, he's my dad), and he's very gentlemanly. My brother's the same way and so is my husband. Doors are opened, packages are carried, he is polite, says "please," "thank you," "excuse me," etc. Even my male friends & hubby's friends treat me as such.

If men & women went back to the OLD ways of honoring one another, much of this drama wouldn't even exist. I've found most people in stable relationships have old-fashioned values.

The way I see couples treating one another helped me see how blessed I am with my family. I've also realized that how a woman allows a man to treat her relates to how her children treat her. The child sees that mommy doesn't allow any foolishness from daddy, so he/she thinks twice about showing their behinds. But, I digress.

I've recently learnt this lesson the hard way. Better at age 20 then never I guess. Your behavior is trully an amazing example!
awesome post. I think this is why all the rlshps I've had since started my search for my husband have only lasted at the most 6weeks, cuz I refuse to put up with crap and once the guys see I won't lower my standards they drop their front and leave me.
wow, I can't believe I actually read through the MAIN post, and EVERYOTHER post, thereafter......this was a reality check for me
thanks for that OP! :yep:
Change is about to take place!
Thanks OP! Ive been doing a WHOLE lotta re-evaluation, especially since I basically just got played in a recent situation. (it went on for 4 years, and we weren't even TECHNICALLY dating!!:perplexed, now hes got a girlfriend and disappeared:look:) Im trying to take the good of what I learned from it and move on. This will be a good place to start because IM positive that the whole mess could have been resolved by me simply not being a "doormat". There where times when I would sit there with Mr. So-n-So, KNOWING he was disrespecting me, and instead of saying anything; Id sit there like a mouse.
uuummmmmmm yea, its time for a change. Not only regarding males, but I see how this can be applied to a couple of my "friends" in my life.
I've been living up to my position as a Goddess lately and I'm feeling better than ever. I realize that it's up to me to take care of myself spiritually, mentally and physically FIRST. :) When I start to think about foolishness, I think of this gif:


IMO, it exemplifies how a Goddess should carry herself. I even toss my hurr back (if I'm alone :lachen: ) and think to myself, "I never did mind about the little things" or "Each day, it matters less and less". :)

Also, Stevie Wonder's "Don't You Worry 'Bout a Thing" is my "Goddess Anthem". :)
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i didnt act like a goddess & i got cheated on & dumped right before valentine's day
that's the last time that happens tho,
cuz i got my goddess suit of armor back on, & i'm not taking anymore ish w/the next one!
I got abused,cheated on, and then the day of our two year anniversary he threatened me with a restraining order while slamming his front door in my face while his mother laughed.

So I just wanna say to all you beautiful ladies don't play the fool like I did, I'm just thankful God brought me through
I got abused,cheated on, and then the day of our two year anniversary he threatened me with a restraining order while slamming his front door in my face while his mother laughed.

So I just wanna say to all you beautiful ladies don't play the fool like I did, I'm just thankful God brought me through

That is awful im sorry that happened to you and shame to the mother who laughed at this behaviour then again im not surprised, if the mother doesn't set good examples then what hope has her son got. :nono:
I got abused,cheated on, and then the day of our two year anniversary he threatened me with a restraining order while slamming his front door in my face while his mother laughed.

So I just wanna say to all you beautiful ladies don't play the fool like I did, I'm just thankful God brought me through

I am so sorry this has happened to you. Always remember what goes around comes around. Pray about it and let it go. No, you are not a fool and I had my ex-fiances family laughed at me last summer. That is cool I just prayed let go and let God.-- God will continue to bring you through.