Act like a goddess..get treated like one!

Thanks for sharing the article. That has always been my philosophy. My dad raised me to believe that I was his little princess ;and to never settle for anything less than my prince charming!:yep:

My dad raised me thinking I wasn't pretty and not valuable if I didnt' get good grades etc...of course all of it was unintentional.

So now I have to work @ getting back that inner confidence I was born with and it's been a struggle.

So I thought I forgave my father inside but the other day, he got mad at me for petty things and is IGNORING me. I can't stand it. :nono:

My self worth shouldn't be based on this and it was when I was young. I mean, I can't STAND It. :swearing: I believe that's why I go for the aloof and non-committal type of guys. I'm still trying to prove myself worthy of being loved. :ohwell:
ITA!!!! I am a queen and married my king, coincidentally enough, he's a Leo and he knows he's the ish!

As for these parts...
On dates, when he should be showering you with attention, you allow him to answer his cell phone and hold ten-minute-long conversations with his “boy” (hmmm).
Uhm, aw, hellz naw! Even when we were just friends, there was a girl flirting with him via text message - he was flirting back. I told him, "I know we're just friends, but I am a lady, and I expect your full attention. Be a playa on your own time." He tried to act like I was jealous until a male friend flirting with me texted my phone. I showed him the text and asked, "how would you feel if I responded to him while we're hanging out?"

He tells his friends to this day, THAT'S how he knew I was the one.

You allow him to continue a friendship with an ex even though you know it gets a little “too friendly” at times.
I didn't give him an ultimatum with this, but I did tell him that I wasn't going to witness him being punk'd by this triflin' excuse for a woman. He made the choice as to how I wasn't going to witness it. He knew that once I was gone, I was gone. I don't play the gone-but-keep-in-touch game.

You allow him to interrogate you every time he hears that you were out with a male friend.
I don't go out with male friends unless he's with me. I don't and won't disrespect my husband like that. All it takes is one inappropriate-looking snapshot from a cameraphone from someone and all kinds of chaos will ensue. Same goes for him.

As for interrogating me after I've been out with my grrlz, he did it once. I was like, "Awwwwww... :rolleyes: you're so adorable, playing the jealous boyfriend," pinched his cheek and walked away. He knows I'll share my adventures with him (the parts I want to, that is, but he don't know that) so he got over that. He didn't want to risk getting his man-feelings hurt if I talked down to him like a 15y/o boy again.

I guess my point is that I FULLY agree with what that man wrote. I demand respect, but I also give it, whether they expect it or not. I stuck it out, and got a wonderful hubby.

I once dated this guy who I could've been Mr. TBeBe. When his phone conversation hit the 3 minute mark with no signs of wrapping it up, I gathered my things and headed for the door. He got off the phone immediately and asked why I was leaving. I told him since he's otherwise occupied I'll find something else to do. He said, "Oh, I'm supposed to disrespect my boy because you're here. You ain't no damn queen." I told him I beg to differ and went on my way. He just wrote me a month ago to find out if I'm still happily married. I showed it to the hubby, and HE wrote him back, "yes she is, thanks for asking... Mr. TBeBe."

but in being "old fashioned" the way I am, I think i've taken it too far- I wont interrupt that guy who is on the phone during a date, so as not to be rude. Or i'll politely hold. I guess i'm a doormat :blush:
When I was dating, I didn't verbally interrupt a guy who's on the phone either - out of politeness of course. :rolleyes: I just left. "Old Fashioned" doesn't mean submissive.

If you're out having dinner and he's on the phone, write him a note and slide it to him... "You have 45 seconds to end your call" and smile like the lady you are. :yep: If he smirks and ends his call, he was testing you to see if you'd say anything - you passed.

My dad said he did this with my mom. I'm pretty sure my hubby did this to test me as well. Most happily married men I know have tested their wives to see if they'd "man up" and tell them to get off the phone.

On the other hand, if he flips out or gets an attitude, leave. If you didn't drive, call a friend, a cab, etc. You flushed out his true nature, better to find out early.

how do you determine what's being a powerful goddess and demanding the respect you deserve, and what's just going to far and being high-maintenance or a bitc*?? (i'm NOT calling anyone here that- just the opposite, i WANT to demand respect the way you all have, it's just that I was kinda raised to concede certain things).
Your intentions show the difference between goddess and b****. You know you're a lady, so does everyone else. There are some guys out there that will say a woman is a b**** because he wants to do what he wants and she said something. Again, flush out his true character. I will admit I have a gift for that. :look:

Remind them of a compliment they gave you. "Didn't you say you liked how ladylike I am? I am a lady through and through. I wouldn't dare do that to you." OR Compliment them... "You're a good-looking guy and I really like watching you, but I don't like watching you talk on the phone." <-- that one works really well, said sweetly with a smile, naturally.

My mom concedes to a few things that I do NOT. Every relationship has different concessions that truly don't bother the other person. Therein lies the key, though. If it bothers you even a little bit, know that someday it will bother you A LOT.

I always make sure a man opens a door for me, or walks on the curb side of the street. I let them pay. I do all those things.
Those are just going through the motions that most men do while dating. Anyone can do those things. A true gentleman will step up to the plate and go further.

But the phone thing is killing me!! and even with just friends- i've hung out with a guy friend who hit on girls in front of e. that' disrespectful? we weren't dating or anything.
It's still disrespectful. Guys operate on some other planet at times. This friend of yours was letting the other women know that he wasn't with you and available. HOWEVER, the other women were seeing, "this guy is with her trying to holler at me. He disrespects his female friends, what would he do to me?" Plus, the women that saw you thinking you were a couple were probably thinking you're getting played.

If that happens again, ask, "when you're out with your guy friends, are you looking for another guy friend?" If the tries to answer, politely interrupt and say it was a rhetorical question. OR, tell him you don't care to witness his mating rituals and leave it at that. If he continues after that, leave. You're not being a b****, you're asking for your friend to be there with you as a friend. You don't like seeing your female friends on the prowl, why do you wanna see your guy friends do it?

And keep in mind that our "guy friends" may not be used to women just being friends with them. They'll revert to showing you what you're missing by flirting with other women out of sheer animal instinct. As far as I know, humans are the only species that have friends of the opposite sex. Regardless, if you want this guy to do right by you as a friend, let him know.

have any of you struggled with this balance?
When I was younger, yes. My mom and my nana straightened me out, though. :grin:
:thankyou: this is the truth. Thank you so much! :grin:

If you're out having dinner and he's on the phone, write him a note and slide it to him... "You have 45 seconds to end your call" and smile like the lady you are. :yep: If he smirks and ends his call, he was testing you to see if you'd say anything - you passed.

that's clever. I dont know why i never thought of this. I'll try it

Your intentions show the difference between goddess and b****. You know you're a lady, so does everyone else. There are some guys out there that will say a woman is a b**** because he wants to do what he wants and she said something. Again, flush out his true character. I will admit I have a gift for that. :look:
you're right! investigatory period. They should be under more scrutiny. Why not? They scrutinize everything about us.

This friend of yours was letting the other women know that he wasn't with you and available. HOWEVER, the other women were seeing, "this guy is with her trying to holler at me. He disrespects his female friends, what would he do to me?" Plus, the women that saw you thinking you were a couple were probably thinking you're getting played.

ooohh I never thought about it like this before. you're right.

Thank you for your time and thoughts I appreciate them!!
I promise ya'll are up in here about to start some

I have been dealing wit a young man for thje last 5 years (almost) and he tends to be disrespectful at times and honestly I know what to expect and what not to deal with but for whatever reason I allow him to "bend the rules" and I hate it I mean it truly drives me nuts but I guess since I am s comfortable i have kind alost my voice so I saw this the other night and I decided to sit down with him and lay out more cells phones (texting or talkin to anyone other than his mama) when we are together, and he says that is fair and he will do it , and I also told him that he is to think twice before speaking and understand that his words are carrying much more weight than before and that I have other gentleman that are willing to treat me right and that I care enough abot him to gove him one last chance to do it right (was that wmrong of me???)
I have decided that I am not willing to axccept nothing less that the best (not materialistically, but in actions and intention)
definitely gonna subscribe to this thread to continue to grow from all u wonderful goddesses
my daddy treated me like a princess and I will always love him for it BUT the ridicule that I was met with at school tarnished my princess vision I was never the child nor am I the woman that poured my heart out to my parents...however I am becomming better at voicing my feelings and things.
I promise ya'll are up in here about to start some

I have been dealing wit a young man for thje last 5 years (almost) and he tends to be disrespectful at times and honestly I know what to expect and what not to deal with but for whatever reason I allow him to "bend the rules" and I hate it I mean it truly drives me nuts but I guess since I am s comfortable i have kind alost my voice so I saw this the other night and I decided to sit down with him and lay out more cells phones (texting or talkin to anyone other than his mama) when we are together, and he says that is fair and he will do it , and I also told him that he is to think twice before speaking and understand that his words are carrying much more weight than before and that I have other gentleman that are willing to treat me right and that I care enough abot him to gove him one last chance to do it right (was that wmrong of me???)
I have decided that I am not willing to axccept nothing less that the best (not materialistically, but in actions and intention)
definitely gonna subscribe to this thread to continue to grow from all u wonderful goddesses
my daddy treated me like a princess and I will always love him for it BUT the ridicule that I was met with at school tarnished my princess vision I was never the child nor am I the woman that poured my heart out to my parents...however I am becomming better at voicing my feelings and things.

Hi Joanna. I probably would have left that part out because in his mind, he's probably doubting whether or not you truly have gentlemen who are willing to treat you right, because if you did, why wouldn't you be with them? And if you do have men who are willing to treat you right, you've basically admitted to him that you are going to settle for him.
does a demand of respect work after the bringing it up a few weeks later? i am so bad about acting in the moment and i want to set things straight...whatdoido?
my dad didnt do a great job then, hes doing ok with me now!

i was pretty spoilt with material things though, which is probabley why i'm accustomed to be spoilt now.

the blog was deep

ps. i was spoilt with affection too, but sometimes he wouldnt show up when he said he would...which is probabley why i've booked into LIERS so much
I will say it over and over. I am a strong believer in treating these men like crap. You will have his up most respect. Keep these negros at a disadvantage at all times and you will be good to go. And I also believe that men listen to your actions not your words. You can scream a curse all day but if you instill in them that you are not the one to be messed with they will respect you simple and plain. Here is a good quote that I think pertains to this thread... "One of the things about equality is not that you be be treated equally to a man, but that you treat yourself equally to the way you treat ta man." - Marlo Thomas
This was written by a man,

I submit that a man’s “true colors” don’t manifest themselves over night. They are there, hiding, all along. However, your power of discernment becomes clouded by a noxious layer of lust/love/infatuation. Admittedly, there are some issues that, even after decades of marriage, Superwoman would not be able to detect, but in most women’s cases there are multiple red flags lining the road to perdition. You didn’t think he’d change, did you? Too many women marry men expecting them to change and they don’t; too many men marry women expecting them not to change and they do. (Take a second to let that digest.) Or maybe you ignored them because you were too enamored with the thought of finally being with someone that you neglected to consider whether you were with the right one.

The reason behind your man’s sudden “change” is relatively simple. Are you ready? Here it is. The number one reason your man has stopped doing the little sweet things he did to get you is the same reason your man is acting “brand new”, and it’s the same reason your man will continue to dog you out for years to come (Drum roll)….. It’s because you allow him to. Period.

On dates, when he should be showering you with attention, you allow him to answer his cell phone and hold ten-minute-long conversations with his “boy” (hmmm). You allow him to continue a friendship with an ex even though you know it gets a little “too friendly” at times. You allow him to interrogate you every time he hears that you were out with a male friend. You allow him to grow more dependent every time you reach into your purse to pay before giving him the chance to offer. You allow him to disrespect you when you let him drive your car without insisting that he fill up the tank and when you allow him to dart through a door ahead of you. And worst of all, you allow him to come crawling back after he has strayed outside of your “committed relationship” (does this relationship label even mean anything in 2007?). The humiliation of being cheated on should only happen once, not “time and time again” as Ater described in her piece.

Regrettably, you allow him to weasel his way out of answering the hard questions (if you even asked them) about painful memories and events from his childhood, his sexual history, his morals and values, and his faith in God. Despite the fact that he gives the shallowest, cliché answers to these inquiries, you still allow him free reign over two of God’s greatest gifts: your heart and your mind. (I won’t mention how you allow him to do whatever he pleases with your vagina. The rate at which women are serving up their bodies to strange men with no promises of fidelity could be the subject of another blog all by itself). I’ll stop here, but you get the point.

After lamenting the plight of black women for the first half of her piece, Ater hit the nail on the head with a much-needed message to black women. To the women who repeatedly find themselves in relationships with duplicitous dogs, she stated that “a person can only do to you what you allow them to.” In my words, YOU TEACH PEOPLE HOW TO TREAT YOU!” That’s worth repeating: YOU TEACH PEOPLE HOW TO TREAT YOU!

At the height of his career, the legendary Spanish painter Pablo Picasso made a famous remark about women that enraged feminists worldwide. Picasso asserted, “There are only two types of women in the world—goddesses and doormats.” Picasso was only partially right because his remark suggests that some women are born into a Doormat caste to dwell there in perpetuity. In my mind, all women (black, white, orange, purple) enter the world as goddesses since they were fearfully and wonderfully made at the wave of God’s infallible hand. However, it’s up to them to maintain their positions as royalty by demanding that the men who claim to love them treat them as such. Isn’t it about time you demanded more respect?

Lastly, understand that it’s not as simple as ordering men to grovel at your feet. You’ve got to be worthy of the type of man you desire. Be completely honest and ask yourself, “Am I the type of person my ideal man would want to be with?” If there’s very little about you that would attract a respectful, classy, thoughtful, grounded, educated brother, then it’s about time you make an about face.

Decide this day—this very second—how you will allow men to treat you. The choice is simple. The choice is yours. What will it be? Goddess or Doormat?
I really needed to hear this....and man up and take control of my life....:ohwell::sad:
I will say it over and over. I am a strong believer in treating these men like crap.

Yeah... I definitely expect respect from a man... that's a non-negotiable, and I think thats the issue that I have. I end up dismissing a lot of guys because of the whole respect thing. I feel like its something that you should already know how to do at this age, and I'm not going to wait for you to learn how.

Dudes my age or soooo immature. Its unbelievable, really. I feel like there a lot of girls who standards are lower than mine and are willing to put out, so guys chose not put all that effort into me... can't say I blame them. If you can get the milk for free...
My good friend just got out of a relationship... i'm sending her this just now! it relates to her situation so much
Thank you OP I really, really, really needed this.
I am sorry, someone else suggested I read Ephesians 5:21-30. Which is great, but he would need to read it too and that ain't gon happen. This is what I needed. :yep:
He showed me how to believe in myself and my abilities. He made me believe that I was special and beautiful inside and out and smart and that I could rely on myself and my family and that no one could devalue me but myself. When I was 5'10" and change at 13 weighing about 90 pounds with no chest, braces, reddish hair and big bug green/blue eyes and bad skin he made me feel beautiful. He called me his princess. In fact, he still calls my sister and I his princesses. When he calls our home, he tells DH that he wants to speak to OUR princess. DH says he will always be on probation with my father. Daddy agrees that he has is "eye on the boy" because I am his "baby girl." He made me see that I did not need to run after boys or try to run with a fast group of girls. My father gave me material things but they were really of no consequence. Self-reliance, self-confidence and self-esteem were his greatest gifts to me as a child. Money has nothing to do with what I am talking about, any father can give his daughter this gift.

Very lucky girl. My father did not treat me this way. He didn't treat me badly either. But I think that if he treated me this way, i'd be a different person today.

People don't understand how important a father like this is in a young girls life. Some come out all right, some don't.

I really needed to hear the OP's Goddess statement. It actually made me cry. Touched a nerve.
I will say it over and over. I am a strong believer in treating these men like crap. You will have his up most respect. Keep these negros at a disadvantage at all times and you will be good to go. And I also believe that men listen to your actions not your words. You can scream a curse all day but if you instill in them that you are not the one to be messed with they will respect you simple and plain. Here is a good quote that I think pertains to this thread... "One of the things about equality is not that you be be treated equally to a man, but that you treat yourself equally to the way you treat ta man." - Marlo Thomas

You are on point with that.

You have to have a lil bit of a **** in you. Most men don't understand 'nice'. They don't kow what to do with nice girls anymore than they say women don't know what to do with nice guys. I know---because I've been the nice one.
....and I've learned that sometimes you have to be a **** because that's the only language half these males understand. You have to learn to be assertive and lay down clear boundaries or you'll get walked over.

Because if I'm lying may God strike me with a bolt of lightening but a man will 'try you'!
A man will 'try you' to see what you will and won't take; gauge your feelings for him.
.....or 'just because'-- he's an a-hole like that.

I thought it was bull. Before I'd think, 'That's just insulting..." But there's truth in it: You do have to 'train' men, in a sense.

And my problem is actually compounded because I don't date men my age (so they usually assume I'm naive). Plus I like big, strong, strong-minded, manly men (goodlooking, charming men are usually very slick and always try to get over).

My recent man tried me until I lit into him ONE good time.
I don't believe in these loud ridiculous marathon arguments.
I will say what I got to say once. Either you get it together or I'm out. Either the problem is fixed or I'm out. Because I'm not going to be dealing with nonsense when I could exert less energy looking for a replacement. Or just be by myself...

I didn't cuss him but I told him about all himself, threatened to walk --and ACTUALLY DID.
A week later he called wanting to make up and from that day forward his whole attitude shifted. Now he's a big old teddy-bear. Our relationship is great.

My goal isn't to rule over him or be the man. I don't want no freaking soft yes-man who does what I tell them. But I won't be treated any kind of way. I just want someone who is considerate of me, respects me and isn't selfish.
I will say it over and over. I am a strong believer in treating these men like crap. You will have his up most respect. Keep these negros at a disadvantage at all times and you will be good to go. And I also believe that men listen to your actions not your words. You can scream a curse all day but if you instill in them that you are not the one to be messed with they will respect you simple and plain. Here is a good quote that I think pertains to this thread... "One of the things about equality is not that you be be treated equally to a man, but that you treat yourself equally to the way you treat ta man." - Marlo Thomas

What you are saying may sound harsh but you have a point girl! I was just saying in my on-line group a few days ago that why is that it seems as if the men I am not interested in so therefore show no interest in are at my beck and call but the ones I love the most I can't see in the day light with a flashlight? So I did a little study of my own. I met this new guy a few weeks ago and I totally act out of my character. Sometimes I call him back, sometimes I don't. I blatently ignore text messages. Tell him I will see him when I get the chance as if I am soooooooooo busy. This man wants to go on trips, asked me will I ever get married (but when I met him he was saying all he wants to do is date, nothing serious), and straight romanced a sista last weekend............You may have a point girl!
What you are saying may sound harsh but you have a point girl! I was just saying in my on-line group a few days ago that why is that it seems as if the men I am not interested in so therefore show no interest in are at my beck and call but the ones I love the most I can't see in the day light with a flashlight? So I did a little study of my own. I met this new guy a few weeks ago and I totally act out of my character. Sometimes I call him back, sometimes I don't. I blatently ignore text messages. Tell him I will see him when I get the chance as if I am soooooooooo busy. This man wants to go on trips, asked me will I ever get married (but when I met him he was saying all he wants to do is date, nothing serious), and straight romanced a sista last weekend............You may have a point girl!

LOL!!!! :lachen:

So true! :yep: It's so's almost like the less you give men, the more men want to give to you. Strange but true! I'm even applying these principles to a guy friend of mine that I used to be soooo "enthralled" with. Now that I can take him or leave him, but I've still kept my positive upbeat attitude, guess who's singing a different tune? :look: :giggle:

Ha! It's so funny! Now that I don't care so much about whether or not he likes me, and I return text messages IF and when I personally feel like it, the tables have shifted somewhat. :scratchch Not only that, but I don't go to every single thing he invites me to either. If I'm busy....I'm busy! No more cancelling plans to hang out with some guy. :nono: NO way.

I think that the whole moto is: When you care more about YOURSELF and your well-being more than you do about some dude...suddenly the guy sees your self-worth and figures that you must be something/someone to treasure and respect. But if he doesn't even see you respecting and valuing can he possibly value/respect YOU??
My parents have been married 30 years this month (he's my stepdad technically, emotionally, he's my dad), and he's very gentlemanly. My brother's the same way and so is my husband. Doors are opened, packages are carried, he is polite, says "please," "thank you," "excuse me," etc. Even my male friends & hubby's friends treat me as such.

If men & women went back to the OLD ways of honoring one another, much of this drama wouldn't even exist. I've found most people in stable relationships have old-fashioned values.

The way I see couples treating one another helped me see how blessed I am with my family. I've also realized that how a woman allows a man to treat her relates to how her children treat her. The child sees that mommy doesn't allow any foolishness from daddy, so he/she thinks twice about showing their behinds. But, I digress.
I ABSOLUTELY love this thread. It is very empowering in many ways. First, kudos to the Moderator, the article was awesome. I enjoyed reading everyone's responses as well. Women should have standards and stick to them. I have always been strong willed, self-reliant, and confident and respectful. However, it feels great when someone(especially someone close) tells you this. My Dad told me just a few days ago, that out of all of his children(he has 8) that I am one of those he will never have to worry about being okay. It is a challenge at times in this day of Sex to remain a person of strong morals and values, but I commend everyone who is able to do it.

I met this guy on July 4, 2008. He is living in Chicago, originally from TN, studying for the MCAT. He was handsome(to say the least), but looks never fool me. I guess I'm cautious to a fault, sometimes. After one week of meeting him, he asked me out on a date. I went but I could tell shortly after that maybe he was just looking for a sexual partner while in Chicago. The guy has a stable family life, a child of married parents, with two sisters. They still take family trips, and the whole nine. Nevertheless, after just a few weeks of dating, he got upset because I felt it was inappropriate for me to come to his house, "to just chill" at late hours like 9p. He stopped calling. I didn't care, less drama for me. My guesses about what this guy was out for were confirmed just Sunday night, when I saw him hanging outside of a local club, trying to pick up females. It was hilarious to see his shocked face. He knew he was in the presence of someone he was not ready to handle yet, so he let go. I thank him for that! BTW, I am claiming 7 months of celibacy in just a couple of weeks. YAY!!!

You are on point with that.

You have to have a lil bit of a **** in you. Most men don't understand 'nice'. They don't kow what to do with nice girls anymore than they say women don't know what to do with nice guys. I know---because I've been the nice one.
....and I've learned that sometimes you have to be a **** because that's the only language half these males understand. You have to learn to be assertive and lay down clear boundaries or you'll get walked over.

Because if I'm lying may God strike me with a bolt of lightening but a man will 'try you'!
A man will 'try you' to see what you will and won't take; gauge your feelings for him.
.....or 'just because'-- he's an a-hole like that.

I thought it was bull. Before I'd think, 'That's just insulting..." But there's truth in it: You do have to 'train' men, in a sense.

And my problem is actually compounded because I don't date men my age (so they usually assume I'm naive). Plus I like big, strong, strong-minded, manly men (goodlooking, charming men are usually very slick and always try to get over).

My recent man tried me until I lit into him ONE good time.
I don't believe in these loud ridiculous marathon arguments.
I will say what I got to say once. Either you get it together or I'm out. Either the problem is fixed or I'm out. Because I'm not going to be dealing with nonsense when I could exert less energy looking for a replacement. Or just be by myself...

I didn't cuss him but I told him about all himself, threatened to walk --and ACTUALLY DID.
A week later he called wanting to make up and from that day forward his whole attitude shifted. Now he's a big old teddy-bear. Our relationship is great.

My goal isn't to rule over him or be the man. I don't want no freaking soft yes-man who does what I tell them. But I won't be treated any kind of way. I just want someone who is considerate of me, respects me and isn't selfish.
What's funny about this discussion is that I JUST had this conversation with my Dad less than a week ago. He was explaining to me how to not be nice and to be indifferent to people who take advantage of your kindness or take it for weakness. I take his advice very seriously, seeing as he is well experienced in his own relationships and has colorful stories of his own to back his advice up with.

I have( or shall I say had as of two days ago) this long standing friendship with an ex of mine(over 7 years long). When he would do foolish things, I would try to explain to him that what is doing may be gratifying now, but the storm and its aftermath would be a beast. He would always shrug off what I said, until the storm hit and he was left with the remains. My Dad calls it reasoning with the Devil. He told me I was trying to get this man to see my point of view, but the man had to be willing to see it for himself. He said I had to start being indifferent, and it really worked. I currently have a car that is almost paid off, in my ex's name. Until now, he never wanted to put in writing that the car would be switched to my name. However, after my empowering talk with Dad, I made him sign a legal binding contract. Saturday, I finally met up with him, by force, because he still wanted to play games, asking what the paper said. I must admit it started off business like, but I turned into a witch almost in order to get him to sign it. I told him by signing the contract it was getting me one step further away from him. He looked sad, said quietly that I could've been done that a long time ago, but for once I could care less. I told him "been" is past tense, and his signature is what I'm concerned with today. I was about me and mine for change. Dang, it felt GOOD. :grin: I felt so liberated! It was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. It's one thing to be selfish and an entirely different thing to love yourself enough to demand respect. :wink2:
What's funny about this discussion is that I JUST had this conversation with my Dad less than a week ago. He was explaining to me how to not be nice and to be indifferent to people who take advantage of your kindness or take it for weakness. I take his advice very seriously, seeing as he is well experienced in his own relationships and has colorful stories of his own to back his advice up with.

I have( or shall I say had as of two days ago) this long standing friendship with an ex of mine(over 7 years long). When he would do foolish things, I would try to explain to him that what is doing may be gratifying now, but the storm and its aftermath would be a beast. He would always shrug off what I said, until the storm hit and he was left with the remains. My Dad calls it reasoning with the Devil. He told me I was trying to get this man to see my point of view, but the man had to be willing to see it for himself. He said I had to start being indifferent, and it really worked. I currently have a car that is almost paid off, in my ex's name. Until now, he never wanted to put in writing that the car would be switched to my name. However, after my empowering talk with Dad, I made him sign a legal binding contract. Saturday, I finally met up with him, by force, because he still wanted to play games, asking what the paper said. I must admit it started off business like, but I turned into a witch almost in order to get him to sign it. I told him by signing the contract it was getting me one step further away from him. He looked sad, said quietly that I could've been done that a long time ago, but for once I could care less. I told him "been" is past tense, and his signature is what I'm concerned with today. I was about me and mine for change. Dang, it felt GOOD. :grin: I felt so liberated! It was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. It's one thing to be selfish and an entirely different thing to love yourself enough to demand respect. :wink2:
I love this saying. Good for you for taking control of the situation. It sounds like you have a great dad with tons of great advice. :grin: