Act like a goddess..get treated like one!

My parents have been married 30 years this month (he's my stepdad technically, emotionally, he's my dad), and he's very gentlemanly. My brother's the same way and so is my husband. Doors are opened, packages are carried, he is polite, says "please," "thank you," "excuse me," etc. Even my male friends & hubby's friends treat me as such.

If men & women went back to the OLD ways of honoring one another, much of this drama wouldn't even exist. I've found most people in stable relationships have old-fashioned values.

The way I see couples treating one another helped me see how blessed I am with my family. I've also realized that how a woman allows a man to treat her relates to how her children treat her. The child sees that mommy doesn't allow any foolishness from daddy, so he/she thinks twice about showing their behinds. But, I digress.

My older sister always said this and I am starting to agree. Great post!
This thread reminds me of a quote often attributed to Elvis. When he was told that Priscilla was too young for him and he could go to prison for getting involved with her, his response was "She might be worth it." This is at the height of his career when he had so much to lose, not including his freedom by going to prison. Every woman should want a man who thinks having you is more valuable than anything else.
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This was a good read, thanx for posting!!! I am a goddess!!! and PME Elvis said that?! Wow, i would love for a man to want me like that. thanks for sharing that too.
This thread reminds me of a quote often attributed to Elvis. When he was told that Priscilla was too young for him and he could go to prison for getting involved with her, his response was "She might be worth it." This is at the height of his career when he had so much to lose, not including his freedom by going to prison. Every woman should want a man who thinks haing you is more valuable than anything else.
I did not read most of the replies, but I do agree with most of the author's points. While understanding a man's past is intrinsic in understanding why he acts the way he does it the present, I don't think we should be pressing our men to drege up painful memories, because there's probably a reason he doesn't want to share. Repression can be a useful coping mechanism.
He showed me how to believe in myself and my abilities. He made me believe that I was special and beautiful inside and out and smart and that I could rely on myself and my family and that no one could devalue me but myself. When I was 5'10" and change at 13 weighing about 90 pounds with no chest, braces, reddish hair and big bug green/blue eyes and bad skin he made me feel beautiful. He called me his princess. In fact, he still calls my sister and I his princesses. When he calls our home, he tells DH that he wants to speak to OUR princess. DH says he will always be on probation with my father. Daddy agrees that he has is "eye on the boy" because I am his "baby girl." He made me see that I did not need to run after boys or try to run with a fast group of girls. My father gave me material things but they were really of no consequence. Self-reliance, self-confidence and self-esteem were his greatest gifts to me as a child. Money has nothing to do with what I am talking about, any father can give his daughter this gift.

Beautifully said. This is how Dh treats our 5 yr old daughter.
Lastly, understand that it’s not as simple as ordering men to grovel at your feet. You’ve got to be worthy of the type of man you desire. Be completely honest and ask yourself, “Am I the type of person my ideal man would want to be with?” If there’s very little about you that would attract a respectful, classy, thoughtful, grounded, educated brother, then it’s about time you make an about face.

I think that this is an important point that he made and one that I myself think about a lot. There is a certain type of man I want to marry. I want him to be godly, thoughtful, generous, educated, romantic, etc. But the thing is I want to be his dream woman too. I'm not expecting him to do anything I myself wouldn't do for him.

I think that some women want a man to come rescue them (i.e. from loneliness, bad credit, a bad situation, etc.) and yet they never give a thought as to what they bring to the table (and I'm not just speaking financially).

Also, thank you OP for posting this and thank you TBeBe for your insightful commentary.
I think that this is an important point that he made and one that I myself think about a lot. There is a certain type of man I want to marry. I want him to be godly, thoughtful, generous, educated, romantic, etc. But the thing is I want to be his dream woman too. I'm not expecting him to do anything I myself wouldn't do for him.

I think that some women want a man to come rescue them (i.e. from loneliness, bad credit, a bad situation, etc.) and yet they never give a thought as to what they bring to the table (and I'm not just speaking financially).

Also, thank you OP for posting this and thank you TBeBe for your insightful commentary.

This was me until some wise women (and men) taught me better. getting acquainted with LOA also made me strive even harder to be the best woman possible.
He showed me how to believe in myself and my abilities. He made me believe that I was special and beautiful inside and out and smart and that I could rely on myself and my family and that no one could devalue me but myself. When I was 5'10" and change at 13 weighing about 90 pounds with no chest, braces, reddish hair and big bug green/blue eyes and bad skin he made me feel beautiful. He called me his princess. In fact, he still calls my sister and I his princesses. When he calls our home, he tells DH that he wants to speak to OUR princess. DH says he will always be on probation with my father. Daddy agrees that he has is "eye on the boy" because I am his "baby girl." He made me see that I did not need to run after boys or try to run with a fast group of girls. My father gave me material things but they were really of no consequence. Self-reliance, self-confidence and self-esteem were his greatest gifts to me as a child. Money has nothing to do with what I am talking about, any father can give his daughter this gift.

Absolutely beautiful. It's tragic that all little girls don't have this in their lives.
All I can say is wow! I thought I was one of the few that expected this kind of treatment and respect. Every woman deserves this. A man will go as far as you allow him to go.
So true. For a while, I was dating guys who wanted to cook for me because they didn't want to spend the money at a restaurant. They knew I wasn't about to go dutch. But then I thought, these guys are just being cheap. I'm attracting cheap :censored: (excuse my language). Eventually I had to look internally for the faults. I was letting these guys treating me like that. I'm glad that happened because it taught me to inspect what I expect.
So true. For a while, I was dating guys who wanted to cook for me because they didn't want to spend the money at a restaurant. They knew I wasn't about to go dutch. But then I thought, these guys are just being cheap. I'm attracting cheap :censored: (excuse my language). Eventually I had to look internally for the faults. I was letting these guys treating me like that. I'm glad that happened because it taught me to inspect what I expect.

Thanks for sharing this and I agree. How you expect to be treated is often how you are treated!
This article was on point. Alot of the "all men are dogs" women need to read it along with employing the LOA principles in their lives.
He showed me how to believe in myself and my abilities. He made me believe that I was special and beautiful inside and out and smart and that I could rely on myself and my family and that no one could devalue me but myself. When I was 5'10" and change at 13 weighing about 90 pounds with no chest, braces, reddish hair and big bug green/blue eyes and bad skin he made me feel beautiful. He called me his princess. In fact, he still calls my sister and I his princesses. When he calls our home, he tells DH that he wants to speak to OUR princess. DH says he will always be on probation with my father. Daddy agrees that he has is "eye on the boy" because I am his "baby girl." He made me see that I did not need to run after boys or try to run with a fast group of girls. My father gave me material things but they were really of no consequence. Self-reliance, self-confidence and self-esteem were his greatest gifts to me as a child. Money has nothing to do with what I am talking about, any father can give his daughter this gift.

No offense to the single mothers....but because of the aforementioned, i can not understand how and why some women have children w/o having a partner that is going to commit to being there for the long haul...via marriage....No a father is not going to guarantee the right man every time but atleast you will have a standard/starting point to measure men by....

Recently my friend went out with a man that told her that he had a thing for "light skinned, slim women with long hair", mind you she is about 60lbs over weight, dark skin with short hair and do you know she still slept with him after he told her that......and this was after she found out that he was still living with his baby mama..........I was too through with her.....when i asked her usual she used her "needs" as an excuse.....
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This article reflects my persona; I respect my self to much to allow another to disrespect me - It was after I put my new found thinking into perspective that I found my real life Prince charming; that treats me like a Princess.