Act like a goddess..get treated like one!

You know,I wouldn't be too surprised if he and his mother needed your assistance one day.

Now you see where he inherited his a**hole tendencies...I know you shouldn't say things like that about someone's parents, but not all elders are deserving of respect. Yes, I said it.

I got abused,cheated on, and then the day of our two year anniversary he threatened me with a restraining order while slamming his front door in my face while his mother laughed.

So I just wanna say to all you beautiful ladies don't play the fool like I did, I'm just thankful God brought me through
That is awful im sorry that happened to you and shame to the mother who laughed at this behaviour then again im not surprised, if the mother doesn't set good examples then what hope has her son got. :nono:

I am so sorry this has happened to you. Always remember what goes around comes around. Pray about it and let it go. No, you are not a fool and I had my ex-fiances family laughed at me last summer. That is cool I just prayed let go and let God.-- God will continue to bring you through.

You know,I wouldn't be too surprised if he and his mother needed your assistance one day.

Now you see where he inherited his a**hole tendencies...I know you shouldn't say things like that about someone's parents, but not all elders are deserving of respect. Yes, I said it.

Thank you guys.....I almost lost it.....I just don't want to see anyone else go through what I did.

Be careful, guys these days are frauds!!!!!
Starting to date again and I have no idea about the dos and don'ts, in fact some of them don't make sense. I need someone to spell it out for me like this:
If he answers a call while on a date with you it means THIS...

Sometimes, these 'rules' seem so restrictive. I need to just 'be.'
Starting to date again and I have no idea about the dos and don'ts, in fact some of them don't make sense. I need someone to spell it out for me like this:
If he answers a call while on a date with you it means THIS...

Sometimes, these 'rules' seem so restrictive. I need to just 'be.'

I think you have to ultimately follow your gut and be 100% honest with yourself. If you find yourself making a lot of excuses for a guy (EVEN IF THEY SEEM VALID) then he may not be worth your time. Remember, if a man can land on the moon, then he can find your number and call you, make time to take you to dinner or remember your birthday. :yep:
I think you have to ultimately follow your gut and be 100% honest with yourself. If you find yourself making a lot of excuses for a guy (EVEN IF THEY SEEM VALID) then he may not be worth your time. Remember, if a man can land on the moon, then he can find your number and call you, make time to take you to dinner or remember your birthday. :yep:

joyandfaith, :clap: Preach it girl!
Just what I needed. I was talkin to my bestfriend today about my being annoyed with my SO for not calling me for two days and lately seemingly only calling when he has nothing better to do. I haven't called him bc he knows my number and should be trying to reach me, especially since he admitted to testing me the last time I called just to see how long it would take me to reach him ( I didn't call until almost 730 pm that day ). I told him I dont like his actions and the next day he called me twice. But its been 2 days since and no word still. My bestie said we should be meeting 50/50 and I said yea, so he should understand that too. I refuse to track him down, in my mind it should be the other way around anyways. She asked several times if I'm ok. Lol. If we never speak again it really is a non issue. I'm glad I've held to my guns on this issue. I've already made up PLENTY of excuses for his past behavior, but this issue -that we've already discussed- I'm not budging on. Maturity and a sense of self worth are invaluable, and admittedly I'm still learning that lesson but making progress.
on point and so true. I think many of us have set ourselves up to be treated like less than the goddesses that live within us. Then the issue becomes, how do you you undo that?
HeChangedMyName, I think we undo it the way we'd undo any other thing we'd done to ourself, one small change at a time. Stop being as available as we once were, stop returning calls, busying ourselves with other things. I know that when I'm on my grind I literally don't have the time to but up with someone's nonsense cause I've got important things to worry about.
Awesome thread OP! I am a recovering nice girl aka doormat. It was never my true personality but I felt people wouldn't like me otherwise. After family and friends kept taking advantage of me and the resulting depression that followed I knew I had to change.

Therapy helped a lot and so did self-help books. I learned how to set limits aka boundaries because I had none. What happened next was nothing short of miraculous. I had a best friend who was constantly putting me down in public because of jealousy. I cut her loose. I had this guy I was talking to (notice I didn't say dated) on and off for 8 years. He told me to my face that he was living with someone and asked me what was I gonna do about it and put myself in her shoes cuz he still wanted to talk to me. I told him: Hell No!! I don't feel comfortable doing that. I haven't heard from him since.

I even cut my parents out of my life for a while because they abused me financially, tried to control me through guilt even after I moved out, constantly asking me for money and saw nothing wrong with any of that. Snip snip. 3 months later they came to my house to make peace.

As for boyfriends I notice when I'm too nice or do too much they lose interest. When I act disinterested they all on me. I took a break from dating to work on me. Now I'm waiting for the right guy to find me. I don't chase men anymore. I'm a prize. The prize doesn't chase the competitors!

Needless to say I have embraced my inner *****. It feels way more ME than the nice girl persona I held onto for so long. It feels awesome! I had a guy I just met call me cold before because I wouldn't do what he wanted me to. I said: So? And kept it moving with a smile. My new motto in life is: What would a Goddess do?
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