6 Month Vitamin Challenge (Nov-April)

Yay! My new vits are here:

Rainbow Lite Women's One Food Based Multivitamin (one a day)
Preferred Plus Iron Elixer (3 teaspoons per day)

So, I'll be taking these from here on out.
I bought 6 months worth of Hairfinity vitamins online last night and can't wait to start taking them - saved 10% and on shipping costs. I want to wait until January 1, 2012, but I really don't know if I will hold out that long, but we'll see:grin:.

I took my vitamins already for the day.
I've been consistent with my vitamins. I ran out of Hairfinity and decided to go back to GNC's Ultranourish Hair which I used to use. :drunk:
Hey ladies!! Count me in please!!

MSM 4,000

Biotin 5,000

Vitamin C 4,000

Fish Oil

Vitamin D3 2,000



Andrew Lessman Healthy Hair and Nails
Geez louise I've been slacking. Lol. Take my vits off and on whenever I think about it. Took my multi, 1 Omega (out of 3), and 1 CLA (out of 3) today. Still haven't been consistent w/ my MSM because I'm secretly scared it will break me out. Lol The pills that I have to take more than once a day like my Omega 3s are going to be trouble to remember! Anyway, need to re-up on my multis soon, thinking of going the chewable vit route. Have one more bottle of Hairfinity left- thinking of testing out the Nioxin pills once those run out. Who on here as tried both? If you have what is your preference?

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Checking in - Nioxin and Country life (really are big pills!)

PS. I've had that white mark appear on my nails so need to keep up/increase dosage.
Checking in. I bought one of those little vitamin holders that lets you separate each day's dose. I've got so many that they don't even fit in the little compartments. Seeing that made me slack off a bit. But I've been faithful with my Viviscal.
Checkin in Nioxin for yesterday.

I forgot to take my pill this morning (I'm on 2 a day). i think I need to bring a bottle in to work so I dont forget.