6 Month Growth Challenge for 4a / 4b naturals!


Well-Known Member
My 4a natural hair is currently just touching my shoulders and I feel so stuck! I'm starting a hair challenge beginning on November 1st. Let me know if you're down. You can join anytime. My goal is APL by April (I'm tall and have a long torso, so that's about 3 1/2 inches of growth)


1.Take vitamins daily!!! You can take what works with you but you must be consistent

2.Deep condition at least once a month EVERY month.

3. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize in between washes. Avoid mineral oil and petroleum. Water spritz your hair in between washes.

4. Do at least one trim during the challenge (if you do it for all 6 months)

5.If you have a camera, take a picture at the beginning of the challenge and one at the end.

6. PM me when you reach your goal!
Hmmm, I'm in too!! I'm really trying to go hard on this hair growth thing. I saw a lot of growth last year, only to have it snipped off in one swoop!!! I want my hair back and then some....I'm in!

P.S. just got to figure out how to post pics on here! (grrrr)
I'M IN!! right now i'm shoulder length when stretched and please tell me how to post pics if you find out JC1913.....been natural for the last 5yrs and i need to stop playing :perplexed so i can get some growth...happy hair growing to us all.....

Oh I cant wait!!!:lick:
Im in!! Im in a proctective style challenge that begins Nov 1st si I will do this as well. I am collarbone length now but I am still reachin 4 APL. Good Luck to you all who join as well :)

Oh and there is a practice thread 4 posting pics... this is how I learned.


I attached my most recent length shot 4rm the end of sept. I dont straighten very often so thats all I got lol


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Im in!! Im in a proctective style challenge that begins Nov 1st si I will do this as well. I am collarbone length now but I am still reachin 4 APL. Good Luck to you all who join as well :)

Oh and there is a practice thread 4 posting pics... this is how I learned.


I attached my most recent length shot 4rm the end of sept. I dont straighten very often so thats all I got lol

Thanks for posting this link! Heading off to learn how to post a pic!!:drunk:
I'm in the other challenge that starts Nov. 1 but this is specifically for 4a/b, I believe I fall under this category so I'm excited this one is hair specific... what are you ladies using for moisture?
I was advised against glycerine in the winter... and now I'm like.. now what??!?
I'll join up. I'm just touching APL stretched and hoping for just touching BSL in April/May. I don't really take vitamins but I'll try to do that. As for trimming I only get that done when I straighten (or it turns out lopsided) but I'm paranoid about straightening my hair now. I guess I'll cross that hurdle when I get there. My starting pic is my avatar.
I think this is a good one to take me through April 2010. The only thing: I have only dusted once in 7 months, and I don't know that I will do so again just to participate in a challenge. If I keep my hair stretched, I don't get SSKs. Splits are a non issue because I don't use heat.

So: Can I do without the trim if I don't need one? I don't want to take off any length just because six months have passed. That doesn't feel right to me if my ends are doing what I need them to do.

(Sorry if you stated the parameters of trimming/dusting and I just didn't understand that I can leave this off if it's not needed.)

HHG to us all!! This should be fun! If you allow me to participate, I will post my starting pic tomorrow after washing and styling.
