AllyBam said:
Well...I am a little discouraged ladies. :( I am experiencing some breakage. I began the challenge Saturday, but I had to have a perm. It had been since January since I had a perm and I could barely rake through it.

This morning, my hair didn't look as good as it had been since I started the baggying. :perplexed It's dry and brittle looking. The ends are wavy almost kinky looking, but...they're not split.

My baggying products I use Infusium 23 leave in and ORS Olive Oil. When I just used the ORS Olive Oil the hair turned out beautiful. I can braid well, so I french braid my hair going down by back and use an ouchless rubber band. I use a shower cap and a silk scarf.

I did a dry strand test and it snapped. When I combed it just before braiding it, I had litttle hairs all over my shirt. I wanted cry. :)
Tonight I decided to just braid my hair down and just use my silk scarf. I compare my situation to a wet sponge. Maybe it needs to "dry" out. LOL I don't know. :perplexed

Do you ladies think I over moisturized and don't have a good balance going on? HELP! I don't want to give up, DE or any other members what am I doing wrong? :look:

I'm not sure if I'm fully understanding when your breakage started. Do you think its due to the relaxer or the baggy method. If I were you, I would use very little product when baggying. I usually put about a nickel size (maybe a little more) of moisturizer (NTM, Elasta QP Oil Recovery, B&B or Qhemet) and run it all through my hair. **note: I slather on a little more in my nape area because I'm trying to keep that very moisturized. Make sure you are using something that isn't a protein (I think Infusium is). Some suggestions on the wet hair situation has been to just baggy for a few hours in the evening before you go to bed then take it off and put on your satin/silk scarf as normal, use less products before baggying. Be sure that you tie your hair back down with your satin scarf after you take the baggy off and give yourself 30 mins to an hour so that it can be dry.

Good luck, lady!
AllyBam said:
I did a dry strand test and it snapped. When I combed it just before braiding it, I had litttle hairs all over my shirt. I wanted cry. :)
Tonight I decided to just braid my hair down and just use my silk scarf. I compare my situation to a wet sponge. Maybe it needs to "dry" out. LOL I don't know. :perplexed

Sounds to me (and I'm not an expert, LOL) that your hair might have too much protein. That Infusium can be too strong for some ladies' hair. You might want to try using a clarifying shampoo, then lather with a moisturizing shampoo (like Creme of Nature), and follow up with a moisturizing protein-free deep conditioner. Some suggestions are Nexxus Humectress, Motions Moisture Plus, Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose, or Lustrasilk Shea Butter Cholesterol. Leave that on for at least 30 minutes with heat, rinse out, and style as normal.

Basically, it sounds like your hair needs some intense moisturizing. I wouldn't recommend Infusium for baggying. If you want to use a moisturizer with a little protein in it (if your hair needs it), I'd recommend Profectiv Breakfree or Africa's Best Carrot Oil Cream.
Thanks for the help! :) I have been checking in every couple of hours to see if anyone responded. The breakage started after the baggying. Before starting, my hair was just doing its daily sheding. At this point, I think that I OVER moisturized. Should I wash my hair and start over ? As you can tell from all my questions...I'm a newbie!

This morning i didn't see as much "little hairs" all over my shirt like yesterday. I haven't put any products in my hair last night. I just did a silk scarf and went to bed.

Do you think I need protein to stop the breakage? I think I have too much moisture going on.

Thanks so much for answering me. I am just trying to get this hair on the right track, so I can achieve my goal and succeed in this challenge.
AllyBam said:
Thanks for the help! :) I have been checking in every couple of hours to see if anyone responded. The breakage started after the baggying. Before starting, my hair was just doing its daily sheding. At this point, I think that I OVER moisturized. Should I wash my hair and start over ? As you can tell from all my questions...I'm a newbie!

This morning i didn't see as much "little hairs" all over my shirt like yesterday. I haven't put any products in my hair last night. I just did a silk scarf and went to bed.

Do you think I need protein to stop the breakage? I think I have too much moisture going on.

Thanks so much for answering me. I am just trying to get this hair on the right track, so I can achieve my goal and succeed in this challenge.

From the responses above you, it looks like you have too much PROTEIN, not moisture. I'd agree about the Infusium, I think using it everyday is giving you too much protein.

I'd go with the regimen above and see if that helps.
AllyBam said:
Thanks for the help! :) I have been checking in every couple of hours to see if anyone responded. The breakage started after the baggying. Before starting, my hair was just doing its daily sheding. At this point, I think that I OVER moisturized. Should I wash my hair and start over ? As you can tell from all my questions...I'm a newbie!

This morning i didn't see as much "little hairs" all over my shirt like yesterday. I haven't put any products in my hair last night. I just did a silk scarf and went to bed.

Do you think I need protein to stop the breakage? I think I have too much moisture going on.

Thanks so much for answering me. I am just trying to get this hair on the right track, so I can achieve my goal and succeed in this challenge.

Have you checked out Sistaslick's "Hair Breakage 101" thread (sounds like you have)? Based on the way you described your hair "snapping", I think you have too much protein. If you're overmoisturized, your hair strands will stretch, then break. Once you determine your hair's needs, I'd recommend clarifying and "starting over". And be sure to use less moisturizer when baggying. Too much can leave your hair feeling mushy and wet. You may have to experiment a little, since everybody's hair is different!:)
Below is how I am wearing my hair today using serenitybreeze protective style. I am going to try your style next. I have my baggie on my end, my black stock on top and then clip up.


abenyo said:
I tried serenitybreeze's protective style and I'm able to maintain baggying my ends during the day also. So far my ends has not been out of the bag except in the morning, and occassionally at night, when I'm applying more moisture.
:D OKAY! Thanks so much for the link to educate myself. I am going to clarify and start over. I got too exicted and got too heavy handed with it. I will admit it. When you are just learning, you will grasp at anything. I guess I am in the process of learning my hair. :lol:

Y'all have been a big help. I don't know what I would do with out this forum. Wait a minute...I would be up in Sally's reading containers and swatting away the store manger from trying to sell me stuff I KNOW I don't need. LOL!!:lol:

Thanks ladies!!!!!
I'm in. Just have to fin a good moisturizer (water based) for 3c/4a hair.:D

Here is another one I am in and didn't even know it. I do this with the wig challenge right now at least 2-3 days per week. I have to do this during the day and about an hour or two before bedtime I take the bag off and let it air dry a little then put the scarf on for sleeping at night.

I am a rough sleeper so trying to keep the baggie on at night is not going to happen. :lachen:So I will just do this in the daytime and under my wig or hair pieces for now. I have been using the baggy method weekly with my twists or wigs since January. You can see the results in my siggy. I also added more Ayurvedic products in my hair regimen in the last month or so. Have been very pleased with the results.

Count me in.
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So I've been doing the whole head baggy for a little over a week, using ORS Olive Oil Moisturizer (the one in the bottle) and castor oil to seal, and then doing the cross wrap. I was doing good until this morning, when I combed my hair into my bun and I had all these little broken hairs on the sink :mad: :( Maybe I have too much moisture? I haven't done a protein or reconstructor in a while. Can I do protein and then henna (cause I'm gonna henna this weekend) or should I just wait for the henna?
Determined22 said:
Can I do protein and then henna (cause I'm gonna henna this weekend) or should I just wait for the henna?

I haven't done as much research on Henna as I would like to but from what I have read here its a strengthening agent in itself. I would try doing henna this weekend and continue moisturizing, if you find that its still breaking then I would definitely do a light protein treatment.

I am finding as well that my hair is doing so small breaking so I am doing my protein reconstructor this weekend, which I should have done last weekend. I never thought of all the extra moisture from the baggying meaning I might need to add some protein to my regiment. I was thinking of doing my protein treatment every other week but thought that might be too much, guess I'll just have to wait and see.
Cayenne0622 said:
Last night I tied a satin scarf around my edges then put the baggy on and then tied with my satin scarf and I'm continuing to enjoy the outcome in the morning. My only dilemna now is that I want to try pincurls but I'm thinking my hair will be too damp in the morning if I pin curl. Right now its just pinned up or crosswrapped at night but pincurling will cause some of the hair to be tucked away and I fear it will still be damp when I unravel. Any suggestions?

I pincurl almost everynight when I baggy. It comes out really nice. The curls do get flattened but once I take them down, and finger comb a little they bounce right back into place. I thought the hair would be too wet, but after I take the bag off in the morning and tie with a satin scarf my hair dries and comes out fine.
Blackoutzangel05 said:
I haven't done as much research on Henna as I would like to but from what I have read here its a strengthening agent in itself. I would try doing henna this weekend and continue moisturizing, if you find that its still breaking then I would definitely do a light protein treatment.

I am finding as well that my hair is doing so small breaking so I am doing my protein reconstructor this weekend, which I should have done last weekend. I never thought of all the extra moisture from the baggying meaning I might need to add some protein to my regiment. I was thinking of doing my protein treatment every other week but thought that might be too much, guess I'll just have to wait and see.

Thanks! That's what I was thinking too...I'm just gonna be extra gentle with my hair until this weekend, and then I'll henna and hopefully that will strength my hair.
jnicole said:
I pincurl almost everynight when I baggy. It comes out really nice. The curls do get flattened but once I take them down, and finger comb a little they bounce right back into place. I thought the hair would be too wet, but after I take the bag off in the morning and tie with a satin scarf my hair dries and comes out fine.

ooohhh thanks for responding!! that gives me encouragement! I'm going to pincurl my hair tonight. but since i'm going on a date with my hubby tomorrow night then i'm going to wait until friday night (after we get home) to baggy the pincurls. too scurred to risk it. lol
Determined22 said:
Thanks! That's what I was thinking too...I'm just gonna be extra gentle with my hair until this weekend, and then I'll henna and hopefully that will strength my hair.

On the henna, it should be thought of as a conditioning agent and NOT a replacement for your regular protein treatments. You MAY be able to space the protein treatments out more using henna but it should by no means replace them. I as well as others (Den1 posted a thread about this also) have discovered this the hard way (shedding and breakage).

Something else you may want to try do to help strengthen the hair without doing a protein treatment is garlic shampoo. Someone hipped me to this last year (Thanks AGAIN Classy!!) and I've not been without it. I don't use it regularly but it works well in a pinch.


Is Nexxus Humectress mixed with water to make a spray good to baggy with? I was thinking about using that for moisture and seal with ORS olive oil. Trying to concur the moisture now since I got the protein down.
AllyBam said:
Is Nexxus Humectress mixed with water to make a spray good to baggy with? I was thinking about using that for moisture and seal with ORS olive oil. Trying to concur the moisture now since I got the protein down.

I don't see why it wouldn't be. You might even want to mix a little bit of glycerin in there, to help your hair hold the moisture. Just go easy on the amount of spray you use. It's easy to overmoisturize while baggying.
hello! glad everyones lovin the baggie challenge!

its so heavy iv been using full head baggies for over a year now- im a firm believer that it works!

i love it because as a natural head after a couple night my curls are more big and bouncey hehe making it easy to style. Ohh and its great because i dont have a satin pillow (im 2 cheap 4 that).

p.s a little tip... make a couple of small wholes in the bag if you dont want to sweat out all night.


naturaline said:
hello! glad everyones lovin the baggie challenge!

its so heavy iv been using full head baggies for over a year now- im a firm believer that it works!

i love it because as a natural head after a couple night my curls are more big and bouncey hehe making it easy to style. Ohh and its great because i dont have a satin pillow (im 2 cheap 4 that).

p.s a little tip... make a couple of small wholes in the bag if you dont want to sweat out all night.



That's a durn good idea!:D Thanks, I'm definitely trying that tonight!
Darkempress I'm sorry I'm a little behind in all this whole head baggying, but I have been admiring your fotki and would like to know how do you style your hair in the mornings after removing the baggy. Do you use anything to dry your hair before styling it, and do you wear your hair in a bob during the daytime? Also what do you baggy your hair with a conditioner cap or saran wrap? Sorry for all the questions:confused:
Is it too late for me to join?? This will be my first challange. I have been bagging my ends since late Dec. early Jan. and have seen an improvement so I wonder what I will see if I baggy me whole head.
I just want to say I love this challenge!

I just wanted to post for people who may have tried the baggy method before, but it didn't work out so well. I tried the baggy method when I first got here and it wasn't really working for me. Back then, I had overprocessed relaxed ends, but now that I'm fully texturized/texlaxed my hair is really crying for moisture. I just put on ORS carrot creme, the the carrot oil. Key: Don't overdo it! Especially if you have fine hair, a little goes a long way. I baggy bun using Serenity Breeze's method or just put the baggy on my head at night. In the morning, or whenever I take the baggy down, my ends are mosturized (not wet or stringy).

To make a long story short, baggying works!
My hair still ain't liking this baggying challenge. I haven't used a baggy since Sunday night. No breakage. My hair couldn't be happier. I did an moisturizing wash and condtion. Plus used two leave in conditoners (1 protein, 1 moisturizing) oiled and went to bed with out the baggy. I am sleepying on a silk pillowcase and my hair is thanking me.
I am not bailing out on you ladies. I am glad to hear that it is working for everyone.

Right now, I realized I had over moisturized and needed a moment to sit on the sidelines. I am the coach and I benched my hair. LOL! :grin:
I read Sistaslicks post and I think now, I have found my healthy balance. The stuff ain't falling out and I couldn't be happier.
I still use protective styling. No heat. I like the air drying.
My hair likes the mixture between protein and moisture, but baggying 7X day was killing it. :perplexed

I still use ORS Olive Oil, but can't get heavy handed with it. My ends love this stuff, but you gotta be careful that you don't get heavy handed and hunk it on. More is NOT always better. :lol:

Everyone needs to keep in mind what is good for the goose is not always good for the gander. I think every lady has enjoyed getting to know her hair better. At least I know I have.

Since I am in the challenge, I reduced the amount of baggying days to 4, because if I didn't all my hair would have been on the bathroom floor.

Take care ladies.
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That's what it's all about AllyBam. Each of us has to take all the great information available to us and use it to our hair's best benefit. Congrats on getting it right for your hair.
I'm in.....I'm baggying all summer: i'm not in school so who cares what my hair looks like. I'll probably straighten it just to update my fotki.
I'm in I plan to baggy full head at night 7 days/wk and baggy ends during the day under a phony pony. I'm transitoning so I needs something to keep me from trying to relax. And right mow my hair is a mess breaking at the ends unbalanced in both moisture & protein. I AM SO IN.