I've never joined a challenge so this will be the first one for me. I baggied the ends of my hair in the past to great success. I was wearing a baggy all day with a phony pony over it.

However, my hair has grown so much that I want to eliminate phonies all together and just bun my own hair. I think I'll do a whole head baggy at least 5 days a week and see how much growth I can retain. I'm thinking I'll just baggy and bun with no manipulation of the hair. I hope by the end of the challenge I'll be full BSL. Fingers crossed!!! :grin:

I'm in!!
ILuvsmuhgrass said:
Has anyone found a solution to the sopping wet morning head problem? :confused: :p

Not all of us have sopping wet hair in the morning. I know I don't. Here are several suggestions that have been given earlier in the thread. HTH

1. Use less moisturizer before putting the plastic cap on.
2. Take the plastic cap off a couple of hours before you get up, and tie your scarf back on without the cap.
3. Put on a very thin silk scarf before putting on the cap.

Good luck, girl.:)
Okay ladies add me to the baggy challenge, please!

Thank you to the lady who posted the 2 head band method...cuz before I read that, I was like how in the world am I gonna pull this off??? LOL!!

I think 3 challenges is about all I can handle...I'm already strugglin not to get a cute cut and some hi-lights UGHH Pray for me y'all!!

ETA: I forgot to add...I will be bagging whole head at night and ends during the day 6-7 days week. I'm gonna try to rock some phonys for a few month. I picked up a couple today, so thats a good start!
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You guys, i just wanna say that the baggy method works wonders for mw so far. I've been doing it for like a week and all i can say is that my ends have never looked and felt so good. I was contemplating getting a trim in the next 2 weeks but i don't think i'll have to do this anytime soon. I think i might just do this method until fall semester and hopefully by then i will be at BSL.
[B said:
My hair looks so good today for Easter. It wasn't wet at all when I took off the plastic cap and scarf and the pin curls seemed more defined. My hair was slightly moist and after taking down the pin curls and tying it with a scarf for a few minutes, my hair was ready to go!;)
LOL Allybam @ the crumpling sound at night! :lol:
darkempress said:
I forgot to say thank you Darkempress!:)
Hi Everyone!

I'm Taj, a new subscriber to the LCHF. I'm not familiar with all of the terminology. :mad: Can you please tell me what "Baggy" is? :lol: I'm interested in participating in some of the challenges and this may be for me.

Welcome Taj! I think I can answer your question:

A baggie is either a sandwich bag used to cover the ends of one's hair or just a plastic shower/condtioning cap to cover the whole head.

I hope that helps and welcome once again :).
Pixel Lady said:
Okay ladies add me to the baggy challenge, please!

Thank you to the lady who posted the 2 head band method...cuz before I read that, I was like how in the world am I gonna pull this off??? LOL!!

I think 3 challenges is about all I can handle...I'm already strugglin not to get a cute cut and some hi-lights UGHH Pray for me y'all!!

ETA: I forgot to add...I will be bagging whole head at night and ends during the day 6-7 days week. I'm gonna try to rock some phonys for a few month. I picked up a couple today, so thats a good start!
You are welcomed, I am glad I could help. I was not sure if I explained it clearly.
I have been doing the whole head baggie thing off and on since 1999. It was part of my radical hair recovery treatment. I broke it down.

Mahalialee's Moist Natural Wrap To Straighten Hair:

Section hair into about 8 equal sections starting at a part in right
front of head. (Diagonal part) Hold in place with large metal clips.
Then begin at the left front part and begin wrapping the hairr around
your head (think of a giant roller!!!), removing and replacing clips
as you go. May take 12-16 clips. Then take large long bobbi pins and
replace the clips with the pins, smoothing with your hand as you go.
When you are finished, your head should look like a ball of cotton,
with the the strands all going in one direction, clockwise, and lying
snugly against the scalp. Make sure that the ends are pinned down.
Check the back with a hand mirror. Then add your silk scarf. Tie in
the back and then in the front, taking care not to place too much
pressure on the temple area or tie too tightly. Your silk scarf is
your best friend!If you desire to moisturize hair without losing the
straightness, just do the above and put on about 5-6 caps (plastic
shower caps) over the scarf, and leave on overnight or three hours
minimum for maximum straightness. Take the shower caps off for about
1-1/12 hours before you take off the silk scarf and remove the pins.
By then your hair should be swinging. If hair is not as straight as
you like, repeat, but wrap in the opposite direction. The more you
repeat it the straighter it gets.
This gave me the maximum steam conditioning without a doubt.
Now I am doing the baggie whole head on my natural no extension cornrow braids till Christmas. I do my homemade sulphur oil treatment and any conditioning spray and then baggie up. Sometimes I do this 5 days in a row, either overnight or several hours a time in the evening or during the day. Which ever works best in my daily schedule. Hope this helps.
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GoldenBreeze said:
Not all of us have sopping wet hair in the morning. I know I don't. Here are several suggestions that have been given earlier in the thread. HTH

1. Use less moisturizer before putting the plastic cap on.
2. Take the plastic cap off a couple of hours before you get up, and tie your scarf back on without the cap.
3. Put on a very thin silk scarf before putting on the cap.

Good luck, girl.:)

This is the key for me. If I just put on the baggy first (before the scarf), my head gets waaaay to "sweaty". Putting my satin scarf on first, THEN covering with the baggy, gives me the right amount of moisture without poofiness/wet head.
I'm joing the challenge waaaaaaaaay late but here I am. I baggied last night and it turned out great. I was really scared of having a sweaty head so like the one poster said, I took all the air out, pulled the bag tightly around my hair and pinned it in palce....and then put on my scarf.

This morning my hair was slightly moist but not wet, after removing the bag and getting ready for work with just my silk scarf it dried perfectly straight ( I had it in a cross wrap).

4-9-07 Day 1 for me
I'm in! I started baggying at night over the weekend and it's a keeper. I wake up with super moisturized hair- love it :up:
I will continue to do this every night :)
kandi1280 said:
I'm joing the challenge waaaaaaaaay late but here I am. I baggied last night and it turned out great. I was really scared of having a sweaty head so like the one poster said, I took all the air out, pulled the bag tightly around my hair and pinned it in palce....and then put on my scarf.

This morning my hair was slightly moist but not wet, after removing the bag and getting ready for work with just my silk scarf it dried perfectly straight ( I had it in a cross wrap).

4-9-07 Day 1 for me

Better late than never on this one! I was the sweaty head poster and I'm here to tell ya, if you don't make your hair too wet at night, you're fine in the morning! I was soooo surprised the first, second and third days...

Thanks DarkEmpress for the challenge, I've been doing this EVERY NIGHT and I have very happy hair! :kiss:
Last night I tied a satin scarf around my edges then put the baggy on and then tied with my satin scarf and I'm continuing to enjoy the outcome in the morning. My only dilemna now is that I want to try pincurls but I'm thinking my hair will be too damp in the morning if I pin curl. Right now its just pinned up or crosswrapped at night but pincurling will cause some of the hair to be tucked away and I fear it will still be damp when I unravel. Any suggestions?
Cayenne0622 said:
Last night I tied a satin scarf around my edges then put the baggy on and then tied with my satin scarf and I'm continuing to enjoy the outcome in the morning. My only dilemna now is that I want to try pincurls but I'm thinking my hair will be too damp in the morning if I pin curl. Right now its just pinned up or crosswrapped at night but pincurling will cause some of the hair to be tucked away and I fear it will still be damp when I unravel. Any suggestions?

I tried to pincurl my bang last night, using the scarf-baggy-scarf method you described. My hair wasn't damp, but my pincurl was totally smooshed (as in FLAT). And I didn't place the pins right, so it has indentations in it that look like crimps. I guess it would work fine as long as you don't tie your scarf too tight. Trial & error, I guess.:lol:

On the plus side, my hair is so soft and shiny today, I keep checking it in the mirror at my desk. So I'm not too worried about my flat, wrinkly pincurled bangs.:look:
I'm late, but I'm in. Will be baggying entire head every night then straight into a bun it will go...Your hair is beautiful, DE!
I definitely want to join this challenge as well. I'll be baggying whole head 7 nights a week over my cornrows. I also baggy during my work out in the mornings. This challenge will work nicely with APL by June challenge.

I want progress like DE. :)
I definitely want to join this challenge as well. I'll be baggying whole head 7 nights a week over my cornrows. I also baggy during my work out in the mornings. This challenge will work nicely with APL by June challenge.

I want progress like DE. :)
I tried serenitybreeze's protective style and I'm able to maintain baggying my ends during the day also. So far my ends has not been out of the bag except in the morning, and occassionally at night, when I'm applying more moisture.
preciousjewel76 said:
This is the key for me. If I just put on the baggy first (before the scarf), my head gets waaaay to "sweaty". Putting my satin scarf on first, THEN covering with the baggy, gives me the right amount of moisture without poofiness/wet head.

I hope it works for ILuvsmuhgrass also.
abenyo said:
I tried serenitybreeze's protective style and I'm able to maintain baggying my ends during the day also. So far my ends has not been out of the bag except in the morning, and occassionally at night, when I'm applying more moisture.

I'm luvin that protective style............gonna have to borrow that soon.
Lookin good girl!
Well...I am a little discouraged ladies. :( I am experiencing some breakage. I began the challenge Saturday, but I had to have a perm. It had been since January since I had a perm and I could barely rake through it.

This morning, my hair didn't look as good as it had been since I started the baggying. :perplexed It's dry and brittle looking. The ends are wavy almost kinky looking, but...they're not split.

My baggying products I use Infusium 23 leave in and ORS Olive Oil. When I just used the ORS Olive Oil the hair turned out beautiful. I can braid well, so I french braid my hair going down by back and use an ouchless rubber band. I use a shower cap and a silk scarf.

I did a dry strand test and it snapped. When I combed it just before braiding it, I had litttle hairs all over my shirt. I wanted cry. :)
Tonight I decided to just braid my hair down and just use my silk scarf. I compare my situation to a wet sponge. Maybe it needs to "dry" out. LOL I don't know. :perplexed

Do you ladies think I over moisturized and don't have a good balance going on? HELP! I don't want to give up, DE or any other members what am I doing wrong? :look:
Last night I didn't put any extra moisturizers on my hair. Just a light coat of amla and a pair of braided pigtails. I woke up and my hair was damp... not wet or sopping. BUT when it dried it was thirsty and crinkly... I added a little bit of amla and voila it started smiling again.

I just might be able to do this after all! :D (yay!)
GoldenBreeze said:
Not all of us have sopping wet hair in the morning. I know I don't. Here are several suggestions that have been given earlier in the thread. HTH

1. Use less moisturizer before putting the plastic cap on.
2. Take the plastic cap off a couple of hours before you get up, and tie your scarf back on without the cap.
3. Put on a very thin silk scarf before putting on the cap.

Good luck, girl.:)

Thanks! I didn't see this post! Girl that plastic on the outside would have driven me crazy! lol Less moisturizer was the key but I can see my hair being difficult around retouch time. I got it to work though (yay!)