The Best Baggy Challenge EVER!!!

Couldn't you baggy under a quickweave...If the hair was braided instead of molded to your scalp??

I think I may try this...traditional wigs just swallow up my little head!!!
Got off work early, so I am WHB tonight/today until work again tonight. Cowashed before work, so I did not add any additional product
Whole head baggied with Dream Hair Moisture Balm (don't ask) and aloe vera gel.

Okay, so I found the dream hair products on clearance at rite-aid and I got the shampoo condish, and balm. Left my hair really soft, it smells good too.
Just checking in!

I've been doing a full head baggy every night. I love it! Last night I did my V05 Moisture Milks mixed with Vatika oil.:lick:
i didnt baggy last night ladies.. I did a dc and airdried over night so no baggy included. But have started pony baggying most nights with homemade spritz
Tonight I'm doing a full head baggy with V05 Moisture Milks and Amla oil. My dandruff is completely gone!!!...and without me having to use a dandruff shampoo!:yep:
checking in...still baggying. don't baggy as much with Scurl or Carefree anymore because of the glycerin...however, I use BB and a bit of vitamin E oil. So far I'm retaining most if not all of my growth!