2nd Year Hair Anniversary and claiming BSL! Pics Inside...

Carib Girl. I have already told you your hair is AMAZING!! but I am here to Tell you AGAIN, Congrats you and NAYELI are def at the top of my list of HAIR inspirations. Both of your journeys are so inpsirational..

Wow!! Thanks so very much sis!!! I am truly blessed to be a part of this forum!

Your hair looks great. Congratulations. Your hard work and determination over the past two years has paid off -- and it's an inspiration to me to not get lazy.

No laziness for you, Pan :yep:!!!

Wow, you have come a long way. Honestly I have to ask you a question. Before joining here did you ever think you'd get to brastrap? If you didn't how does that feel, that you go to do your hair, and you've got brastrap length hair? I know when I got my length I would cheese in the mirror like a fool just because I had the patience enough to NOT cut it and to do something stupid that I would regret. I know you must feel very good!

Thanks for asking, Skegee! I never had this length and I am still amazed that I got to this length! Every time I will feel doubtful, I would look back on my progress pics or just come into this forum. Whenever I see someone's BC progress, or another's accomplishment at their hair goal, I get even more motivated!
I took the cue from Ashley, Chicoro, and many many many others that I should avoid trimming when possible AND the reason for the damage should be determined. It made sense to me because a year before joining this forum, I had a very low tapered cut and it still was damaged by the time it grew back to NL - obviously I was doing something wrong :ohwell:!

Needless to say, I'm very proud and even more motivatied to get to full BSL, then MBL, and perhaps WL :grin:!

Thanks again!

What a wonderful success story:yep::yep::yep: You are one of the spokespersons of what CAN happen with good hair practices!

Enjoy your success!!!

Thanks so very much Tenderheaded!
Yay! Congratulations! I truly respect and admire your dedication and committment to reaching your goals.
Great job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you. We started out around the same length. I fell off my reggie but I'm back on it. Kudos to you for not having any setbacks :)
AMAZING!!! Such beautiful progress! You know I've been bugging you about updating ( :giggle: ) and you didn't disappoint! I love your ponytail, so pretty!It looks like you're thisclose to BSB Just beautiful! :clapping:
Okay, I take back what I said. After looking again, I see that you ARE BSB! Your progress is bomb, girl!!!! I'm so happy for you!!! :woot:
You are my favorite fotkier besides Kinikakes. CONGRATS on your progress!! Your hair is just GORGEOUS

Don't make me cry, lil sis!!! You know how I just adore your progress and lovely personality,SK :yep:!!

TEE!!!!!!!.you hair is .............:love:..........:thud:.....:lachen:

Thanks Cam! Isn't Tee's hair just drop dead gorgeous!!!!!!

I'm loving your hair! Awesome progress!

Thanks and Congrats on your upcoming nuptials!! Many blessings to you and FH :grin:!
