One Year ReStart Healthy Hair Anniversary =) Pics Pics Pics


Well-Known Member
This month is my 1 year anniversary since I started taking care of my hair again!!! Yay Me!

I first started my journey in 2008 with really damaged SL hair, I made it to healthy relaxed BSL in dec 2010 and then lost it all in 2011 from the stress and hormones from having a new baby and then losing my dad when she was 8months old... My hair melted out of my head, it was so sad...So I cut it in Oct 2011 and kept cutting until March and then officially restarted my Healthy Hair Journey a little past SL...

Now I'm grazing APL and transitioning to Natural! I can't wait to see my progress over this next year =)


'05 right out of High School, I'm still trying to get back there


'08 when I began my first healthy hair Journey


This was July '10 (I think) very close to BSL


This was Christmas Day 2010, I was overwhelmed and never took length photos but I did reach BSL


MARCH 2012 after I had been cutting my hair for a few months trying to even it back out. I had always heard stress can make your hair fall out but I never really thought you could loose almost half a head of hair! It was insane


Sept 2012, I made APL but stupid me, I went on vacay in aug, couldn't use my blow dryer so I just flat ironed my hair while it was still damp, TWICE in a row... I had to start cutting again because of breakage in the middle


This is from my wash last night, almost 29 weeks post relaxer!


This morning MARCH 2013 after I took my wrap down! Still trimming but I'm happy with my progress


March 2012 vs March 2013
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congratulations on your progress, beautiful results!!! I'm just starting to work my way back also. I hope I do as well :yep:. Blessings.
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Happy to see youre back on track, and sorry for your loss!

But your hair progress looks fantastic. I'm sure it will continue
^^^thank You Ladies... HHG to Everyone =)

I just decided to end my transition to natural and go back to texlaxing... Looking though my albums on fotki I realized I didn't have thin hair at all when I was texlaxing... I miss short wash days, yesterday it literally took me 14 hours to do my hair between all the steps I do and still trying to clean, cook, take care of my toddler, spend time with my honey it takes to long and I'm having another baby in May which means less free time. I don't see it working out... Smh, maybe one day, when my kids are in school I'll try again

Here are my pics from when I was texlaxing that have me ready to go back



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Thanks for sharing and I'm sorry for your loss. Again, ur making awesome progress!

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Sorry for your loss. I loss my dad November 2010 when my daughter was 3 months old, so I can imagine what you went through. I decided to texlax this year for much of the same reasons as you. I now have a 2.5 year old toddler and a 10 month old baby. Not much time to deal with hair. My baby was born May last year. Also it's enough that I have to deal with my daughter's hair (The toddler). She hates getting it washed.
Congratulations!:congrats:..Lovely hair. Your hair will be back to BSL in no time.. Thank you for sharing your story.. My condolence to you and your family.
pelohello Kim0105 Morganite lamaria211 Thank You Ladies!!! And good luck to you on your journey to healthy long hair!!!
Kim0105... I'm so sorry for your loss....we must be living on similar wave links cuz our baby timing is pretty close lol... My daughter hates getting hers washed as often do you wash her hair? I wash hers right after I take her braids out in the shower with me while I hold her, that's actually the easiest way I've found, I tell her lean your head back and close your eyes and basically stick my whole face under the water( since we're facing each other) so her back and head are under the water, it works pretty well, then I leave it alone for a few days, like 3 and then co wash her hair in the bath tub using the wash cloth to get the conditioner out of the front of her hair, drain the tub and refill it and rinse one last time with clean water and she's done...I tried laying her on the kitchen counter with her head over the sink and washing it but that was a nightmare and its to hard to get the shampoo out of her hair when I wash in the tub, at least when I Cowash in the tub I only wash once and conditioner is so much easier to get out then shampoo...let it air dry, braid it that night and she's god for another week =)
My daughter doesn't like the shower and is opposed to water unless it's a bubble bath. I've had to sit her on my lap on the side of the tub, shampoo (if it's a shampoo day, lean her over to rinse out and do the same with conditioning. All the while I am talking her through the whole process and letting her know we'll soon be done. I normally row or plait her hair afterwards and that's it for the week. I really don't have the emotional strength to do this more than once per week. I just make sure to keep her hair and scalp moisturized.

pelohello Kim0105 Morganite lamaria211 Thank You Ladies!!! And good luck to you on your journey to healthy long hair!!!
Kim0105... I'm so sorry for your loss....we must be living on similar wave links cuz our baby timing is pretty close lol... My daughter hates getting hers washed as often do you wash her hair? I wash hers right after I take her braids out in the shower with me while I hold her, that's actually the easiest way I've found, I tell her lean your head back and close your eyes and basically stick my whole face under the water( since we're facing each other) so her back and head are under the water, it works pretty well, then I leave it alone for a few days, like 3 and then co wash her hair in the bath tub using the wash cloth to get the conditioner out of the front of her hair, drain the tub and refill it and rinse one last time with clean water and she's done...I tried laying her on the kitchen counter with her head over the sink and washing it but that was a nightmare and its to hard to get the shampoo out of her hair when I wash in the tub, at least when I Cowash in the tub I only wash once and conditioner is so much easier to get out then shampoo...let it air dry, braid it that night and she's god for another week =)
Here is my 2 year old's hair style for the week. I deep conditioned on dry hair with ors replenishing conditioner, cleansed with Hair One olive oil. I did the loc method of moisturizing her hair. Sprayed a leave in, safflower oil then sealed each row with a Shea butter mix I made. I added the Shea butter mix while rowing her hair. Her hair will stay like this until next Saturday. I moisturize her hair and scalp every 2 days.

pelohello Kim0105 Morganite lamaria211 Thank You Ladies!!! And good luck to you on your journey to healthy long hair!!!
Kim0105... I'm so sorry for your loss....we must be living on similar wave links cuz our baby timing is pretty close lol... My daughter hates getting hers washed as often do you wash her hair? I wash hers right after I take her braids out in the shower with me while I hold her, that's actually the easiest way I've found, I tell her lean your head back and close your eyes and basically stick my whole face under the water( since we're facing each other) so her back and head are under the water, it works pretty well, then I leave it alone for a few days, like 3 and then co wash her hair in the bath tub using the wash cloth to get the conditioner out of the front of her hair, drain the tub and refill it and rinse one last time with clean water and she's done...I tried laying her on the kitchen counter with her head over the sink and washing it but that was a nightmare and its to hard to get the shampoo out of her hair when I wash in the tub, at least when I Cowash in the tub I only wash once and conditioner is so much easier to get out then shampoo...let it air dry, braid it that night and she's god for another week =)


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