2nd Year Hair Anniversary and claiming BSL! Pics Inside...

Hey Sis....You have made some really amazing progress....I know your happy....Congrats and enjoy that hair:yep:
AMAZING!!! Such beautiful progress! You know I've been bugging you about updating ( :giggle: ) and you didn't disappoint! I love your ponytail, so pretty! It looks like you're thisclose to BSB! Just beautiful! :clapping:
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OMG,your hair looks so amazing, I'm so happy for you sis! You must be doing cartwheels right now, I know I would. CONGRATULATIONS on making bsl! (You know I'll be off to check your fotki later) :bighug:
Caribgirl, I was WAITING for an update from you!!! Way to grow! Your hair looks great!! I can only hope that I am where you are at my 2 yr. anniversary.
Caribgirl..CONGRATS lady on making bsl! Congrats on such wonderful progress! I'm sooo happy for you! Your hair looks great! :)
Your hair looks great. Congratulations. Your hard work and determination over the past two years has paid off -- and it's an inspiration to me to not get lazy.
Carib Girl. I have already told you your hair is AMAZING!! but I am here to Tell you AGAIN, Congrats you and NAYELI are def at the top of my list of HAIR inspirations. Both of your journeys are so inpsirational..
Wow, you have come a long way. Honestly I have to ask you a question. Before joining here did you ever think you'd get to brastrap? If you didn't how does that feel, that you go to do your hair, and you've got brastrap length hair? I know when I got my length I would cheese in the mirror like a fool just because I had the patience enough to NOT cut it and to do something stupid that I would regret. I know you must feel very good!
What a wonderful success story:yep::yep::yep: You are one of the spokespersons of what CAN happen with good hair practices!

Enjoy your success!!!
I so appreciate all of these wonderful comments!! I can never give up because you all are so inspiring to me :yep: !!!!

Nayeli- Yes we did start around the same time! Your progress is incredible! You will be BSL in no time!!

NaiJamerican- Wow! Thanks so very much!!!
Congrats!! You have great growth. What is your reggie?

Thanks Reecie. My reggie:

cowash at least 2x a week; DC at least 1x a week
Check moisture/protein balance at each wash
moisturize and seal 2x a day
Henna every 4-6 weeks
Mostly wear a ponytail baggied under a 1/2 wig
Use MN on edges and crown; I fell off from MT due to laziness!
Multi-vits, MSM, Super B Complex, Flax Seed Oil Daily