2017 Shoulder Length Challenge

Need some help. How can i get my hair to stay curly and moisturized..i even tried the loc /lco method..it doesnt work unless i am using the wrong products.. i would spritz with water then add a leave in conditioner cream then seal with olive oil..but then my hair gets dry again..i hate this..
It's probably your products. @KiWiStyle may be of some assistance. I was a gel user. Hawaiian Silky curl activator worked well for me.
I watched a few videos on relaxed hair. Some where twisting the hair at the base to the hook could latch on. Do you think I would have an issue with the roots, or the ends? I love magnetic rollers, but I got rid of my small ones.
You shouldn't have a problem at all. I twist my root as well. It just helps to have a narrow section and twisting helps to get the hook around the entire section.

I have done curlformers on straight hair it works the same. The only reason I said it may not benefit you as much because with natural hair it can be harder to get the roots straight. Curlformers makes this easier than other roller types. Since your hair is already fairly straight other types of rolling will probably work equally well for you.

I think curlformers can dry quicker than other types of rollers which is also an added plus for me.
did u use the gel with something else altogether?
I got the Hawaiian Silky 14 in 1 spray. So that was the moisturizer under it. I didn't need to use an oil, since the gel isn't drying. I didn't get super defined curly hair, but I got moisturized hair. Not as defined as using a gel like ecostyler. Some ladies have been using that Wetline gel with a moisturizer under it as a wash n go. That gel is more thick, but it gets hard. It doesn't have protein in it, so it won't cause brittle hair over time.
Need some help. How can i get my hair to stay curly and moisturized..i even tried the loc /lco method..it doesnt work unless i am using the wrong products.. i would spritz with water then add a leave in conditioner cream then seal with olive oil..but then my hair gets dry again..i hate this..

Hi! Can you tell us your regimen from wash day and in between?
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@shortdub78 so basically you lose no hair at all. I hate you! :lol: So maybe I should try detangling before washing. But I tried that before and it seemed like it worked but it takes forever.

I have so much rosewater and glycerin to use up that I think I'll make a detangling spray. I also have lots of aloe vera juice to use too. Let's see how it works out.
I decided to take my twist out today. I will try them again at the end of next month.

I tried to mix castille soap and ACV with water to make a diuted shampoo but the ACV killed all the suds of the castille soap. I will try the castille soap next time with water and citric acid to see if that works. I only lost a little bit of my color but I am applying color this weekend so I will make it.

Just put my regular 2 strand twist in. Nothing new.
@shortdub78 so basically you lose no hair at all. I hate you! :lol: So maybe I should try detangling before washing. But I tried that before and it seemed like it worked but it takes forever.

I have so much rosewater and glycerin to use up that I think I'll make a detangling spray. I also have lots of aloe vera juice to use too. Let's see how it works out.
Lmbo! I detangle after washing and conditioning. But I will remove shed hairs with my hair coated in oil. I don't use a comb on dry hair. And like I said, I'm big on detangling sprays. I know people aren't big on using cones, but I need that slip! I need different combs too. But I Apply all leave-ins before I go in.
I didn't even do it. I was sitting at my desk in the middle of the afternoon when it happened and ended up working late so came home and crashed. But I will tonight!
I have been crashing lately too. I hope you are having a better work day! What do you plan on doing for your wash day? Do you wear twistouts? I know you do Bantu knots.
@shortdub78 I was going to do my boring old bantu knot out but I'm thinking maybe a twist and curl tonight to switch it up. All these styles really look the same on my hair to me but other people notice when I've done something different. Regular twistouts make me look bald for some reason. Too scalpy. When @faithVA posted her flat twist out (I think that's what it was) it looked so pretty like beach waves and I wanted to try it. Maybe one weekend so I can hide it if it comes out horrible. It's protein week and I've come to really love protein because my hair always looks so plump, bouncy and juicy after.

I am so excited to wash my hair tonight. Work is better but also dealing with a break up and been trying to keep myself busy after work. Yesterday I set up my aerogarden and after I was finished I sat down on the couch and fell asleep. :lol: So my hair will definitely occupy my time tonight.
@shortdub78 I was going to do my boring old bantu knot out but I'm thinking maybe a twist and curl tonight to switch it up. All these styles really look the same on my hair to me but other people notice when I've done something different. Regular twistouts make me look bald for some reason. Too scalpy. When @faithVA posted her flat twist out (I think that's what it was) it looked so pretty like beach waves and I wanted to try it. Maybe one weekend so I can hide it if it comes out horrible. It's protein week and I've come to really love protein because my hair always looks so plump, bouncy and juicy after.

I am so excited to wash my hair tonight. Work is better but also dealing with a break up and been trying to keep myself busy after work. Yesterday I set up my aerogarden and after I was finished I sat down on the couch and fell asleep. :lol: So my hair will definitely occupy my time tonight.
Sorry about the break up but hopefully in a week or two you have happily moved on.

I have an aero garden too. What did you plant? The kits are on sale right now. I plan to buy a few tonight. I've been eating off my salad greens this week. Yum
Sorry about the break up but hopefully in a week or two you have happily moved on.

I have an aero garden too. What did you plant? The kits are on sale right now. I plan to buy a few tonight. I've been eating off my salad greens this week. Yum
It was my decision and I was over it the next day. Haha Just trying hard to ignore the bs that comes after all that. He's sorry, hell do better, he's in the hospital :rolleyes: I'm ignoring it all.

I planted basil, mint and parsley. I'm excited about the basil because I planted it for my ex and his did really well. I was pruning every week and putting it on everything! Pizza, noodle dishes, fresh mozzarella and tomato, chicken. Can't wait!!
It was my decision and I was over it the next day. Haha Just trying hard to ignore the bs that comes after all that. He's sorry, hell do better, he's in the hospital :rolleyes: I'm ignoring it all.

I planted basil, mint and parsley. I'm excited about the basil because I planted it for my ex and his did really well. I was pruning every week and putting it on everything! Pizza, noodle dishes, fresh mozzarella and tomato, chicken. Can't wait!!
I need to look into this (aero garden)for my DD! Yes there is a lot of bs that comes with the aftermath of a break up. I totally understand! I'm glad work was better today.
@shortdub78 Yes! Get one! They are wonderful and super easy to care for. Nice to have fresh herbs to add to your food.

So guess what. It is NOT protein week. See how that journal comes in handy. Lol It says on Sunday I clarified and then dcd with it's a 10 miracle hair mask mixed with aussie moist and olive oil. I haven't washed mid week in a minute so I'm thinking it's wash day again. Lol I'm going to detangle and then cowash with Aussie Moist. Twist and curl it is.
I think I overwashed my hair. I shampooed and used clay like 4 times this week.

I do not produce much sebum. I rarelt have scalp gunk unless I've coated my hair in gel or some other prouduct. If I am careful to avoid my scalp when moisturizing or oiling, or avoid using synthetic ingredients...do I really need to wash more than once a week? Do I need to shampoo once a week? Could I use clay once a week and shampoo my scalp every two weeks to a month? Or even just water rinsed?
I think I overwashed my hair. I shampooed and used clay like 4 times this week.

I do not produce much sebum. I rarelt have scalp gunk unless I've coated my hair in gel or some other prouduct. If I am careful to avoid my scalp when moisturizing or oiling, or avoid using synthetic ingredients...do I really need to wash more than once a week? Do I need to shampoo once a week? Could I use clay once a week and shampoo my scalp every two weeks to a month? Or even just water rinsed?
I would do clay once a week, then shampoo the following week. But once a week is best.
I think I overwashed my hair. I shampooed and used clay like 4 times this week.

I do not produce much sebum. I rarelt have scalp gunk unless I've coated my hair in gel or some other prouduct. If I am careful to avoid my scalp when moisturizing or oiling, or avoid using synthetic ingredients...do I really need to wash more than once a week? Do I need to shampoo once a week? Could I use clay once a week and shampoo my scalp every two weeks to a month? Or even just water rinsed?
When I did clay I alternated each week. Shampoo then clay. But only once a week should be fine. Are you experiencing dryness? What were you doing to your hair after washing?
I think I overwashed my hair. I shampooed and used clay like 4 times this week.

I do not produce much sebum. I rarelt have scalp gunk unless I've coated my hair in gel or some other prouduct. If I am careful to avoid my scalp when moisturizing or oiling, or avoid using synthetic ingredients...do I really need to wash more than once a week? Do I need to shampoo once a week? Could I use clay once a week and shampoo my scalp every two weeks to a month? Or even just water rinsed?
I do shampoo once a week and clay the other weeks. My scalp can handle shampoo but my hair doesn't do well with it every week.

But you definitely don't need to wash 4 times in a week.if you want to wet your hair water rinsing can work.
When I did clay I alternated each week. Shampoo then clay. But only once a week should be fine. Are you experiencing dryness? What were you doing to your hair after washing?
I do shampoo once a week and clay the other weeks. My scalp can handle shampoo but my hair doesn't do well with it every week.

But you definitely don't need to wash 4 times in a week.if you want to wet your hair water rinsing can work.

Thanks! I was trying to do an alternative mhm where I shampooed and clayed everyday for a week. The clay makes my hair amazing, but one I night I added ACV to my mix and slept with it on and after that my hair started to feel rough. I shampooed and deep conditioned, but I still have the coarser, dryer hair.

I don't think I should have added ACV or slept with it on and I think I should stick to washing just once a week. Do you know what I can do to get rid of the rough strands? This is how my hair felt when I was using sulfates and silicones and cowashing frequently.
I was thinking about you when I was doing all the washing lol. How you say its important to keep the scalp clean. I clearly overdid it.
Yeah i shampoo twice a week. I have always been able to do that, but I have fine hair. My hair can't take a lot of product buildup. I don't have an oily scalp/hair either. It's just that my fine strands get weighted down easily. Plus it's starts to feel dry too. I have low porous strands, so one can only take so much product. My daughter can go once a week, or if I'm extra lazy every other week.
The key is to having a clean slate to allow absorption and have your scalp to breathe. it's just like washing your face (at least once a day) and washing your pillow cases (once a week. You gotta find the proper cleanser to do it too.