@shortdub78 I was going to do my boring old bantu knot out but I'm thinking maybe a twist and curl tonight to switch it up. All these styles really look the same on my hair to me but other people notice when I've done something different. Regular twistouts make me look bald for some reason. Too scalpy. When
@faithVA posted her flat twist out (I think that's what it was) it looked so pretty like beach waves and I wanted to try it. Maybe one weekend so I can hide it if it comes out horrible. It's protein week and I've come to really love protein because my hair always looks so plump, bouncy and juicy after.
I am so excited to wash my hair tonight. Work is better but also dealing with a break up and been trying to keep myself busy after work. Yesterday I set up my aerogarden and after I was finished I sat down on the couch and fell asleep.
So my hair will definitely occupy my time tonight.