Apl Challenge 2017

So I took your advice today and took an inch off and I didn't feel sad about it so that was good. My hair isn't as heat damaged as I thought it was. The curl is definitely not as defined but it does have some coil.

I wanted to do a test today because once I do fully go natural I want to try to do wash & gos on my 4C hair. I honestly don't think it's impossible. I purchased Camille Rose curl maker and As I Am Curling Jelly and tested it on two sections. Both made my curls pop, however I think the As I Am left it not as frizzy when it dried. I'm not sure if my whole entire head has curls with this same texture but hoping that it does. I'm going to cut off every last piece of relaxed hair in February. That would be my 1 year transition date.
:yay: I'm glad it's working out.
I'll still be here, trying to retain enough to be full APL. Taking my sweet stubborn time not really PS-ing.



Yay! I feel like I have a sister in the hair journey.

I don't think I'm full APL, but I'm fine with taking my sweet time getting there. Emphasis on sweet. I'm enjoying my hair (except when my wash and go's go the 'fro route), ESPECIALLY now that I can make a twist bun.

What?!?? :yay:
I’m noticing that some of you do not consider yourself to be a certain length because all of your hair (eg. front or middle) is not at that length.... am I getting that right?

I consider myself to be between APL and BSL, because that is where my longest layer reaches. However, my shortest layer is shoulder length (middle and front).... so I’m a bit confused. When I see someone with waist length hair, I don’t think that they aren’t waist length just because the front of their hair is at BSL or chin length —if it’s layered to frame their face. Can someone enlighten me on this.
I’m noticing that some of you do not consider yourself to be a certain length because all of your hair (eg. front or middle) is not at that length.... am I getting that right?

I consider myself to be between APL and BSL, because that is where my longest layer reaches. However, my shortest layer is shoulder length (middle and front).... so I’m a bit confused. When I see someone with waist length hair, I don’t think that they aren’t waist length just because the front of their hair is at BSL or chin length —if it’s layered to frame their face. Can someone enlighten me on this.

It's just a personal decision. Some people will claim a length when 2 strands reach that length. Some people may want to wait to claim that length when the front or sides reach that length. Because this is a challenge, people posted which areas they were trying to get to APL. Some people claim the APL or longer but are in the challenge because they are working to get other areas to APL. Hope that makes sense.

I personally will be leaving the challenge when 80% of the back is APL. Forget the rest.
It's just a personal decision. Some people will claim a length when 2 strands reach that length. Some people may want to wait to claim that length when the front or sides reach that length. Because this is a challenge, people posted which areas they were trying to get to APL. Some people claim the APL or longer but are in the challenge because they are working to get other areas to APL. Hope that makes sense.

I personally will be leaving the challenge when 80% of the back is APL. Forget the rest.
I’m noticing that some of you do not consider yourself to be a certain length because all of your hair (eg. front or middle) is not at that length.... am I getting that right?

I consider myself to be between APL and BSL, because that is where my longest layer reaches. However, my shortest layer is shoulder length (middle and front).... so I’m a bit confused. When I see someone with waist length hair, I don’t think that they aren’t waist length just because the front of their hair is at BSL or chin length —if it’s layered to frame their face. Can someone enlighten me on this.

For me, someone who has full APL hair has long hair whereas that same length with layers would be medium length. Something about the front of the hair being APL makes me feel like I've finally crossed into the beginnings of long hair. I can push my hair behind my shoulders and it's stay back there. When I'm talking to someone, they see the front of my hair.

I used to think I was odd, but then I read the thread What do you consider long hair? and saw many also had the same view.

Also, these are grown-out TWA layers, not something that was done purposely as a style. It feels like cheating to claim it. It's only APL because it's the lowest part of my hairline, not because I actually have APL hair.
My hair was flourishing in 2017 until I added henna to the mix. Henna plus the fact that I always add a little neural protein filler to my DC has made my hair hard.
Now its always dry. My plan for the last few weeks of 2017 is focus on ways to add moisture back to my hair.

No protein until January...and throwing out the henna.

I need to stick to my guns on henna, coconut oil and shea butter. Are 3 big fat nos for me if I plan on getting to the APL and beyond world..

As a relaxed head, I had no problem with any of them.
For me, someone who has full APL hair has long hair whereas that same length with layers would be medium length. Something about the front of the hair being APL makes me feel like I've finally crossed into the beginnings of long hair. I can push my hair behind my shoulders and it's stay back there. When I'm talking to someone, they see the front of my hair.

I used to think I was odd, but then I read the thread What do you consider long hair? and saw many also had the same view.

Also, these are grown-out TWA layers, not something that was done purposely as a style. It feels like cheating to claim it. It's only APL because it's the lowest part of my hairline, not because I actually have APL hair.

Never really thought about it in that way. I always look at the longest way. But, I can see where you're coming from. With that being said, maybe I should join this channel then. :)
I need a new wig cap. My cats got to my old one and literally ripped it to shreds. I bought a new one, but it's too tight and rubs my edges which makes me scared. Hopefully I can pick a larger size up later on this week. Been damp bunning in the interim.
Washed my hair today.
Skipped the protein.
Used some Qhemet and lightly blowdried afterwards.

I'm considering blowdrying every 2 weeks again.

This was the fastest post wash day I've had in months.
Is there a reason why you stopped blowing drying? I'm considering it but still on the fence.
Blowdrying while it was shorter took a looong time (because I'd have to followup with some sort of style).. So I stopped.

Now that I can put my hair in a low bun after blowdrying it's doable.
Did you have any problems with retention using heat on that schedule?