2017 Shoulder Length Challenge

Hello! New here and this will be my first post. Is it too late to join?
Wow, I just saw that I joined in 2013, so I guess I'm not that new, lol, but I've only been lurking.:lurking:

What length are you now?
I'm not sure what category I fall into right now. I'll include some pictures and maybe you all can tell me. I think my hair is only 6-7 inches in most areas, and possibly 8 at the crown.

Natural 4b/c

What's your plan to reach SL?
I am going to keep my hair in box braids for 6-8 weeks then let it rest for 2. I'll try to do this consistently over the course of the year. I've had problems with itching in the past so I'm going to do the ACV soak on the hair before I use it.

What's your regimen?
Before braiding:
Wash/Deep condition
Twists to stretch and reduce blow drying time
Blow dry

Once my hair is braided:
Spritz it with water every day
Use castor oil on my edges every other night or every 3 nights
oil 1-2x per week. I'll also use the Mane and Tail braid spray I have.
I probably won't wash my scalp until it's been three weeks.

Two weeks between braids:
I have no idea.

How will you celebrate/reward yourself when you reach SL?
I may go to the salon and get it straightened so I can see my length, and I'll also share pictures.

Anything else you want to share?
I'm not sure of what to do with my hair anymore as I've been stuck at this same length for years. It's very difficult to do styles at this length, so no buns (with my own hair), and twists look awful on me. What's worse is that I can do other people's hair fairly well, but not my own. This is one of the reasons I'm going the braid route. I can look nice without having to do much (besides spending a bunch of money). I just have to protect my edges and prevent itching.
Welcome! You are SL! But if u are shooting for Full SL that's all good too!
Welcome to the challenge. I think you should join the APL challenge. You will reach full SL soon and will probably reach APL by the end of the year. Just as well join now.

Yep, I'm gonna do both. I'm exited because I don't have to go it alone anymore.

I forgot to mention that I'm also going to start taking vitamins and drinking water. And I'll be going back to clean eating.
I have hair, skin, and nail vitamins but I stopped taking them a while ago. They gave me stomach pain (not too bad though). Although I was taking them before bed, so maybe I should take them on a full stomach. I'm considering buying the gummy version instead as I am a candy lover, but I'm not sure if I should continue with HSN or just take a multivitamin.
Yep, I'm gonna do both. I'm exited because I don't have to go it alone anymore.

I forgot to mention that I'm also going to start taking vitamins and drinking water. And I'll be going back to clean eating.
I have hair, skin, and nail vitamins but I stopped taking them a while ago. They gave me stomach pain (not too bad though). Although I was taking them before bed, so maybe I should take them on a full stomach. I'm considering buying the gummy version instead as I am a candy lover, but I'm not sure if I should continue with HSN or just take a multivitamin.
Since you already have them use them and try them with food as you said. When you run out you can switch to a multivitamin.
@beingofserenity when I get the 4c wig do you think I can cut it. Probably not before I fluff it. But pick it out, fluff it and then cut it down? I'm worried I'll ruin it but I'd like it a little shorter than it is.

hey girl, i think you should definitely cut it. the wig is cute, but it definitely needs help with styling. i would fluff it out first and then cut it. i haven't even really touched it because i am a little intimidated on how to style it nicely.
I've yet to try flat twists, but it's on my to do list to learn. Any tips?

Unfortunately no. I've been doing flat twists so long I no longer remember how I started.

I usually recommend that each time you take your hair down, take a section in the front and practice with it. That way you don't spend a lot of time and you aren't under pressure. Once you master that front section, you will have the feel of it and can try just doing a small section. I think people try to do a flat twist style all at once and then expect it to be neat. With each practice you will get better and better and will know when you are ready to try a style.
I just wanted to share this comparison pic with u ladies. It's not much, but just noticing how I get thickness, then length each time I retain my growth. At this length, I don't like to wear my hair down much. My color is growing out too. I'm ready to color it jet black. Maybe blue black? I may mix blue black and red, so my hair won't look green.


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I just wanted to share this comparison pic with u ladies. It's not much, but just noticing how I get thickness, then length each time I retain my growth. At this length, I don't like to wear my hair down much. My color is growing out too. I'm ready to color it jet black. Maybe blue black? I may mix blue black and red, so my hair won't look green.
It looks like you are retaining every inch! Congratulations! How do wash days look for you? Do you lose any hair at all?
I just wanted to share this comparison pic with u ladies. It's not much, but just noticing how I get thickness, then length each time I retain my growth. At this length, I don't like to wear my hair down much. My color is growing out too. I'm ready to color it jet black. Maybe blue black? I may mix blue black and red, so my hair won't look green.
You hair grows really fast to be able to notice a difference in less than a month. Nice!
Here's my perm rod set. First pic is the bathroom then I thought I needed more light because I swear I see little white flakes. I can't see them in the mirror only in the pics. The setting lotion I use has never flaked on me before so I don't know what's up.

I also forgot how annoying it is to sleep in these things. But I got through it. I have no idea how to style it but I still think it came out nice.


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Here's my perm rod set. First pic is the bathroom then I thought I needed more light because I swear I see little white flakes. I can't see them in the mirror only in the pics. The setting lotion I use has never flaked on me before so I don't know what's up.

I also forgot how annoying it is to sleep in these things. But I got through it. I have no idea how to style it but I still think it came out nice.
It does look nice. It's nice and full. It also stretched very well.

I don't see any flakes.

The few times I've worn perm rods I took each curl and separate it into 3 sections and twirled it around my finger 2 or 3 times to curl it back up. It gives a fuller curly style. But my hair was shorter than yours so you have more options.
It does look nice. It's nice and full. It also stretched very well.

I don't see any flakes.

The few times I've worn perm rods I took each curl and separate it into 3 sections and twirled it around my finger 2 or 3 times to curl it back up. It gives a fuller curly style. But my hair was shorter than yours so you have more options.
I used to do that too when my hair was a little shorter and I wore them regularly. Like here. (Don't mind the glasses I was being silly making fun of my sister and her instagram pics lol)

But now it looks a little different. This could also be because I haven't done a perm rod set in almost a year and I've forgotten how to style.
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Your set looks really nice and I would do what FaithVA suggested. I love those glasses! lol I used to wear flexi rod sets around this stage. I just don't have the patience for that anymore.
Are curlformers easier than flexi rods?

I feel like they are. I have curlformers, magnetic rollers, perm rods and flexi rods. I find curlformers easier than them all and they give me the best set especially for my roots.

Since you are relaxed curlformers may not benefit you as much.
It looks like you are retaining every inch! Congratulations! How do wash days look for you? Do you lose any hair at all?
I don't lose much hair, it's very minimal. I will take a pic next time, so you can get a good idea of what I'm talking about.
You know I am a big advocate on detangling sprays. That helps tremendously! I spray, apply my leave-in Keracare creme, maybe a serum, separate a little with my fingers, then go in with that jumbo rake. Then I follow up with another comb. I see a hair strand here, or there during my shampooing and conditioning.
I feel like they are. I have curlformers, magnetic rollers, perm rods and flexi rods. I find curlformers easier than them all and they give me the best set especially for my roots.

Since you are relaxed curlformers may not benefit you as much.
I watched a few videos on relaxed hair. Some where twisting the hair at the base to the hook could latch on. Do you think I would have an issue with the roots, or the ends? I love magnetic rollers, but I got rid of my small ones.
Need some help. How can i get my hair to stay curly and moisturized..i even tried the loc /lco method..it doesnt work unless i am using the wrong products.. i would spritz with water then add a leave in conditioner cream then seal with olive oil..but then my hair gets dry again..i hate this..
Hey all,
Just wanted to ask if anyone else has had success using single braid extensions to grow out their hair. If so, does my regimen look okay(with protein treatments added between braids)?
I was inspired by the clay heads on this board and decided to start clay washing again. Man, I am so happy that I did. My curls are more defined. My hair is left soft and conditioned. I don't get tangles either. Most shampoos I've used have left my hair extremely tangly and dry, but clay leaves it easy to handle. I also watered down my shea moisture detangler. I prefer it watered down because it is easier to work through my hair and I think it being a bit more watery aids in its detangling capabilities. I will probably cycle between the detangler and the cantu curl activator leave in. Both watered down, of course.

It seems that my hair prefers to be washed and conditioned by more natural ingredients. After I use up my sulfate free shampoos, I think I will stick with clay and shampoo bars (for clarifying) to wash my hair.
Hey all,
Just wanted to ask if anyone else has had success using single braid extensions to grow out their hair. If so, does my regimen look okay(with protein treatments added between braids)?

Hey! A lot of people have had success using braids to grow out their hair. I think you should just make sure to moisturize your hair while braided. Don't keep them in too long (more than 6-8 weeks) and I wouldn't get them done too small.