2016 Relationship And Dating Thread

So I told him how I'm planning to move within the next two weeks. he said he doesn't want me to move until he's seen the neighborhood my new apt is in because he wants to make sure it's a safe area.

He better ride through the neighborhood this week cuz im singing the lease on Saturday lol.
I don't believe in love :nono: Most of the men I have known in my life (bosses, co-workers, family, dates) have either mistreated me, manipulated me or lied to me in some form or fashion.

I don't think men view relationships in the same way we do. Their objective is to sleep with as many women as possible. Sometimes they placate with a relationship. I don't think they are out there trying to fall in love

I'm sorry you feel that way. To an extent you are right, but not all are the same. xx
So what height difference could y'all handle? 1-2inches taller than you? Or does he have to be minimum four inches taller ?
I'm 5'6 and the shortest I have dated was 6'1. That's even for fluck buddies. Short men do not get me moist :look:
My SO is 6'6 and I've been blessed :lachen:
So what height difference could y'all handle? 1-2inches taller than you? Or does he have to be minimum four inches taller ?
I don't have a height differential preference because other factors such as build and overall attractiveness come into play (if we're just talking about the physical), but current boo is 6'4 and it's perfect. I've dated men who were just a few inches taller than me, around 6'1ish, and that was fine, but they also had amazing bodies.
I don't have a height differential preference because other factors such as build and overall attractiveness come into play (if we're just talking about the physical), but current boo is 6'4 and it's perfect. I've dated men who were just a few inches taller than me, around 6'1ish, and that was fine, but they also had amazing bodies.
I think that's very important. Dude I'm dating is two inches taller but the baAwdyyy lawd lol
Height is important. I am 5'1. I like men taller than 5'9. I have dated men 5'7"- 5'8", no issues. I tried dating a 5'6" and it was a turn off amongst other reasons. My boyfriend is 6'0".
After 20+ years he told me not to be shy when we see each other again. I haven't seen him in probably 8-9 years. I like that he can still make me blush after all this time.
So I was telling him how my nieces are turning 4 in a few weeks and I want to take them out for their birthdays. So I was thinking a petting zoo? lol. because I'm not trying to take them to a place like chuckie cheese where I gotta run around and play with them lolol. Anyway, I was telling him how I wanted to keep it simple because both of them together are a handful and he was like "it will be fine you'll have me there to help you" :drunk: I wasn't even planning on asking him to come. So if he does come I'm interested to see how he interacts with them. And if this becomes serious he'd probably make a good uncle to the fatherless niece.
My bf doesn't spend time with me.

This has been a major issue throughout our relationship and I have told him repeatedly how I feel about it. There have been several times where I have been on the verge of breaking up with him because of it. My mindset is, if I'm always alone anyway there really isn't a point in being in a relationship. However, every time I go to break up with him, he tells me some sob story about whatever the freak is going on in his life and does a 'surprise visit' to my apartment.

It doesn't solve anything because he goes right back to doing the same crap that pissed me off in the first place. I think he has someone else even though he denies it. He says he loves me and that he wants to move with me to DC but honestly y'all, I don't want that to happen. I just feel like we don't have an identity as a couple. We're still essentially strangers in my book even though we've been dating for a year and a half.

I do not understand why consistently ( not every once in awhile) making time for me is such an issue for him. But he can make time for other things. And I'm kinda over it.
I would break up with him, be prepared to cry, get him out of your system, and find a better match for you. He is creating a dance with you, a pattern, of neglecting you, waiting for you to remind him to pay attention to you, then showing up just in time to keep you hooked. Reinforcing that he thinks he is more important than he is and that you need to carry the relationship. *** him. Break the pattern now before you become used to it. He's taking advantage of your patience and understanding. The next time he ignores you simply move on. Don't discuss anything. Blow him off and don't let him manipulate you. Don't settle for his crumbs.
I don't know if I am cut of out for dating. I don't like emotionally investing in things that might not last.

This is me. I'm attempting to reframe dating to an activity that I feel I get something out of so its not so terrible but I do not like it. Unfortunately, it's very necessary. I don't want to be eternally single and want a family eventually yet the process to get there? Nope. Not interested. The crazy thing is I don't find myself consistently uninterested in prospects, I would just rather be somewhere else/ at home on Pinterest/ eating Moes in my pajamas :look:

You're right. This whole pattern is definitely NOT what I am used to or what I expect in a relationship. In my past relationships, I never had to remind anyone to make time for me. It just happened. I refuse to spend a relationship where I am begging someone to make time for me.
I would honestly just cut him off. 0% communication.
He can have a taste of his own medicine, while you focus on yourself and finding someone who covers you, emotionally and physically.
Our relationship gets better everyday :angel2: I asked him to volunteer with me this morning and we had a lot of fun. I finally got to introduce him as my fiancé to a friend of mine!
Unfortunately some of my friendships seem to be deteriorating in front of me. There are a lot of side comments. One of my friends is celebrating her 4 year anniversary and I asked what they were going to do. She said "well not all of us found someone willing to marry us after less than a year, so we will do what normal couples do." :abducted: I looked at her like she was crazy.
Another asked me if I was engaged and I said yes and she asked to see my ring. I showed her and she said "Do you really think this is gonna last?" o_O
Anyway I'm thinking I need new married friends....? Or something! I honestly don't want my only friend to be my FH. I want to have girlfriends and have women to talk to on a semi daily basis. Any ideas?
I've had a core group of friends for about seven years now and 4/7 have been awful lol
Our relationship gets better everyday :angel2: I asked him to volunteer with me this morning and we had a lot of fun. I finally got to introduce him as my fiancé to a friend of mine!
Unfortunately some of my friendships seem to be deteriorating in front of me. There are a lot of side comments. One of my friends is celebrating her 4 year anniversary and I asked what they were going to do. She said "well not all of us found someone willing to marry us after less than a year, so we will do what normal couples do." :abducted: I looked at her like she was crazy.
Another asked me if I was engaged and I said yes and she asked to see my ring. I showed her and she said "Do you really think this is gonna last?" o_O
Anyway I'm thinking I need new married friends....? Or something! I honestly don't want my only friend to be my FH. I want to have girlfriends and have women to talk to on a semi daily basis. Any ideas?
I've had a core group of friends for about seven years now and 4/7 have been awful lol
Aww I'm sorry Hun. I hope you find true friends who are happy for you and supportive.