2016 Relationship And Dating Thread

My SO is going out of his way to impress my family next week and I think it's so cute :love: This summer is going to be beautiful

You guys, I'm so happy that I'm afraid to utter it out into the universe in fear of negative energy coming in and cursing us. He's everything that I've ever wanted in a man and what's beautiful is that he loves me more, there's no wondering or guessing with him.
My SO is going out of his way to impress my family next week and I think it's so cute :love: This summer is going to be beautiful

You guys, I'm so happy that I'm afraid to utter it out into the universe in fear of negative energy coming in and cursing us. He's everything that I've ever wanted in a man and what's beautiful is that he loves me more, there's no wondering or guessing with him.
It's magical ain't it :2inlove:
So his mom fell sick and died a few years ago. I was talking to him earlier and he was telling me how today is really hard for him...especially since her death was only a few years ago.

So he's at work right now at the hospital. He got off at 4am yesterday and had to be right back up there today at 3. So not only is today hard cuz it's mothers day but im sure he's super tired. So I bought some lunch for him from this seafood place he likes and bought some of his favorite candy and cookies and I'm taking it up there for him. I'm just gonna leave it at the front desk and have them give it to him. And I'm gonna tell them that he's expecting it so they don't eat his food lol.

I hope it makes him feel a lil better

Oh no no no no.....we all up in here happy and these scalliwags wanna be nasty??!!! Ugh. I'm annoyed.

Anyway, making new female friends is tough. We can be quite judgemental I think. Let's see....why not approach meeting friends like you would a man? Go where the kind you like be at. And go by yourself. I met so many women going to the reggae club I like because I'm a regular, I talk to them, buy them drinks etc.
My problem is that I'm too lazy to keep it going. Can you take a dance or academic class, maybe go to a bar or befriend a co-worker? Idk. It takes time....

Oh and how about setting up a Cali LHCF meet up?
So his mom fell sick and died a few years ago. I was talking to him earlier and he was telling me how today is really hard for him...especially since her death was only a few years ago.

So he's at work right now at the hospital. He got off at 4am yesterday and had to be right back up there today at 3. So not only is today hard cuz it's mothers day but im sure he's super tired. So I bought some lunch for him from this seafood place he likes and bought some of his favorite candy and cookies and I'm taking it up there for him. I'm just gonna leave it at the front desk and have them give it to him. And I'm gonna tell them that he's expecting it so they don't eat his food lol.

I hope it makes him feel a lil better
You are very very sweet! I appreciate you and you didn't even do nothing for me :lachen:

Oh no no no no.....we all up in here happy and these scalliwags wanna be nasty??!!! Ugh. I'm annoyed.

Anyway, making new female friends is tough. We can be quite judgemental I think. Let's see....why not approach meeting friends like you would a man? Go where the kind you like be at. And go by yourself. I met so many women going to the reggae club I like because I'm a regular, I talk to them, buy them drinks etc.
My problem is that I'm too lazy to keep it going. Can you take a dance or academic class, maybe go to a bar or befriend a co-worker? Idk. It takes time....

Oh and how about setting up a Cali LHCF meet up?
I'm thinking of the Cali LHCF meet up :)
It's not hard for me to make friends, but it's hard for me to find good ones. I won't invest in people, especially women, unless I can see a true resemblance in character. I think the problem is I kept growing and changing while some of my chicken head friends stayed the same :look:
But I am the "cool mom friend" and enjoy it. I like to give advice especially when the advice is "Take another shot" :lachen:
It's our 5 month anniversary today and I decided to surprise him with breakfast. It's coincedentally also his mothers birthday so I bought a little extra.
Well his mother was so happy she didn't have to cook, said she was so excited to have such a thoughtful daughter-in-law and FH said thank you a thousand times and is talmbout "Let's go shopping today." :gorgeous:
I would've cooked sooner had I known :fridge:
So his mom fell sick and died a few years ago. I was talking to him earlier and he was telling me how today is really hard for him...especially since her death was only a few years ago.

So he's at work right now at the hospital. He got off at 4am yesterday and had to be right back up there today at 3. So not only is today hard cuz it's mothers day but im sure he's super tired. So I bought some lunch for him from this seafood place he likes and bought some of his favorite candy and cookies and I'm taking it up there for him. I'm just gonna leave it at the front desk and have them give it to him. And I'm gonna tell them that he's expecting it so they don't eat his food lol.

I hope it makes him feel a lil better
Same thing with my guy... His mother passed away the day after his birthday, which is 1-2 weeks before Mother's Day. She was buried on his father's birthday. It was a very unexpected death and he feels guilty because if he knew she was going to pass, he would have stayed by her side until the end instead of going out on his birthday. So- needless to stay- the period between his birthday and Mother's Day is the hardest time for him. We just went through that - all I could really do was give him space and pick up the phone or be available whenever he came by. Big hugs for our men. His mother's death was about 7 years ago, but he is still deeply affected by everything. I do appreciate that he is opening up with me about her- he has been telling me a lot of funny stories about them together. So it isn't completely sad now but it still affects him and can change his mood.
Our relationship gets better everyday :angel2: I asked him to volunteer with me this morning and we had a lot of fun. I finally got to introduce him as my fiancé to a friend of mine!
Unfortunately some of my friendships seem to be deteriorating in front of me. There are a lot of side comments. One of my friends is celebrating her 4 year anniversary and I asked what they were going to do. She said "well not all of us found someone willing to marry us after less than a year, so we will do what normal couples do." :abducted: I looked at her like she was crazy.
Another asked me if I was engaged and I said yes and she asked to see my ring. I showed her and she said "Do you really think this is gonna last?" o_O
Anyway I'm thinking I need new married friends....? Or something! I honestly don't want my only friend to be my FH. I want to have girlfriends and have women to talk to on a semi daily basis. Any ideas?
I've had a core group of friends for about seven years now and 4/7 have been awful lol
Wow.. Their jealousy is palpable. Have you told them how you felt?
We're not together together but it would hurt and be a littl shady of either of us got with someone else right now....I hate this awkward phase. I'm not ready for titles, but no one else catches my eye or makes me feel the way he does. Been talking to a few other men the last week or so. Saw him today for lunch and I just felt good being near him.
Wow.. Their jealousy is palpable. Have you told them how you felt?

Been there, done that. Once a friend changes and becomes jealous of you it's a wrap. Unless something dramatic happens to them to open their eyes, the jealousy continues and festers. There is nothing you can say to someone to make them stop being jealous. IMO it's a form of hatred, a sort of change in their spirit. They may deny being jealous or even apologize, but once it's there, it keeps popping up. It is the one thing I absolutely won't tolerate in a girlfriend. It's a definite deal breaker.
So my son accidentally called my SO "dad" yesterday.... SO asked him twice "What did you call me?" I was hoping he didn't hear it. Son ended up repeating it a second time and we all had a nice laugh. SO seemed "excited" that my son called him dad. It could have been that SO was in a really good mood but he seemed to have a twinkle in his eye from it.
Generally speaking, I have lots of thoughts about this relationship- some here, some there. After my divorce, I didn't think I could love so deeply again. But here I am... finding myself so in love that I feel love sick. This hasn't been easy - due to him, due to me, due to the situation- but I am trying not to get bull headed when I don't get my way and just be. I found a man that I connect with. He makes up for areas I lack and I shine in areas he doesn't. He is amazing. As a man, as a person, and as an emotional tie. He makes me happy and I just want him- completely.
We went to Le Bernardin last night for dinner, and it was such a decadent meal! He looked so sharp, but my poor baby was sick. He had a bad cold, but we still had a great time. I was going to wear my Fitbit to be spiteful (he hates that I wear it to fancy occasions, LOL) but I just could not do it. I mean, it was his birthday, and all! :lachen::look: I do not promise I will not wear it to the Communion party tomorrow night. :) He asked me if he got me a Rolex, would I still wear my Fitbit. Um, why would you ask a question you know the answer to? :rolleyes: I even bought a lace sleeve to fancy it up. :angeldevil:

I just love how far we've come. He used to keep a lot to himself, but now it's like as soon as something happens, he calls in the midst of whatever is going on. He talks about our future a lot, which I love. I nagged him a bit last night about taking better care of himself, and he reached over and held my hand as he drove listening. I don't know, that just melted me in mid-naggation. :giveheart::infatuated:
My SO is going out of his way to impress my family next week and I think it's so cute :love: This summer is going to be beautiful

You guys, I'm so happy that I'm afraid to utter it out into the universe in fear of negative energy coming in and cursing us. He's everything that I've ever wanted in a man and what's beautiful is that he loves me more, there's no wondering or guessing with him.
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww @FemmeFatale I'm so glad to hear this! ((((hugs)))) to you !!!!!
Been there, done that. Once a friend changes and becomes jealous of you it's a wrap. Unless something dramatic happens to them to open their eyes, the jealousy continues and festers. There is nothing you can say to someone to make them stop being jealous. IMO it's a form of hatred, a sort of change in their spirit. They may deny being jealous or even apologize, but once it's there, it keeps popping up. It is the one thing I absolutely won't tolerate in a girlfriend. It's a definite deal breaker.

I needed this today right now. I am sooo dealing with this with a coworker/ friend and every time I give her another chance it pops up and I see it and worse, I'm dealing with it from my mom and it's nothing short of heartbreaking. I'm having a reallllly difficult time right now dealing with it from her.
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww @FemmeFatale I'm so glad to hear this! ((((hugs)))) to you !!!!!

Thanks @Britt he makes me soooo happy. He jokingly called me the Mrs. last night while we were working out and I almost fainted. There's just so much common ground and chemistry between us that it's INSANE.
He's a very attractive man and there are women (and a few gay guys) that gawk, prance, and peacock, and he pays them all no mind, he covers me as a true man should.
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I needed this today right now. I am sooo dealing with this with a coworker/ friend and every time I give her another chance it pops up and I see it and worse, I'm dealing with it from my mom and it's nothing short of heartbreaking. I'm having a reallllly difficult time right now dealing with it from her.

I understand how you feel especially with your mom. I know it's hard. I hope it gets better because we all need and love our moms so much. I'm sure she loves you though, but has this major flaw. The friend/co-worker? She can be replaced.
I understand how you feel especially with your mom. I know it's hard. I hope it gets better because we all need and love our moms so much. I'm sure she loves you though, but has this major flaw. The friend/co-worker? She can be replaced.
Thank you @hopeful it is a major flaw of hers and it hurts terribly. I only pray that it gets better over time.

The coworker, I sometimes keep my distance from. I get the sense, or rather I know that she has a major streak where she compares herself a lot to everyone else and wants exactly what others have but is terribly unhappy with herself, her life choices, and her possessions. In spite of this, she doesn't come off as mean spirited but incredibly covetous where it borders on being scary at times. She'll grab someone's belongings and 'jokingly' say it's her and asks how she looks with it... it's a little disturbing to say the least. Then she'll bemoan the fact that she married down, she asks everyone's opinion on any item she purchases or thinks of purchasing. I could go on and on... A young coworker just got engaged to a well off Indian man and got a beautiful ring, it made her go into a spiel about $ and rings, and tho she's struggling a bit financially seeing the coworker's ring made her start looking at replacement (she lost hers) wedding rings/band that she could buy. It's the covetous streak that really literally turns my stomach. It's creepy and sad :-(
Our relationship gets better everyday :angel2: I asked him to volunteer with me this morning and we had a lot of fun. I finally got to introduce him as my fiancé to a friend of mine!
Unfortunately some of my friendships seem to be deteriorating in front of me. There are a lot of side comments. One of my friends is celebrating her 4 year anniversary and I asked what they were going to do. She said "well not all of us found someone willing to marry us after less than a year, so we will do what normal couples do." :abducted: I looked at her like she was crazy.
Another asked me if I was engaged and I said yes and she asked to see my ring. I showed her and she said "Do you really think this is gonna last?" o_O
Anyway I'm thinking I need new married friends....? Or something! I honestly don't want my only friend to be my FH. I want to have girlfriends and have women to talk to on a semi daily basis. Any ideas?
I've had a core group of friends for about seven years now and 4/7 have been awful lol

Girl.... engagements bring out the worst in people. When I got engaged two of my former girlfriends literally stopped talking to me. When my BFF got engaged 2 of her girlfriends (one that she had been friends with for about 20 years) stopped talking to her because she was only having her immediate family and me at the wedding. She didn't want a big wedding or a long engagement and they just refused to understand.

My advice, drop the haters enjoy your engagement, wedding and husband and don't pay them a lick of attention.
Girl.... engagements bring out the worst in people. When I got engaged two of my former girlfriends literally stopped talking to me. When my BFF got engaged 2 of her girlfriends (one that she had been friends with for about 20 years) stopped talking to her because she was only having her immediate family and me at the wedding. She didn't want a big wedding or a long engagement and they just refused to understand.

My advice, drop the haters enjoy your engagement, wedding and husband and don't pay them a lick of attention.

It's not always jealousy. My feelings would be hurt too if I was friends with someone for 20 plus years and she didn't think enough of me to attend her wedding or celebration or anything.
i read that and said what! friendship would've ended right there..ive known you for 20+ yrs and no invite to your intimate wedding..she damn near like family at that point....deuces..i wouldve been so hurt!

It's not always jealousy. My feelings would be hurt too if I was friends with someone for 20 plus years and she didn't think enough of me to attend her wedding or celebration or anything.
Our relationship gets better everyday :angel2: I asked him to volunteer with me this morning and we had a lot of fun. I finally got to introduce him as my fiancé to a friend of mine!
Unfortunately some of my friendships seem to be deteriorating in front of me. There are a lot of side comments. One of my friends is celebrating her 4 year anniversary and I asked what they were going to do. She said "well not all of us found someone willing to marry us after less than a year, so we will do what normal couples do." :abducted: I looked at her like she was crazy.
Another asked me if I was engaged and I said yes and she asked to see my ring. I showed her and she said "Do you really think this is gonna last?" o_O
Anyway I'm thinking I need new married friends....? Or something! I honestly don't want my only friend to be my FH. I want to have girlfriends and have women to talk to on a semi daily basis. Any ideas?
I've had a core group of friends for about seven years now and 4/7 have been awful lol

I'm going to give you an alternate view.

I wasn't young when I "eloped". It was pretty fast from first date to marriage about 7 months. I married him too fast before his representative had a chance to show. I wish I had waited. I definitely wouldn't have married him.

If you were my sister irl, I'd have reservations about you marrying someone so quick and so young. Maybe your friends are wary and slightly concerned. It may not be jealousy. I'm sure they'll come around. If not, s**t happens.

Congrats and good luck.
I'm going to give you an alternate view.

I wasn't young when I "eloped". It was pretty fast from first date to marriage about 7 months. I married him too fast before his representative had a chance to show. I wish I had waited. I definitely wouldn't have married him.

If you were my sister irl, I'd have reservations about you marrying someone so quick and so young. Maybe your friends are wary and slightly concerned. It may not be jealousy. I'm sure they'll come around. If not, s**t happens.

Congrats and good luck.
Reservations are one thing, and understandable in my case. But injecting an opinion about a relationship they are not apart of is another. I have friends who do have their reservations but are still excited and show it. I have others that are outright rude, that have never been married nor in any relationships lasting past 9 months.