2016 Relationship And Dating Thread

So he surprised me by popping up at my house after he got out of work. We ended up going to the mall with my son.
After we got back to my house, he stayed and spent some quality time before going off to see his dad. Before he left, my son asked him if he could come over every day. He responded with "Not every day and mostly every day." I hope he feels very wanted. Most children don't like the person their parent is dating.
I was having a bad day yesterday and my SO left work early to surprise me. His presence was so calming and made me forget about the issues. I was sad when he left, but he gave me a kiss on my forehead like how we use to do when we first started dating.... I will be pretty happy when we take that step to move in together.
I'm wondering if the problem is stage one -- being attracted to someone with whom you are incompatible and will not be able to meet your needs. Perhaps we have to trust a lot more than chemistry.
Alison Armstrong does warn against dating someone you're attracted to right off the bat. Maybe that's one of the reasons why. :ohwell:
Alison Armstrong does warn against dating someone you're attracted to right off the bat. Maybe that's one of the reasons why. :ohwell:

I was thinking more that a firey attraction may actually not point to a good match because compatibility and really getting to know a person is more important. Compatibility as far as shared values and goals etc.
I just got a text invite to a day party this Sunday. I have no interest in going really. This weekend is supposed to be mild weather (something NYC needs) and I'd much rather spend it with my SO. I just don't really have the desire to be out like that. There are times I wanna go out with the girls and have a drink or two and I sure as hell enjoy it, but I just had a feeling of "I'm getting older" because the idea of going to this day party doesn't really appeal to me. I rather go drive around with my SO and enjoy the day with him as opposed to being in a cramped day party. Last summer I'd look forward to hanging out because I'm bored and want to get out the house and I was restlesss. I know it's healthy to go out still and I do have my dinners with my friends that I enjoy but ehhhhhh, I'm not really riled up for a day party right now. Truthfully, even when I was younger I didn't enjoy parties really and such... I just don't have the interest in going. Am I getting old? LOL.
I'm mid 30s and my friend going out is 29 and goes out a lot. Part of me can't relate too much, and her friends are younger as well. I'm dating a 40 year old and they're talking about men in their 20s. Idkkkkk... I can't even say it's age only because if I were single I'd go out without a question, but not necessarily b/c I'm excited about going to a party but bc I want to get out and be busy.
Hey I remember you from the meet ups :D I'm glad you moved on to a new boo! I hope it works out. Where did you met him?
SO and I had a talk... The talk- it came up from out of no where... We were talking about something else then the next thing you know, we are talking about being ready to get married. It was a cute conversation - but I don't listen to guy's mouths. I listen to actions. I followed up with a link to Blue Nile and told him if he was serious- maybe he should look around... Left the conversation as that. We are headed into 8 months together and I feel like over the last month we have grown a lot closer. He definitely has gotten a lot closer with my son.
Not sure if this is the right forum.. but anyway

I would think the past a certain age and stage... and maturity of your relationship.. you wouldnt be trying to warn women off your man...

wtf... why are women still doing this is 2016!
Not sure if this is the right forum.. but anyway

I would think the past a certain age and stage... and maturity of your relationship.. you wouldnt be trying to warn women off your man...

wtf... why are women still doing this is 2016!
What do you mean- chase other women away?
I have to go to Texas for work next week and it is like he is already missing me. For the last four days, he has come over each night after work and calling me a lot after he leaves. Then, we are suppose to spend most of this weekend together before I leave. There is that clinginess I like lol.

I am looking forward to the trip. Gives us some time to miss another another and I can get caught up on my studying. I am about 2-3 days behind and I have my next exam a few days after I get back. Plus- I never been to Texas before #daddyslessons - Lemonade is going to be on repeat when I get to that state.

Speaking of which- ex Facetimed our son last night while my SO was here. I guess ex was looking at my son's background and saw SO sitting on the couch. He asked my son in a passive aggressive way "How many people are over there." My son responded with 3. I quickly jumped on the camera to ask him about someone else completely to distract him because I didn't know if he was going to say something reckless. Lee could hear everything going on.

But like why do that? You know I am in a relationship so of course someone else is going to be at my house. You are in your own relationship- move on. Your son is safe, secure and happy- don't ask what is going on at my house. I think he is still upset that I won't introduce them. He is probably upset that Lee and I are going strong. Usually the guys I have dated fizzled out between 3-4 months. There are people in this world that don't want you but don't want you with anyone else too.
I have a friend who is SO ready for marriage and a baby but her SO is dragging. I wish I could talk to him but he says he will, but nobody knows WHEN. Whenever she gets news of friends being pregnant or engaged she's gets jealous-angry. :(
I've been doing a lot of dating later, and I love it! I wish I would've been dating like this 5-10 years ago. I would've weaved out so many losers. In the past week, I went on two dates. But there is one guy I can't stop thinking about from Friday. When I first met him I thought he was a total different race then he was. He was hella cute and kinda sexy. I can't wait for him to come back from out of town, because I really want to see him again. I'm a sucker for accents and I really like his. He could be talking about the weather and it would still sound so sexy to me. Damn, I hate that I can't talk more, I don't want to jinx this.
I love when he laughs. I love when we make each other laugh. But if I tried to explain our jokes to people they wouldn't find them so funny. It's like we have our own thing, and I love that. Not just with humor. It's really cool when you can look into each other's eyes and have a whole conversation.

I've been calling him Billy Jo-el all week because of his accent. I love that I want to kiss him more than strangle him. I'm such a romantic. I can hear him sucking his teeth when I say that. :giggle:
I love when he laughs. I love when we make each other laugh. But if I tried to explain our jokes to people they wouldn't find them so funny. It's like we have our own thing, and I love that. Not just with humor. It's really cool when you can look into each other's eyes and have a whole conversation.

I've been calling him Billy Jo-el all week because of his accent. I love that I want to kiss him more than strangle him. I'm such a romantic. I can hear him sucking his teeth when I say that. :giggle:
You radiate happiness! I am so happy for you:yahoo:
So I basically told him that until we are in an official, exclusive relationship we need to pump the breaks on a few things. Showing up at my house all willy nilly whenever he felt like it without letting me know that he was coming was one of them. Being around my siblings and cousins all the time was another. And a few other things. I need to know that it's real before you're consistently around my brother and sister, coming with me to their houses and what not. And you just can't be popping up at my apartment sir lol.

So anyway, I told him that I really like him and where things seem to be headed and that I'm open to seeing where it goes exclusively. But I told him than until he has decided that that's what he wants too we need to slow down on a few things.

So I kind of thought that he would be like "well I like what we have right now so I want to make it official" or something like that. But he was like "I like you a lot. You're the most amazing girl I've ever met and I honestly see a future with you. But yeah let's slow down and really build a strong foundation. And we are still fresh and I'm still learning you"

So Im cool with the building a strong foundation but I was a lil surprised by the we are still fresh and I'm still learning you comment. Cuz it's been about three consistent months of dating. And we both had said that we aren't dating anyone else. We go to church together. We traveled out of state together twice. He trusted me enough to fly to my hometown of Chicago with me, be around my friends who he didn't know, stay at my brother's apartment who he didn't know. My brother could've been a Chicago killer for all he knew lol. He spends the night every single Saturday. So I'm like this is still fresh and you're still learning me but we've done all this stuff together and you feel comfortable enough to pop up at my apartment whenever you want? Um okay lol.

So I really like him but I don't have time for him be dragging his feet. I'll give it one maybe one more month to step up, which will be a total of four months of consistent dating and spending time with each other.
I would've done the same thing.

And yeah I too am a bit surprised by his response given all that you guys have done.

I would continue being amazing and "keep some options open"

Good luck. :rose:

So I basically told him that until we are in an official, exclusive relationship we need to pump the breaks on a few things. Showing up at my house all willy nilly whenever he felt like it without letting me know that he was coming was one of them. Being around my siblings and cousins all the time was another. And a few other things. I need to know that it's real before you're consistently around my brother and sister, coming with me to their houses and what not. And you just can't be popping up at my apartment sir lol.

So anyway, I told him that I really like him and where things seem to be headed and that I'm open to seeing where it goes exclusively. But I told him than until he has decided that that's what he wants too we need to slow down on a few things.

So I kind of thought that he would be like "well I like what we have right now so I want to make it official" or something like that. But he was like "I like you a lot. You're the most amazing girl I've ever met and I honestly see a future with you. But yeah let's slow down and really build a strong foundation. And we are still fresh and I'm still learning you"

So Im cool with the building a strong foundation but I was a lil surprised by the we are still fresh and I'm still learning you comment. Cuz it's been about three consistent months of dating. And we both had said that we aren't dating anyone else. We go to church together. We traveled out of state together twice. He trusted me enough to fly to my hometown of Chicago with me, be around my friends who he didn't know, stay at my brother's apartment who he didn't know. My brother could've been a Chicago killer for all he knew lol. He spends the night every single Saturday. So I'm like this is still fresh and you're still learning me but we've done all this stuff together and you feel comfortable enough to pop up at my apartment whenever you want? Um okay lol.

So I really like him but I don't have time for him be dragging his feet. I'll give it one maybe one more month to step up, which will be a total of four months of consistent dating and spending time with each other.