2016 Relationship And Dating Thread

Ssooooo...he works in the medical field and I swear month he tells me how a doctor he works with tells him to work in another country/somewhere else. And he takes their advice and looks into it.

First it was Poland. Then a month later Hawaii was added to the list. Then he decided to just stay in Atlanta. Now last night Panama City, Florida was added to the list and he has two months to decide if he wants to take an opportunity there.

Things are still going well (even after his I'm still learning you comment) but I'm just not sure if I can do the anymore. If he doesn't go to Florida I know another city/country will be added to the list because that's just how it's been going.

I really like him but there are just too many uncertainties. Idk if he's even gonna stay in Atl. Idk how long it's gonna take him to move this from an unofficial relationship to an official one. If he does, will I be expected to drive down there every weekend? Or go to wherever every weekend? Too many things are just up in the air and I just.dont.know anymore.

I just have to talk to him about it.
^^^^ I'd start to go MIA. I would stop making myself so available for a man I'm not in a relationship with. When he comes around maybe you'll still be single... maybe not.
will I be expected to drive down there every weekend? Or go to wherever every weekend? Too many things are just up in the air and I just.dont.know anymore.
Currently you're considering arrangements regarding making the relationship work if you do become exclusive. Whereas he isn't doing that though those arrangements are dependent on his decisions.

As my grandmother would say, he's making style on you. I'd fall back...
@LiftedUp yeah that's what I just need to do. And I know he would be upset if I started dating men.

And he started asking if I would come visit him/am I gonna miss him. and blah blah blah. But we were at a restaurant and I wasn't trying to get all emotional. Cuz I was already upset about him bringing up another place that he might be going to. So I actually didn't even say anything. I kept eating my food and he dropped it.

But yes it's time to explore the other fish in the sea who have decided that they want to settle down in Atlanta.
@LiftedUp yeah that's what I just need to do. And I know he would be upset if I started dating men.

And he started asking if I would come visit him/am I gonna miss him. and blah blah blah. But we were at a restaurant and I wasn't trying to get all emotional. Cuz I was already upset about him bringing up another place that he might be going to. So I actually didn't even say anything. I kept eating my food and he dropped it.

But yes it's time to explore the other fish in the sea who have decided that they want to settle down in Atlanta.
Yea. To be blunt, he's on some ego bs. To keep bringing up the possibility of a relo, without actually having a real relo in place, is playing games with your heart.

You did right and will do right by yourself in moving on
@ivyness & @NaturallyBri87 I was watching Dr. Christiane Northrop on Super Soul Sunday and she said something to the effect of "intuition is the answer to your prayers". Granted I was probably doing something else at the time that's why I didn't get the entire statement. Yet it makes sense. I had a moment this weekend where I questioned "the man's" intentions and as usual I asked God, "Lordt, show me" but it sounded more like "Lordt, should I run NOW?" Fear had crept in and I questioned MY value. That feeling that you ladies are having is your gut or intuition. It don't feel good? It prolly aint.

You are both beautiful and intelligent women...just plucking FAB-U-LOUS!! You both deserve (your values denotes) somebody that can stand flat-footed and know that they that they know that they know that you want you. And you should feel that goodness in all up in yo craw. Big homies need to grow up...give 'em room.
So has anyone gotten that feeling of stepping back due to fear of later rejection or you start to have fears of self-sabotage after you're taken the next step in the relationship?

I like this guy a lot and after yesterday I'm really over the moon, but I know how vulnerable the first 48 hours are. I'm trying to keep myself busy and not think about him but all I do is think about him and its driving me crazy. I wish I can see him again tonight, but I don't want him to think I'm clingy and feenin.
I'm meeting his friends tomorrow :eek:

I know I shouldn't be nervous, but I am.

But my friend calmed my nerves a little so I'm sure it will be fine.
Forgot to add, focus of the fact that he's inviting you to meet his friends. That's a huge step! That means he's serious about you and wants to show you off to his friends. He's starting to think long term.
We had some oxtail at this new Jamaican spot (well our first time eating there together) and while we were eating I happened to call him by his last name being funny. His last name is just so lovely to me.

So he told me, you can't keep your last name. It just has to be mine. I was like, Um, my name will be Lucie-_______ ______-_______. He said, "No, just Lucie-_________ _________. We went back and forth about why my last name is dope and his is actually almost as dope as mine. So I said, "Why are you talking about this anyway?" And he got all shy and blushed when he realized how passionate he had become. :look: :giggle:
We had some oxtail at this new Jamaican spot (well our first time eating there together) and while we were eating I happened to call him by his last name being funny. His last name is just so lovely to me.

So he told me, you can't keep your last name. It just has to be mine. I was like, Um, my name will be Lucie-_______ ______-_______. He said, "No, just Lucie-_________ _________. We went back and forth about why my last name is dope and his is actually almost as dope as mine. So I said, "Why are you talking about this anyway?" And he got all shy and blushed when he realized how passionate he had become. :look: :giggle:

Aww this is so sweet! :love3: He loves him some Lucie :giggle:

Ive done that too. And the bf at the time noticed and was all :mad:. What made it more terribke was his friend flirted back :look::drunk:. A lot.:blush2: didnt go anywhere but we was trife nonetheless.

Please dont do this... please. :lol:
Omg :lol: That's EXACTLY how it went down with us too! You live and you learn.
I'm going on my first blind date tomorrow. :giggle: Apparently this dude is hunting for a wife, like he's reeeaaadddyyy to get married. We'll see how it goes...
So my date got rescheduled. He called me at the last minute to say he was sick in bed and wanted to reschedule for tonight instead. I was like: "no can do. I'm booked for the whole weekend. Maybe next weekend then?" He was like: "You've got other plans tomorrow and the rest of the weekend? Plans to do what?" Again I said I made other plans and didn't give any details. I don't know what he was expecting but that question made me feel some type of way. I won't change my plans for you at the drop of a hat! Btw my plans are to hang with my friends and then spend some alone time catching up on homework. Was he really sick? I dunno. We'll see what happens if we go out next week.