2016 Milestone Challenge...(not A Length Challenge. No Length Goals)

The hard protein changed my hair. My looser curls in the back are super tight. I use heat but the back has never been like this. Not even when I first big chopped. Amazing.
I'm thinking of doing a hard protein. I need to purchase one. In the meantime I'm going to use this Komaza and see if it helps.
I'm thinking of doing a hard protein. I need to purchase one. In the meantime I'm going to use this Komaza and see if it helps.
So I saved a draft that read like this: I used to love the Komaza protein strengthener but it doesn't feel like it's doing anything anymore. They changed the formula right? I am in love with Nexxus"

Then I went to the hair salon and was told I'm using too much protein. Haha. AND she chopped me off. Now I'm at the bottom of ear length. I'm so tired of the salon. Sigh!

OAN: Anyone notice how the salon mirrors make you look ugly. At least I think I do. But when I go home I'm like o_O what's wrong with their mirror because I'm fabulous.
So I saved a draft that read like this: I used to love the Komaza protein strengthener but it doesn't feel like it's doing anything anymore. They changed the formula right? I am in love with Nexxus"

Then I went to the hair salon and was told I'm using too much protein. Haha. AND she chopped me off. Now I'm at the bottom of ear length. I'm so tired of the salon. Sigh!

OAN: Anyone notice how the salon mirrors make you look ugly. At least I think I do. But when I go home I'm like o_O what's wrong with their mirror because I'm fabulous.

Hopefully you will avoid the salon. Even if you are using too much protein, you just stop and keep deep conditioning. Cutting the hair off is drastic.
Hopefully you will avoid the salon. Even if you are using too much protein, you just stop and keep deep conditioning. Cutting the hair off is drastic.
I think I'm going to try one more salon to see if I can find someone I trust to do regular trims. If not I watched the way she did my cut today and I think I'll follow that. But I think I've had enough for a few months.
I'm in....I have one goal and one goal only for 2016.

  1. Learning how to neatly cornrow my hair.

Here are pics of my hair, which I did cornrowed last week

This video really helped me with the technique



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My goals are coming along nicely. Except I'm failing miserably at keeping styles for a week. I'm laughing at myself right now. I tried to keep my flat iron in for a week. I did it on Friday and made it to Tuesday. Now I will continue cowashing and bunning for the rest of the week because I'm lazy.
So I can see my straightened hair from the stylist lasting me 2 weeks. That just goes to show that my straightening technique needs work. I'm also wondering if it's just because my hair needed to be cut. Honestly when she first finished I was looking how I look when I flat iron on my own but after she cut me it looked better. I posted a pic in the straight haired natural thread and in the sl 2016 and 2 inches in 4 months thread as my starting pic. Lol Might as well post it in here too. I'll edit to add it when I get home.


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I just took measurements to monitor my retention goal each quarter. Starting lengths on left side: 12 inches in front, 11.5 inches on sides and nape, right side is 12 inches in front and 11 inches on the sides. Right nape is 11.5 inches. I will measure again at the end of each quarter.
Moisturized my hair with nuetrogena triple moisture silk touch leave in cream last night. Today my hair is still nice and soft. So far so good with keeping my hair moisturized. I found that if I do it during the 20 min that I'm oil pulling it doesn't seem like a chore.
I'm in with the following style goals:

2nd Quarter

Do a roller set

Do a twist out

Do a wash n' go

Do a bantu knot out

4th Quarter

Do a flat twist

Do a braid out

Do a perm rod set

Do finger coils

I made a quick run to Wal-Mart while my hair was drying, so I will consider this an unofficial wash n' go. I rinsed out 80% of the Shea Moisture African Black Balancing Conditioner, put a twisty turbie on my head for 15 minutes, shook my head and dashed off to Wally World.

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I was a little too ambitious about wearing my hair for 3 whole months. I had a little breakage last week so I'm letting my hair rest for a few weeks under a wig.

I will straighten it again for dh's bday the end of this month. Hopefully by then the breakage has stopped and I can enjoy my hair some more.
I bought some pretty headbands today for my buns and updos.
Where did you buy yours? My mom got me some really cute stretchy ones that I can double and use for puffs too. I lost one and want to buy more but of course she doesn't know where she got them from. I'm eyeing some from goody.

I just checked my hair products and I need to use up my stash. So I did a perm rod set. I cowashed with Paul Mitchell's instant moisture daily treatment (won't be doing that again since this stuff is way too expensive to use as a cowash) I applied a little bit of eco styler on soaking wet hair and air dried about 50%. Then I set with curls unleashed shea butter & honey curl defining cream. The only reason I added the ecostyler in the shower was because I wanted hold but no crunch. My hair is super soft. I really like this defining cream. And to think I almost scrapped it. Just took a few times to get it to work. Going to figure out how to wear this for the week. @faithVA gave me the flexi rod idea for upkeep. Here are pics.


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I didn't add this to my list yes but I want to see if I an master coloring my hair with a semi-permanent color versus a permanent color. I am have the color in now. Going to leave it in at least 45 minutes. I hope it takes. I will rinse with cooler water so I don't rinse out all of the color. I also purchased an after color treatment to close the cuticle.
@faithVA do you think an after color treatment will stop my color from bleeding? Every wash day I end up with blue fingernails... Once this blue black fades I am going back to browns and reds.
@faithVA do you think an after color treatment will stop my color from bleeding? Every wash day I end up with blue fingernails... Once this blue black fades I am going back to browns and reds.

I don't know yet. This is the first time I have tried it. I wash again on Thursday. I will let you know how much it bleeds when I wash.

I have a feeling it is going to bleed. But it may slow it down. Usually I would rinse and the color would just rinse away. But this time it didn't.

How long does your color usually last?

No matter what color I color my hair it always just turns to this reddish brown :lol:

This is the finished product. It covered most of the gray. I'm so pleased.

Semipermanent color lasts 3-4 months. Sometimes longer. Red shades wash out the fastest. Blue seems like the longest lasting color so far. Purple only lasted 1 or 2 weeks.

I want to go back to a natural shade of brown or red. The natural colors never bleed.
Semipermanent color lasts 3-4 months. Sometimes longer. Red shades wash out the fastest. Blue seems like the longest lasting color so far. Purple only lasted 1 or 2 weeks.

I want to go back to a natural shade of brown or red. The natural colors never bleed.
I would be happy if it lasted 4 weeks. My hair grew out so quickly the last time I did permanent color, it needed to be redone after 3 weeks.

Coloring once a month would work out great.
Goal #1001, lol! 1st qtr and beyond. Increase body hydration for faster growth. Over the Summer I consumed a lot of water during and post pneumonia and my hair grew like crazy! I had an epitome this morning; unsweetened herbal tea counts as the recommended water/fluid per day! I will get my 100 oz of water per day by drinking both plain water and herb infused water (herbal tea). Oh it's on!!!
I'm doing well with IM this month. I am not using oil and massaging my scalp only on the weekends (to avoid tangled roots during the work week).

OH...if any of you are looking to reduce shedding, my twice per week warm green tea spritzes have me down to maybe a quarter-sized ball (total) of hair on wash day. I've been doing it for two or three weeks now, and started with maybe 3 or 4Xs this amount after washing. I spray on tea to saturate my scalp and wet my hair for my leave-in and gel application.
I'm in

1st Quarter
Get Sunday regimen down to 1 hour
Do LOC method on wet and dry hair
Do LOC method 2x a day even if I don't leave the house
Journal everything I do with my hair
Do hair regimen 2x/week, no excuses

2nd Quarter
Decide on a detangling method
Decide what product I will use to detangle
Fully detangle during Sunday regimen
Find a way to incorporate silk amino acids into my regimen
Find a way to incorporate hydrolyzed wheat protein into my regimen
Find a way to incorporate my teas into my regimen
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I kept looking at my steamer Sunday like...I really don't feel like doing you today. So I just DC'd w/a plastic cap. Thru the Winter, I still plan to make using my steamer the norm, though.
So Komaza still hasn't gotten back to me about my hair analysis. I remember when I did it before I waited weeks for some little baggies and thought I could have just sent the hair in. Lol have they changed the way they do it? Are they waiting for me to send hair? Status says shipped so I emailed them asking what was shipped and whether I should just send the hair. No response. I ordered December 17th. What's the deal?
So Komaza still hasn't gotten back to me about my hair analysis. I remember when I did it before I waited weeks for some little baggies and thought I could have just sent the hair in. Lol have they changed the way they do it? Are they waiting for me to send hair? Status says shipped so I emailed them asking what was shipped and whether I should just send the hair. No response. I ordered December 17th. What's the deal?

I thought they changed it and either sent the forms via email or you printed the forms from online. Did you check the old analysis thread to see how they do it now.