2016 Milestone Challenge...(not A Length Challenge. No Length Goals)

Ok so starting tomorrow I will start taking my vits daily dang it! It will be a milestone just to maximize growth for a cpl months straight.

If I have time this weekend I will rollerset and get it straight enough to make my new up-do milestone.
I'm working on my semi-permanent color application tonight. I will rinse in 15 minutes and hope the color really takes. If it does and it last at least 2 weeks, I will have met 1 milestone. If not I will try it again next week and see what I can change to make it happen. My color did last 2 weeks but it was barely hanging in there for 3 weeks. Considering I wash my hair twice a week though that is pretty good. If I switch to a once a week wash, I can definitely get 3 weeks and maybe 4.

Have my fingers crossed.
Will be doing a magnetic rollerset in a few. I'm trying it a bit differently. I'll be doing it on dry hair. Wash day was yesterday and I just put my hair in 2 braids. So today I'll dampen it with my spray bottle, add my serum and roll. Only problem is I'll surely have to sit under the dryer to set the curl. I'll post pics.

In other news I'm abandoning the hard protein treatment once a month. I'm going with an as needed basis. If anything I will use it every few months.
Here is the outcome of the rollerset. I used a spray bottle with water and lottabody. I added it's a 10 smoothing balm. It took me about an hour and 10 minutes. I watched an episode and a half of the blacklist (on demand so 40 minute episodes) I didn't sit under the dryer. After I finished I was so tired I sat down on my couch and fell asleep. Lol I just took them out now. It came out pretty smooth but probably would have been smoother if I used the dryer.
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really trying to thicken my hair. just juiced 80z of carrots. also did a garlic infused olive oil mix for my pre poo on saturday. trying to slow my shedding down and thicken my hair up. black tea rinses have done nothing for me so i'm on the to the next
I'm on track with my three goals:
1. Protective styles throughout the Winter ( two - two strand twist)
2. Dust my ends in December then heavy moisturizing and sealing throughout the 1st quarter to maintain length and health- didn't dust my ends in December... I'll be doing them in February
3. Pre-poo before each wash during the 1st quarter- haven't missed one!
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I'm on track with my three goals:
1. Protective styles throughout the Winter ( two - two strand twist)
2. Dust my ends in December then heavy moisturizing and sealing throughout the 1st quarter to maintain length and health- didn't dust my ends in December... I'll be doing them in February
3. Pre-poo before each wash during the 1st quarter- haven't missed one!
Great job.
I'm in. Is it ok to add goals to this post as I think of them? Here are the few I have so far:

2nd Quarter goals:
1. Incorporate a hard protein treatment in my regimen once a month.

2. Maintain styles for a week at a time and don't make wash day come early because I can't figure out how to do my hair. This includes straight hair. I have to especially figure out how to maintain an out style until wash day on flat ironed hair.

3rd Quarter goals:
1. Perfect a magnetic rollerset. So basically do it in 45 minutes tops and have it come out smooth.

2. Perfect flat iron routine. It's pretty good right now but I have to work on getting those ends smoother.

3. Stay on a regular trimming schedule. I'm aiming for every 3-4 months. I've never done this so I hope to make this a regular routine.

No first quarter goals for now because I plan to spend all of first quarter getting these things under control. And no 4th quarter goals yet because I want to meet the milestones by 3rd quarter and basically have them perfected by 4th quarter.
I think I'm going to move my 2nd quarter goal of making styles last a full week to the 4th quarter. It's going to take me a while to master this without wreaking havoc on my hair. Had a perm rod set for the entire week and it looked pretty and held up nicely but my hair was a mess when it was time to wash.

I'll keep practicing my magnetic rollerset and flat iron routine. Both are getting better but I want them to be perfect. So perfect I never have to even wonder if I should visit a stylist to do it for me.

Next scheduled trim is coming up at the end of the March. This is the first time I'm ever trimming by a schedule so I hope I have the guts to go through with it. If I get to the 4th quarter having done a trim for each quarter this milestone will have been a success.
I think I'm going to move my 2nd quarter goal of making styles last a full week to the 4th quarter. It's going to take me a while to master this without wreaking havoc on my hair. Had a perm rod set for the entire week and it looked pretty and held up nicely but my hair was a mess when it was time to wash.

I'll keep practicing my magnetic rollerset and flat iron routine. Both are getting better but I want them to be perfect. So perfect I never have to even wonder if I should visit a stylist to do it for me.

Next scheduled trim is coming up at the end of the March. This is the first time I'm ever trimming by a schedule so I hope I have the guts to go through with it. If I get to the 4th quarter having done a trim for each quarter this milestone will have been a success.
Sounds good. Sounds like you are on top of things. I think it's good to move milestones around once you get more information.


1) Color with Shea Moisture jet black hair coloring system

2) Dust my ends

3) Wash every week. This one is going to be a challenge lol

Edited to update milestone goals

I'll update for Q2 depending how I make out with Q1.

1) Last coloring session was in December. Moving this to a 2nd quarter goal. I have no grays that I need to cover...only my dusty brown natural color...so I can get away with pushing it a little further. Thinking maybe April or May.

2). Done. Trimmed this past Sunday.

3). Success! I have been washing & roller setting every week and rather enjoying it.

2ND quarter goals:
All the original goals PLUS heavy seal my ends with pomade after moisturizing.

I'm in with 3 goals:

  1. Continue wearing loose twists until at least June of Q2. This has been the best protective style choice for me so far.
  2. Q2: Be able to re-do my twists in 6 hours or less (entire head) without sacrificing quality/care
  3. Learn 1 new style per quarter

So far I've only been able to reduce retwist time to 4 hours if I retwist weekly.....which I'm not interested in doing consistently :look:. Every other week has become my preference. Still working on it.
So far I've only been able to reduce retwist time to 4 hours if I retwist weekly.....which I'm not interested in doing consistently :look:. Every other week has become my preference. Still working on it.
With that time commitment I think every other week makes sense.
Did a magnetic rollerset and it came out horrible. My main goal with this rollerset was to stretch my hair and I did that so no biggie. But I long for the day I'll have a smooth set. Next try will be next weekend. For now I just put in 5 big pin curls to keep it stretched.
So this week I'm starting my wig regimen and I've accomplished one of my 1st quarter goals. I've cornrowed my hair into a circular pattern so that my straight wig can lay flat. Before I had to do twist under my wigs because I couldn't figure out how to cornrow. I've watched a few youtube videos and I've been practicing on my straight wig. Granted it doesn't look all that great and it's definitely not worth taking pics, but I'm very pleased with my results :yep:.
I'm on day 12 of my blowout. My roots are big and crinkly, but I'm not washing until Wednesday. I plan to do a Nioxin Scalp Renew treatment followed by a shampoo and dc. Then I will attempt to blowdry with my comb attachment.

Wish me luck yall. I'm so style challenged/uncoordinated.
I'm on day 12 of my blowout. My roots are big and crinkly, but I'm not washing until Wednesday. I plan to do a Nioxin Scalp Renew treatment followed by a shampoo and dc. Then I will attempt to blowdry with my comb attachment.

Wish me luck yall. I'm so style challenged/uncoordinated.
Some people get such good results with the comb attachment. I've seen YouTube videos where it comes out so well. The comb attachment hasn't worked for me since my mother used to blow dry my hair when I was a kid. I'm sure yours will come out ok. How are you planning to wear your hair after?
Some people get such good results with the comb attachment. I've seen YouTube videos where it comes out so well. The comb attachment hasn't worked for me since my mother used to blow dry my hair when I was a kid. I'm sure yours will come out ok. How are you planning to wear your hair after?
I'm probably going to flatiron it on low heat. If it gets straight enough after the blowout then I'll just bun it all week.
So I've started my wig regimen this week and I'm so happy to not have to manipulate my hair. I'm getting so many compliments on my wig this week. They actually think that it's my hair :giggle:. When they tell me that they like my hair, I just politely tell them thank you :grin:.

Also I had forgot that I'm suppose to be doing the inversion method until I went back and checked my 1st quarter goals. So since I'm still working on my crown and edges, I applied my oil and did the inversion for 4 min. I'll continue for next 6 days so that I'll have that goal started. My plan is to keep my hair braided for 4 weeks and then remove the braids and do my normal hair regimen then back up in braids it goes. I guess now I need to add a new goal of moisturizing and sealing in cornrows. I think I have a good plan so I'll reevaluate it after this week.