2016 Milestone Challenge...(not A Length Challenge. No Length Goals)

I thought they changed it and either sent the forms via email or you printed the forms from online. Did you check the old analysis thread to see how they do it now.
I just came back in here to say I just went to my account to look at my old hair analysis and I see the new stuff in there. I didn't check the old thread since it's wayyyy too long now. Couldn't wade through everything lol

Komaza should definitely have better communication though. If I wasn't a part of this forum how would I know that's what they do? No email to say documents are now ready for download or anything? My order status said shipped. And I'm waiting like a fool. Haha And then I emailed them. Someone could have emailed me back saying to sign in to my account or something. Sheesh!

Anyway, I'll forgive them for now. Looks like I'm washing my hair tomorrow.
@faithVA I want to join :yep:.
1st Quarter:
1) Protective style for retention
2) Retain moisture in twist for 2 days
3) Learn how to cornrow my hair
4) Learn how to make a natural hair wig
5) Focus on making my ends healthy
6) Eliminate SSK's
7) Work on regrowing temples and crown
8) Work on thickening my hair
9) Work on improving my high porosity hair
10) Do inversion method the first week of each month
Somehow I got off track with my goals cuz I was trying the MHM during the holiday break but that's not working out to well for me. So today I'm getting back on track with protective styling and retaining moisture in my hair. I'm going to twist my hair and keep it in 2 to 3 weeks then remove them and install them again. Also this weekend I'm going to practice cornrows on my kinky straight wig :yep:. Once I receive my other bundle of hair I'm going to attempt to make a natural hair wig. If it turns out good then I'll be rocking that hair until it warms up :laugh:.
I washed tonight but I didn't try any new styles. I think I will wait until the end of the month to try something. I will wait until a weekend when I'm not rushing.
So I realized I don't need to do such tiny sections for perm rod sets all the time. If I want a more defined look with less separating I could do more. But if I want bigger looser curls then less perm rods works which takes about 20 minutes tops.
So this weekend I went back to stretching my hair so that I can wear my twists. I usually stretch my hair using curlformers, but I saw a method that kimmaytube uses to stretch her hair so I had decided to try that. Kimmaytube twist her hair then use large magnetic rollers to stretch her twist. I did the same thing then I sat under my bonnet dryer for about 45 min but I really needed an hour for it to fully dry. Her method did a good job to stretch my hair and it didn't take as long to install like it does when I use my curlformers to stretch. After I took out the rollers then I further stretched my hair using braids and left them in overnite. The following day my hair was ready to be twisted so now I'm back in twist for the winter. For this quarter, I will use the magnetic roller method to stretch my hair :yep:.

I was going to work on making a curly wig, but I forgot that I have to wash the hair first. So last night, I cowashed the hair and now it's air drying. Once it's dry, I will attempt to make this wig, but I don't know how it's going to turn out :lol:. I've watched a lot of youtube videos over the weekend so I think I'm ready to try it. I don't want to make my wig too full since I don't have thick hair. I want it to look like it's mine so that I can wear it to work. I don't need my coworkers giving me the side eye when I'm wearing it. Once it's done, I'll post a pic with me wearing it.
Thinking of straightening my hair this weekend but doing a magnetic rollerset instead blowing it out. Still haven't practiced that as much as I should be. Then again my new blow dryer just got here. I'll decide by Friday.

Right now going to do a perm rod set. Start time 10:14. Here we go.

Finished 10:43. Not bad. But my hair is soaking wet. Hope it dries by morning because I don't want to use the dryer.
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Still not doing my LOC routine 2x day. Also not doing it even if I don't leave the house. A work in progress.

Doing really well with doing my hair 2x/wk, no excuses.
Not quite ready to work on any of my 1st quarter milestones. I will do a rollerset at the end of the month and then see if I can preserve it. That will be the first thing I work on. I will leave the flat twist on wet hair until the end of the 1st quarter to give myself a better chance.

I'm working on perfecting semi-permanent color. So far so good. Sunday will be 2 weeks and my color is still holding well. But my Sunday wash will let me know if it will hold up for 3 weeks. Once I can repeat the whole 3 week process, I will have accomplished my 1st milestone.
Thinking of straightening my hair this weekend but doing a magnetic rollerset instead blowing it out. Still haven't practiced that as much as I should be. Then again my new blow dryer just got here. I'll decide by Friday.

Right now going to do a perm rod set. Start time 10:14. Here we go.

Finished 10:43. Not bad. But my hair is soaking wet. Hope it dries by morning because I don't want to use the dryer.
Flat ironed and I still need to get better at the ends getting straight. I blow dried and my hair is bouncy but I see a few parts where the ends could have been straighter.

I've decided to take a pic of my hair once a month so going to take a pic at the end if the month no matter what style I do.
Great challenge, I'm in!
My poor diet, exercise, stress-level and neglect are the root of my hair problems. So I'm investing in mind-body-spirit wellness for healthy hair abundance in the new year.

First Quarter:
  1. Scritch + preen on schedule
  2. Learn + maintain decent corn rows
  3. Get 1 hour of vitamin D daily, without wig or scarf
  4. Drink 1/2 gallon water
  5. Return to vitamin-rich, traditional southern food: wild-caught fish, bone stew, vegetables, fruit, herbs
  6. Return to probiotics: kimchi, kombucha, aged cheese
  7. Eradicate ultra-refined sweeteners/soy/oil/corn/wheat/caffeine from my life
  8. Wake up at 6am
  9. Do minimum 30 mins classical stretch or yoga or Pilates daily
  10. Get 8hrs sleep
I'm 'leisurely' and stubborn, this won't be easy but it's necessary. Good luck to everyone!
Great challenge, I'm in!
My poor diet, exercise, stress-level and neglect are the root of my hair problems. So I'm investing in mind-body-spirit wellness for healthy hair abundance in the new year.

First Quarter:
  1. Scritch + preen on schedule
  2. Learn + maintain decent corn rows
  3. Get 1 hour of vitamin D daily, without wig or scarf
  4. Drink 1/2 gallon water
  5. Return to vitamin-rich, traditional southern food: wild-caught fish, bone stew, vegetables, fruit, herbs
  6. Return to probiotics: kimchi, kombucha, aged cheese
  7. Eradicate ultra-refined sweeteners/soy/oil/corn/wheat/caffeine from my life
  8. Wake up at 6am
  9. Do minimum 30 mins classical stretch or yoga or Pilates daily
  10. Get 8hrs sleep
I'm 'leisurely' and stubborn, this won't be easy but it's necessary. Good luck to everyone!

#10 is a hard one for me, but I definitely need to work on it as well.
Well I was able to do my hair regimen in an hour today. Its realistic for now. I'm only finger detangling. Once I start full out detangling I'm not sure 1 hour is doable.
Well I'm still wearing my twist and stretching with the magnetic rollers. I went to my bss and bought 2 more packs of rollers. What I'm realizing is that my hair responds better to indirect heat using my bonnet dryer than air drying. My twist usually air dries crunchy, but when I use my bonnet dryer it dries soft. I've also noticed that my hair retains moisture better as well so I was finally able to go 2 days without moisturizing my twist. So I'm getting closer to my first quarter goals. Now if I can actually take the time to make this dang on natural hair wig :lol:. Ok I'm going to at least start on it this weekend :yep:. I'm also going to practice cornrowing this weekend too cuz I'm going to need to braid my hair while it's under this wig and right now my braiding skills are below average :laugh:.
In my original post, I listed being able to flat twist by 2nd qtr. Well guess what guys, I flat twisted my hair today, WOOT-WOOT!!! I don't know how it'll turn out because I did them on dry and previous twisted hair. At least I know I can do them on my short and kinky coily hair!
Q1-As of last night I am out of Kerastase Elixir Ultime. I still have 3 other conditioners to use up this quarter.

I have been doing my weekly prepoos and washes like clockwork. I'm probably going to run out of shampoo soon too.
In my original post, I listed being able to flat twist by 2nd qtr. Well guess what guys, I flat twisted my hair today, WOOT-WOOT!!! I don't know how it'll turn out because I did them on dry and previous twisted hair. At least I know I can do them on my short and kinky coily hair!
Congratulations. How did they turn out?