2016 Milestone Challenge...(not A Length Challenge. No Length Goals)

My goals are coming along nicely. Except I'm failing miserably at keeping styles for a week. I'm laughing at myself right now. I tried to keep my flat iron in for a week. I did it on Friday and made it to Tuesday. Now I will continue cowashing and bunning for the rest of the week because I'm lazy.
I'm getting ready to cut all of my hair off, and I need to compile a set of benchmarks and milestones for myself afterward. I will be joining this challenge, so I will report back with more definitive information shortly.
Been consistent with keep my hair moisturized!! Yay me

@julzinha whst are you doing for thicker hair?? This is my goal too!! I'm taking garlic pills, using the nutrine garlic shampoo and conditioner and oiling my scalp with castor oil.
Been consistent with keep my hair moisturized!! Yay me

@julzinha whst are you doing for thicker hair?? This is my goal too!! I'm taking garlic pills, using the nutrine garlic shampoo and conditioner and oiling my scalp with castor oil.
I'm trying a ton of things, but the things that seem to be working is taking a high dose of MSM and silica. Taking collagen. Also, prepooing with coconut oil and doing hard protein treatments also regular black tea rinses. I've also been putting Njoy on my scalp every other day and it has been great for regrowth
I'm trying a ton of things, but the things that seem to be working is taking a high dose of MSM and silica. Taking collagen. Also, prepooing with coconut oil and doing hard protein treatments also regular black tea rinses. I've also been putting Njoy on my scalp every other day and it has been great for regrowth

Thank you!!! I have MSM powder that I add to my smoothies but I haven't been consistent with it. I'm going to get back on it TODAY! lol. I'm going to up the dose too. I have coconut oil, the aphogee protein treatment and black tea so I'm going to start doing that in addition to everything else.
Adding another goal!

My goal is to remove my twists and not see Scalp and have to manipulate hair so much that I mess up my twistout. This morning I took down my week+ old twists and to my amazement I'm seeing far less scalp, yay!

I want a scalpless twistout by April 1st!
:yay: I'm still working on the twist out. We may have some shared goals.
I tried flexi rods on Tuesday. I tried it on wet hair. Found I didn't like it. For me they were harder to install than perm rods and didn't give me the curly look I wanted. I will stick to using perm rods and curl formers on wet hair and flexi rods on dry/ stretched hair.
I tried flexi rods on Tuesday. I tried it on wet hair. Found I didn't like it. For me they were harder to install than perm rods and didn't give me the curly look I wanted. I will stick to using perm rods and curl formers on wet hair and flexi rods on dry/ stretched hair.
How did you style your hair in your avatar? It's beautiful
Hmmm... I would like to greatly reduce my single strand knots by 70%. I will measure this by how often I have to trim.
I think I should make this one of my goals too. I've just gotten so used to them. I trimmed in November and they're no more, my hair feels wonderful. I've been cowashing and after a month I still don't feel any but I know they're coming. But I have no idea how to keep them away besides trimming regularly.
For years, I've stuck to the rule that mineral oil is a no-no. But I've come to realize that it is the best sealant for my strands and if keeps them from tangling and knotting more than anything.

So my regime is simple:

1. Rinse at night in the shower.
2. Seal with the pomade of choice.
3. Two braids over night a la Amel Larrieux to stretch.

The challenge for me will be sticking with it as is because I always love changing things up.
For years, I've stuck to the rule that mineral oil is a no-no. But I've come to realize that it is the best sealant for my strands and if keeps them from tangling and knotting more than anything.

So my regime is simple:

1. Rinse at night in the shower.
2. Seal with the pomade of choice.
3. Two braids over night a la Amel Larrieux to stretch.

The challenge for me will be sticking with it as is because I always love changing things up.
When I was growing up my mom used grease on my hair which I am sure had mineral oil. I never had a single strand knot. I didn't even know what they were until I heard of them on this board. When I switched over to natural products I started having them. Maybe when my hair is a bit longer I will try putting a pomade on the ends to see how that works.
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Tried to do two flat twist up the back. I could do it but it was a struggle. I decided to wait until I have a few more inches.
I'm using my stash by Prepooing once a week. Tonight I used Kerastase Volumactive conditioner and I will wash it out in the morning.

I wore my own hair for a week and it was great. I have serious hand in hair though...
Did a hard protein treatment. I think my hair liked it. I also think I may not have to do this 1x a month. Hard protein is serious business and my hair feels nice after my moisture dc but if think using on an as needed basis is better. Mixing a light protein with my moisture dc has been working wonders so I'll keep that up.
I did a perm rod set. Don't have any pictures of it alone because they're all family pics from Christmas but it came out beautifully! Soft,shiny and pretty. Problem is it lasted ONE day. Sitting here now with a complete fro! Part of the problem was the weather because it was all misty, humid and yucky. The other part was probably the products. I used curls unleashed curl defining cream and curls goddess curl gel which doesn't have much hold. On the plus side I was going to trash this curls unleashed defining cream but it works very well on its own so I think I'll keep it.

In order to keep my hair for a few days I need more hold and to separate less. But I've said before I need to separate a lot to get the look I want and I rather like the way my hair feels without a strong gel. Decisions decisions.

Eta: playing in my hair I can feel a few ssks. I'm guessing I don't have as many as I could since I used the curl defining cream which is heavy on the oil and butter in the ingredients.
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I'm using my stash by Prepooing once a week...
Exactly what I started doing. I'm afraid of butter builup, so those I'm giving away. But I've got quite a few Trader Joe's Tea Tree Tingle and Tresemme Naturals conditioners.

On another note, I think I'll kick off an IM session Tuesday night since I'll be off until the 4th.
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I've been consistent with my scalp massages. However I did have a "mini" lapse on measuring my hair. I say mini b/c I didn't break out my measuring tape but I did tug on my hair to see the length. I haven't had the time to start practicing my flexi rod sets. I think once my bangs grow back in, I'm gonna start flexi rodding that 1st.