2016 Milestone Challenge...(not A Length Challenge. No Length Goals)

I'm in!

1. Learn how to flat twist on my own hair
2. Complete and wear a successful wash and go for at least 4 days
Do you have a goal date for either of those? Looking forward to learning about your wash and go.

I'm here for flat twist tips if you need them. I think I wore flat twist 45 weeks out of this year :yep:
@faithVA I want to join :yep:.
1st Quarter:
1) Protective style for retention
2) Retain moisture in twist for 2 days
3) Learn how to cornrow my hair
4) Learn how to make a natural hair wig
5) Focus on making my ends healthy
6) Eliminate SSK's
7) Work on regrowing temples and crown
8) Work on thickening my hair
9) Work on improving my high porosity hair
10) Do inversion method the first week of each month

2nd Quarter:
1) Continue working on temples and crown
2) Start working on achieving maximum hydration
3) Continue to work on not being a bandwagon junkie
4) Continue to stop being a product junkie
5) Figure out a moisturizing routine for my out styles
6) Achieve 2nd day hair on out styles without restyling
7) Achieve a wearable wash n go
8) Achieve a twist out that doesn't look stringy & thin
9) Do inversion method the first week of each month
I thought I had some goals :lol: I wish you success with each one of them :yep:
Do you have any idea what your 1st style will be? Please post a picture if you find one.

Not yet but it will surely be simple. I have a habit of wearing the same style ALL the time that I need to break (especially since it annoys me, lol). My twists are small enough to allow a great deal of versatility so I need to take advantage of it. I'm on the hunt so will post as soon as I find something. Today I jazzed things up with a tucked French braid :look: ...like I said simple, lol! Haven't worn my hair like this since before the twists.
I want to join.

My goals are:

  1. Keep my hair stretched for the entire year. No letting it shrink up ever again.
  2. Learn how to do African threading.
  3. Figure out a wash schedule
  4. Figure out a wash method (products to use, etc.)
I want to join.

My goals are:

  1. Keep my hair stretched for the entire year. No letting it shrink up ever again.
  2. Learn how to do African threading.
  3. Figure out a wash schedule
  4. Figure out a wash method (products to use, etc.)
Welcome. Make sure to add goal dates so we know when you will be checking in.
Now this is useful. I've been slipping lately, and need to focus, so...

Get back to Weekly DCing
Get back to Weekly Steaming
Apply products in sections
Inversion Method first week of month
So I incorporated the first 3 on Sunday and my curls are popping. My fractals are like tiny pen coils and I LOVE them. I usually get them around the perimeter of my head. Working in sections is the only way I've gotten them to appear everywhere. I stopped the inversion method at day 4 because I cannot do the method w/out completely restyling or else I'll just have a 'fro. My hair just doesn't hold up. Also, I would prefer not to manipulate my hair so much during the dryer seasons of Fall/Winter.
So I incorporated the first 3 on Sunday and my curls are popping. My fractals are like tiny pen coils and I LOVE them. I usually get them around the perimeter of my head. Working in sections is the only way I've gotten them to appear everywhere. I stopped the inversion method at day 4 because I cannot do the method w/out completely restyling or else I'll just have a 'fro. My hair just doesn't hold up. Also, I would prefer not to manipulate my hair so much during the dryer seasons of Fall/Winter.
Will you explain why you have to restyke after inverting?
Will you explain why you have to restyke after inverting?
Well if I use oil (on the weekends) I have cannot afford the build up. Also, the massaging of my scalp leaves my roots a matted mess which means a challenging detangling session. I can't leave my hair in this state.
Well if I use oil (on the weekends) I have cannot afford the build up. Also, the massaging of my scalp leaves my roots a matted mess which means a challenging detangling session. I can't leave my hair in this state.
You can do inversion without the oil or the massage. The inversion itself will increase the circulation. All the rest is extra.
Interesting, I thought you needed the scalp stimulation.
If you invert 4 minutes the blood will rush to your scalp. It's actually redundant to have to massage your scalp as well. It doesn't hurt but you can invert without it.
I want to change my goals so that it will correlate with the other challenge that I joined

1st Quarter
1. Master a flexi rod set
2. Stop cutting my hair except for trims or S&D
3. Stop ripping out knots
4. Protective style 3x's a week
5. Find a hair color that suits my complexion and personality
6. Massage my scalp 2x's a week
7. One heat pass for length check only
8. No in-between length checks (This is going to be REALLY hard)

2nd Quarter
1. STOP playing in my hair
2. keep with a hair regimen for at least a month
3. Protective style 4x's a week
4. Massage my scalp 3x's a week
5. No in-between length checks

3rd Quarter
1. Massage my scalp 4x's a week
2. One heat pass for length check only
I'm in. Is it ok to add goals to this post as I think of them? Here are the few I have so far:

2nd Quarter goals:
1. Incorporate a hard protein treatment in my regimen once a month.

2. Maintain styles for a week at a time and don't make wash day come early because I can't figure out how to do my hair. This includes straight hair. I have to especially figure out how to maintain an out style until wash day on flat ironed hair.

3rd Quarter goals:
1. Perfect a magnetic rollerset. So basically do it in 45 minutes tops and have it come out smooth.

2. Perfect flat iron routine. It's pretty good right now but I have to work on getting those ends smoother.

3. Stay on a regular trimming schedule. I'm aiming for every 3-4 months. I've never done this so I hope to make this a regular routine.

No first quarter goals for now because I plan to spend all of first quarter getting these things under control. And no 4th quarter goals yet because I want to meet the milestones by 3rd quarter and basically have them perfected by 4th quarter.
This week I will be working on the bolded goals. I'm going to straighten my hair and hopefully going to get the results I want from daily cowashing for a week. I'm going to do a magnetic rollerset instead of blowing my hair out. I'm going to see if I can do it in at least an hour and get the ends smooth on the roller.

I'm going to flat iron and see if I can get the ends smooth. Hopefully the roller set comes out ok and helps with this. I will try my hardest to keep my hair straight - and styled - for an entire week. Please let this work.

Lastly, I'm going to do my first ever hard protein treatment ever in life. Let's see how my hair reacts. I figure I'll use this once a month when I use heat to help keep my hair strong. My question is though. Should I do the hard protein before I straighten or should I do it on the next wash day after I straighten? Which would be more beneficial to my hair?

I'll post pics when I'm done.

Eta: So I should know the answer to my protein question. I've been cowashing all week in preparation to flat iron. A hard protein would kill all that good moisture for sure. I'll wait until after I'm ready to wash again to do it.
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I want go wear my hair only for the entire first quarter (January-March). I tend to get lazy and wig it for weeks at a time.
Today was difficult. I don't know what it is about wash days but I have a habit of measuring my hair on wash days. Today I did not. I also found what felt like a knot and I didn't rip it out :toocool:. I wanted to SOOOO bad. I think I'm confusing knots with product buildup on my ends; IDK
Since I will be wearing my own hair for the 1st quarter I just might learn a few new hairstyles. I'm sick of the same old lunch lady bun
Doing an overnight with TVO carmeltini. Hopefully it does hydrate my hair so styling might be a bit easier. I will know in the morning.
What a great thread @faithVA !!!

I already had milestone goals for 2016! Meeting these goals would be a natural hair dream come true for me!

1st quarter:
Double strand twist my hair in no more than 10 juicy twists post wash/DC. Right now I have about 30-40 twists so it seems, I'm to lazy to count.

Mid-week cowashes to boost hydration. My low porosity hair need a refresh and not just spraying water.

Scalp massages 3 times a week.

I plan is to achieve these milestones by April 1, 2016

2nd quarter:
To flat twist.

Wear my hair out a few days a week in a thick and luscious twistout!
I will hopefully achieve these milestone by my birthday June 12, 2016!

3rd & 4th quarters:
Maintain Q1/Q2.

Use Curlformers to stretch my hair and have beautiful curls!!! I can't curl hair using curlers or flat irons if it were to save my life, besides my fine strands can't handle the heat.
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Did a magnetic roller set and finished in...wait for it....35 minutes!!!!! I wasn't even working fast or paying attention really. I checked the time when I started and watched tv the entire time. 1 episode of Bob's Burgers. Lol It came out ok still working on the ends but the roots were nearly bone straight. And it looks like my hair is filling in again in the middle from a minor setback I had. My hair was soft and really really bouncy and fluffy. I credit half that to my cowashing and deep condition. I only have a pic of the rollers in because when I took the rollers out I just wanted to hurry up and flat iron. And then it didn't come out well and I didn't know what to do with it so I was disappointed and didn't want to look in the mirror for the rest of the night! On the plus side it does seem like I've gotten some growth since my hair cut only a month ago. I'll take a comparison pic before I wash this out.

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What a great thread @faithVA !!!

I already had milestone goals for 2016! Meeting these goals would be a natural hair dream come true for me!

1st quarter:
Double strand twist my hair in no more than 10 juicy twists post wash/DC. Right now I have about 30-40 twists so it seems, I'm to lazy to count.

Mid-week cowashes to boost hydration. My low porosity hair need a refresh and not just spraying water.

Scalp massages 3 times a week.

I plan is to achieve these milestones by April 1, 2016

2nd quarter:
To flat twist.

Wear my hair out a few days a week in a thick and luscious twistout!
I will hopefully achieve these milestone by my birthday June 12, 2016!

3rd & 4th quarters:
Maintain Q1/Q2.

Use Curlformers to stretch my hair and have beautiful curls!!! I can't curl hair using curlers or flat irons if it were to save my life, besides my fine strands can't handle the heat.
Glad to have you KiWiStyle. I also have a twist goal. It takes me about 40+ twist to do a twist out. If I can get down to 20 that would be good. Last time I counted I had 26 just in the front :Lol:

Wishing you the best with your goals in 2016.
I'm in.

1) Learn how to do canerows that I would actually wear somewhere. ( I can see myself having children and not knowing how to do their hair :( )
2) Buy a wig and incorporate it into my regimen
3) Take my vitamins everyday
4) Drink at least 1.5 l of water a day
5) Protective Style for 95% of the year and keep each protective style in for at least 2 month
6) Get a facial everytime I redo or freshen up a protective style
7) Be Patient and Meticulous when installing, taking down or freshening up protective styles
8) Eat one salad and one smoothie a day (this will be difficult)
10) Find a detangler that I like
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Glad to have you KiWiStyle. I also have a twist goal. It takes me about 40+ twist to do a twist out. If I can get down to 20 that would be good. Last time I counted I had 26 just in the front :Lol:

Wishing you the best with your goals in 2016.
ThanKS faithVA! For now, I'll be happy to just be able to twist and hide my hair under my beanie. My twistout goals are later in the year, lol!
I can see that I will be added milestones all year long :lol:

By the end of 2016 I want to be able to do a single braid down the center from my crown to my nape or vice versa. That would be an easy protective style.
I can see that I will be added milestones all year long :lol:

By the end of 2016 I want to be able to do a single braid down the center from my crown to my nape or vice versa. That would be an easy protective style.
That was my FAVORITE style when I was relaxed, I perfected it. It's a goal of mine too but maybe for 2017 :)