2014 What's Happening in Our Relationships?

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My twin is getting back to his normal self. He came home from working and came in with a big grin. I'm so glad. He looked so pitiful a few days ago. He told me thank you for taking care of him and that I will be a great wife and mama. He also thanked me for taking the chance of moving. He knows I sacrificed a lot. But its worth it and beneficial for our relationship.
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My twin is getting back to his normal self. He came home from working and came in with a big grin. I'm so glad. He looked so pitiful a few days ago. He told me thank you for taking care of him and that I will be a great wife and mama. He also thanked me for taking the chance of moving. He knows I sacrificed a lot. But its worth it and beneficial for our relationship.

I'm so happy for you and excited about what's to come!
We're going to pre marital counseling. It's been an eye opener. We don't communicate good at all out of fear of potentially hurting each other's feelings. Too nice people are hard to be in a relationship together. I'm supposed to plan my wedding but I just don't want to. I think weddings are overrated.

We just closed on a house on the 17th so the moving and organizing has been tedious but it's coming along nicely. Relationships are a lot of work but totally worth it. This is the most fun I've had in awhile. It's a different type of fun though.
Been talking to a guy for about 3 weeks straight now. We met on POF and he lives in the city I'm going to move to. We're supposed to actually (physically) meet on Valentine's Day and so far, so good. Not jumping the gun yet, but if he's just like he is on Skype then I'm keeping this one.

One great gesture was when I helped him with a solution to a problem that he had without him really going into detail or even asking for my help. He actually sent a long text expressing gratitude about how no one has ever put him first like that and how it went a long ways for me to have done that. I could go on about more things; however, I'll say this, so far I can tell his mom raised him right.

We're meeting on Valentine's Day and he's making plans for it. So I'm excited. I have family up there too so I know if anything goes down...I'll have my brother nearby! I'm excited though.
This is the only place I can come and say over and over again how much I love him without seeming crazy! :lol:

I LOVE HIM!!! Love love love him!! 9 months in and (hopefully) many years to go!

My FB friends would think I was nuts if I wrote that there! :giggle:

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Mr. Isn't a big holiday person. We met last year only a few days from Valentine's day but dangnabbit if he don't come correct......this is our one year anniversary/first Valentine's day. I want gifts!!!!!
mr. and i have been so up and down lately. he works 2 full time jobs and it's hard for us to find time together, but i try to be patient because he's a really good person with an amazing heart.

today some random old man asked me out. it was gross, flattering and weird all at the same time. well, old man knows mr, but he doesn't know mr. and i are in a relationship. (whole nother story). i told mr. old man hit on me today because i looked extra beautiful. mr. says to me, "that's not even possible because he's never hit on you before and you look beautiful everyday." he was soooo serious when he said it all i could do was grin. i love him. he knows how to grate on all of my nerves like nobody else, but i looooveee me some him.
Why must the past failures come around when you actually find a good guy who makes you happy things didnt work out with the others?

On the flip side, guy im talking to gives really great advice. Love the fact he gives it when I start second guessing myself and lets me know he's always there to listen ♥.

On the flip side of that ^, I hate when he gets less talkative based on bad days, because I too want to help him...

Sigh, I'll just be patient...

For my first date I decided to wear leggings and a sweater with ankle boots, I didn't get to take a picture but we had a good time. So far so good! Yesterday he asked that we be a couple. I'm excited but also keeping my head above water and keeping a watchful eye on things.

Last week before our date, my tire went flat and he came out and changed it in the snow, that is a plus for him!

For my first date I decided to wear leggings and a sweater with ankle boots, I didn't get to take a picture but we had a good time. So far so good! Yesterday he asked that we be a couple. I'm excited but also keeping my head above water and keeping a watchful eye on things.

Last week before our date, my tire went flat and he came out and changed it in the snow, that is a plus for him!

@GodsPromises, that sounds like a cute outfit. I am happy you had a nice time. I am excited for you!

SO and I went to a Superbowl party. I was going to be the only woman there but he got one of his friend's to bring his wife. It turns out we're cousins. We screamed so loud, we actually distracted the men from the game. That was great. It's crazy how SO is always finding my cousins, LOL!

We left the party during the 3rd quarter as the Broncos were getting annihilated on the field. We went to the Haitian spot he is ALWAYS at. When we came in he introduced me to the cooking staff as his "madam" and not "fanm." Madam, means wife. Fanm, means girlfriend. :blush: They told him I was lovely and he said, I know my wife is lovely. :rolleyes: Such a humble man. They had a contest for the couples for February 14. Of course he entered us. We had to give each other a kiss and our kiss won us tickets to a Valentine's Day party. LOL!

I really love being with such a dynamic man. Loud as heck but dynamic nonetheless. And I love that he loves me being with him and his friends. It sucks I am usually the only woman there but I like that he feels comfortable and that I do too.
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I think I decided on his valentines present. A tie in his fraternity colors, matching pocket square and a box of gourmet cookies. I think he'll like it. And I already know what he's sending me because he asked me if there was an Edible Arrangements store near me. Silly boy, he could have looked on their site.
SO doesnt own a watch. I think every man should own a watch. I think thatll be his vday gift. He made me really upset today so he may get just a wink and a smile. Smh im kidding. We are still having communication issues. Sigh. Idk if its habit we need to learn or what. I say one thing he interprets it as another. He implies something i assume he meant etc. And now we are both salty. And this is all just a few mintues after we were lovey dovey.
I feel like if I post about it, I'll jinx it...but I'll take a chance. I've been dating this guy for a few months and I have that feeling where you just "know" someone's right for you. It's bliss.
Him: You are beautiful
Him: Gorgeous actually
Me: *Starts cheesin hard*
Him: You know what I like about you
Me: What *still cheesin hard*
Him: That you have both beauty and brains
Me: *Melts*
I don't know why but lately I have been having doubts......smh. But every time I get ready to have a big talk with him he says and/or does something amazing that calms me ALL THE WAY DOWN. I feel like the luckiest woman in the world.
As I was minding my own business I saw my ex-DH. It was so nice! I am so happy I saw him and we talked for almost 30 minutes. I will always love him and I am glad he is doing well. I haven't seen him since court. He went vegan. Moved. Looks good. I felt happy I looked good too, LOL! Who wants to see an ex looking like a hobo? Kind of weird but seeing him made me love my SO some more. Some people are good to show you how to be. To show you how to love. And bring you to yourself, if that makes sense. But I love my Haitian and his loud mouth. LOL!
As I was minding my own business I saw my ex-DH. It was so nice! I am so happy I saw him and we talked for almost 30 minutes. I will always love him and I am glad he is doing well. I haven't seen him since court. He went vegan. Moved. Looks good. I felt happy I looked good too, LOL! Who wants to see an ex looking like a hobo? Kind of weird but seeing him made me love my SO some more. Some people are good to show you how to be. To show you how to love. And bring you to yourself, if that makes sense. But I love my Haitian and his loud mouth. LOL!

This makes me happy for some reason. Its inspiring and sweet. And you look great! I'm sure that helps a lot in seeing the ex! :)
This makes me happy for some reason. Its inspiring and sweet. And you look great! I'm sure that helps a lot in seeing the ex! :)

Thanks so much InchHighPrivateEye

He really is a good man and without him I really don't think I'd be the woman I am now. It really made me happy to converse with him and see him doing well. :D When we divorced I was sure life was over. I am grateful I healed AND I looked nice! Hahahaha!!!
I hate "how is everything" text message from exes...
Why bother? Not answering

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I hate "how is everything" text message from exes...
Why bother? Not answering

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

UGH! They always try and wiggle back in no matter what capacity you end up putting them in your life....like flies:lachen:
I got extensions for a fun, easy, low maintenance change. My husband told me that I look like Troy Polamalu, lol! Of all people! I love Troys hair, but couldn't he have at least likened me to a woman, lol?!
Me and this new guy are so smitten with each other. We are so in tune with each other's wants and needs. Part of me wants to jump in feet first and then the rational side reminds me that I move too fast often. I need to slow down and enjoy the ride. Regardless, i'm really excited to see where we end up! I like him and he likes me!

@Lucie he's Haitian! Born and raised in PAP!

We are so incredibly smitten with each other! I love it when he calls me "my baby, my babe, my girl". We spent a total of 9 hours on the phone Wednesday, 4 hours Thursday and 2 hours last night. Things are looking good.

Oooooooh it's getting serious! We're exchanging Valentines gifts.

I told him I get really bad anxiety sometimes and he told me, "next time you feel overwhelmed and anxious, just call me and I'll lead you down a different pathway." Awwwwwwwww.

I told him I was blow drying my hair last night and he asked if that was healthy for my hair, if it was too much heat. Ding ding ding, we have a winner. :lol:

I think I decided on his valentines present. A tie in his fraternity colors, matching pocket square and a box of gourmet cookies. I think he'll like it. And I already know what he's sending me because he asked me if there was an Edible Arrangements store near me. Silly boy, he could have looked on their site.

I hate exes.

Well, this was a shock. He went back to this ex. Oh well, at least I didn't invest much. Back to the drawing board.
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