2014 What's Happening in Our Relationships?

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He went back to HIS ex?
Oh oh *in my Haitian voice*
But.....how.....I'm confused.

Some people just lack respect for others romantic scenarios or otherwise.
That guy. What a jerk-tard! You can return those V-day gifts, I hope. BGT

And men wonder why women can't open up...

I am always suspicious of the guys that go 200% in the beginning.

If he can leave that quickly, he wasn't worth your time anyways!!

He went back to HIS ex?
Oh oh *in my Haitian voice*
But.....how.....I'm confused.

Some people just lack respect for others romantic scenarios or otherwise.

That guy. What a jerk-tard! You can return those V-day gifts, I hope. @BGT

And men wonder why women can't open up...

I am always suspicious of the guys that go 200% in the beginning.

It's crappy because Tuesday, everything was great. And then Wednesday, he has a 3 hour call with his ex and he told me he had to think about things and he'd let me know his decision. :rolleyes: I'm more irritated that this was all just a waste of time and effort. But don't worry, I never bought anything expensive. Just a card, that I'm sending to someone else. :look:
It's crappy because Tuesday, everything was great. And then Wednesday, he has a 3 hour call with his ex and he told me he had to think about things and he'd let me know his decision. :rolleyes: I'm more irritated that this was all just a waste of time and effort. But don't worry, I never bought anything expensive. Just a card, that I'm sending to someone else. :look:

She'll probably drop him after Valentine's Day. Sounds like she didn't want to be alone. Bet he'll come crawling back by the end of February. Based on what you wrote about him I bet he will regret this decision. I'm really sorry this happened to you.
The guy I met in October that I was really smitten with has a girlfriend. It caught me off guard because he's 19(turns 20 in August) and he told me that he doesn't believe in having a relationship until he has a stable job and has settled down. He wants to "have fun" while he's young. Over spring break we returned to our respective countries (we're both foreign exchange students) but we still kept in contact via skype. When we came back to school last month I got busy and never contacted him and I never heard from him or saw him around campus. Last weekend I checked my facebook and saw that he had updated his status to in a relationship. I was curious and went to her page. I feel horrible for thinking this, but my first thought was "I'm so much prettier than this girl". She looks like a really nice girl and someone that I would be friends with but this guy is GORGEOUS and told me multiple times how he never dated anyone at his boarding school because the girls weren't attractive enough to meet his standards. I'm glad this happened to me because it showed me that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and personality really does matter more than looks. I texted him a few nights ago and we talked about school and spring break plans. It's weird but having that conversation with him gave me a little closure and now I can move on from this crush I had.
i randomly bought him a cup with his favorite football team a few weeks ago. i stopped by his office last week and he was drinking out of it. i don't know why but tickled me so much!
It's crappy because Tuesday, everything was great. And then Wednesday, he has a 3 hour call with his ex and he told me he had to think about things and he'd let me know his decision. :rolleyes: I'm more irritated that this was all just a waste of time and effort. But don't worry, I never bought anything expensive. Just a card, that I'm sending to someone else. :look:

Ugh BGT he is so playing games and is actually enjoying the drama of it all. I know my people. And he said he will let you know of this decision??? That shows you who he is.

I hear you on feeling like you wasted your time. It will pass.
SO has been so supportive and patient with me while i attend school. We havent been able to spend as much time as we would like but he understands. I had been teetering over starting a loc journey for awhile and he has always supported and encouraged the idea. He says "its so you and fits your personality"
so i two strand twisted my hair and sent him a pic. He replaced his batman background pic on his phome with my pic. Lol i told him that i must be really special to replace batman. :lol: he just says "of course"
I'm sorry @BGT. What a jacka**.

I agree with Hopeful, he'll probably try to come back at some point. Like when things don't work out with the ex again, as will most likely be the case.
I was about to post a long mushy post. Today is me and Mr's one year anniversary. But we just had our first fight ever.......:cry2:
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Sorry to hear this, but you guys seem to have a wonderful relationship so I am sure you will overcome this and feel great about posting your mushy story later! :yep:
This man keeps sending me articles about marriage. He just sent me one that have stats about how the avg man is ready at 26...and he just turned 26 a few months ago lol.

Can't wait to see him tomorrow. I'm gonna cook something for the first time in a while.

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SO is quite stressed and down at times these past few weeks.

He's not usually one to get like that, but the last thing that has happened (health) may affect his life goals and fitness:sad: Although he cant know that until he sees a surgeon, which I am reminding him.

I'm really realising how it must feel to be him because it's usually me that gets the stressed/down periods. In all of my relationships actually. This makes me appreciate how he's been with me because it's not easy knowing what to say!

I'm growing up and we're growing together.
he has been playing in my hair all evening. I had a friend come over and redo some of my twists and I will allow these twists to loc. I'm so excited about it.
He came over after work and we talked. I feel better. We got a big snowstorm so we didn't get to really celebrate. Hopefully we can do something on Monday.
Einh, I feel better posting here... I'm doing so much better surprisingly! I'm reminded of my existence before "him" and I'm content! Life is truly a journey of self discovery. Who knows what the future will bring but I am not going to worry about it. Every day is a new opportunity for something fabulous to happen or to learn....or both! Whatever is meant for me...will be! In the meanwhile, life surely goes on. Happy V-day ladies (((loves))) PS going for my blow-dry and trim which means....LENGTH CHECK!!! Can't wait. WL 2015 I'm coming....

PPS- the stylist cancelled due to the weather :(
Well...at least it forced me to DC which was way overdue!!!!
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I took a break from the guy I was very briefly dating.. He reached out today after a week wanting to hang this weekend. He went on a work trip to San Diego. I think he met up with his ex.. Even though we took a break an I even went on a date am I allowed to ask him the status of the relationship with his ex? Or just let it go and see where we go now?
Your hair is gorg Keshieshimmer! What do you do to it?

SuchaLadyAww thanks. Let me talk about my relationship with my hair. Minimal manipulation and heat. I love Shea Mositure Anti-breakage DC, Shesentit riche moisture masque and Coco leave in. Wash and DC weekly. When I flatiron I only use a spray and a bit of oil to finish the style. Eating better and drinking more water. :grin:
One of my friends cancelled our meetup Saturday because of work and suggested to meet on Sunday instead. On Sunday she totally didn't contact me :rolleyes:

She sent me a message YESTERDAY like nothing happened and invited me to go out with her on Friday night with her boyfriend and his family/friends :rolleyes: Yes that's what I really want to do on Valentines day -_-

She probably had good intentions, but I feel irritated right now.


In happier news I cannot wait for our valentines weekend :love2:
I'm trying not to get too giddy about it but...'him' surprised me by showing up at church tonight. He asked to be prayed for....the reason was def. related to us and I just hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. Brother man is skruggling lol
Double edge sword though. He can't be rolling up in my space to satisfy his desire to see me though....hmmmm. Still, I'll focus on the positive gesture. He said 'happy valentine's day....'

ETA 10/21/2014- HA!
What a playa....smh
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I'm trying not to get too giddy about it but...'him' surprised me by showing up at church tonight. He asked to be prayed for....the reason was def. related to us and I just hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. Brother man is skruggling lol
Double edge sword though. He can't be rolling up in my space to satisfy his desire to see me though....hmmmm. Still, I'll focus on the positive gesture. He said 'happy valentine's day....'

That's HUGE! (In my book)
I love when SO is in the shower and starts singing his nickname for me. Briiiiioncé! Bri bri brioncé! He's such a dork. :lol:
Woke up today with a boquet of flowers on the night stand with a teddy bear and card that said "happy valentines! See you tonight" we both work late tonight. Im curious if he will drop the "L" bomb. I said that i wont say it until he does, but i knew that i loved him a few months ago. I think i might just say it. Feeling pretty giddy.
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