2014 What's Happening in Our Relationships?

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I felt the same way at first and communicated that to him. He felt as though we wouldn't last if we continued to live together (things were going well in my opinion). And the best/funniest response from him was "we shouldn't be living together out of wedlock anyway".....but it's okay for us to do other things out of wedlock :perplexed We are both two years shy of thirty so marriage is on the agenda and is something he discussed. And I actually asked him something along those lines of separate homes/spaces and he gave me some goofy answer about how he can't answer a hypothetical questions like that. I let it go for the time being but the discussion will be had again. He did. And yeah I guess it's better than he did it now verses living together for years and him asking me to leave. Other than that things have been going fairly well in the relationship. I guess living together was a lot more that he thought it would be and he wasn't ready for it. Staying positive

In my very blunt opinion:

This n***a is done. He sounds like he is making moves to end it.
He's soooo whipped....I turn in my sleep he wakes up "I love you baby". I toss again "I love you baby, you love me?" LMAO! A little morning....u know and it's "you got me whipped' blah blah blah.

I have NEVER EVER EVER had someone so expressive (saj). I'll admit, a little uhm girlie but you know, it feels really good to know and feel like the person sees NO NO NO NO ONE else but you....*singing* "cuz I only have eyes for you...."

My emotions need to catch up.

Lol...are you in Houston? My ex-husband used to do this and the first three months it was cute, but then it got to the point I wanted to like...slit his throat...just a little bit. :lachen:
I've been lurking this thread for a while but I'm finally going to join in the conversation.

My boyfriend and I had been living together for about two months and I just moved out of his house last night.

We are still together but he said he likes his personal space :-/

I won't even lie I feel some type of way about it but he's been living alone for like 7 years now so I guess it was too much for him right now

Always...always...maintain your own bricks. I don't like the way this sounds because too much goes into allowing someone to move into your space. And (wincing when I say this) only a change of heart causes a change of living arrangements.

The one relationship I had where I stayed at his home...I made sure to go back to my own home every week or so...he used to get mad because I made a show of packing up all my belongings even though we both knew I was coming back....until I didn't.

But also, I've never asked someone to move out that I still loved and still wanted. I wish you the best in this.
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I posted up thread that he stated he didn't know if he could give me what I want etc. Before I asked for explanation, I jumped on LHCF all in my feelings.
We talked about various things and of course he was primarily referring to my 'wall.' We're better now, getting ready to go dancing.

Oh one of the things we talked about was, me being 'messy.' He said *giggle*
we need a cleaning lady because I'm not going to keep putting things back in place without you making an effort to do better blah blah blah and then added and I'm not going to be cooking every other day blah blah blah....can I tell you all I busted out laughing! he sounded like what a woman IMO. It was a little bit of a turn off but cute because clearly he's planning/managing our future together.

But really, do messy people truly change?

I'm going to say yes...because anyone can change given enough motivation to do so. My daughter is messy and is one of those who steps out of her clothes and leaves them there...that drives me insane.

But I told her if she kept her house clean I would pay for her internet...so she does. Little did she know I had other reasons for doing so. Her now fiancée confided in me that that was going to be a hold up for him...so yeah...I need her married...lol.
He made my absolute favorite dessert to take to his work holiday party. (I couldn't go) Now his coworker's are trying to set him up with their daughters just so they can get more of it! HA! HE'S ALL MINE! That dessert is for me FOREVER! SUCK IT! :lol:

I came back from visiting my family to find a cute love note in my kitchen counter. Even when we're not together he makes sure I know i'm loved. :love: *pinch me*
Lmao!!!!!!! He is very muchy. If I told my male friends what this dude does and says his man card would be snatched off. I ain't annoyed ....yet. My past relationships they weren't like that at all and I wanted that. Be careful what you ask for lol!
I'm gonna drive out and surprise him tomorrow. I feel sneaky....and I'm craving a burrito from a place out there. Nom nom!

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Some of my closest friends are unmarried with no children (one has a son) and we're all approaching 40. Their mentality seems to be 'I don't need a man' and wear their single marital status as a badge and will question you or insinuate that you should be single or take a break from dating. I don't remember WHEN or HOW they became the designer of my romantic life. Meanwhile.....I'm testing grapefruit techniques and they're paying $75/month for online dating (j/k about grapefruit but you get my point....)
His mom made me a Christmas stocking and hung it up with the rest of the family. Awe! Guess there's no escaping now!

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He kissed me goodbye this afternoon and mumbled something. I pretended I didn't hear but I'm sure he said, 'I Love you'.

On our first date he made it clear he didn't want to get married because there are so many divorces in his family. I told him that I did and jokingly said that we were incompatible. He quickly retracted his statement by saying that he'll probably change his mind!!
Fast forward to this weekend.....he is talking about what kind of wedding we're going to have and not in a hyperthetical way either...lol...bless his heart.
SO and I went to a baby blessing & shower yesterday. The ceremony was beautiful and the baby is sooo cute!!! She's only 3 weeks old.

SO was just doting on the baby and fell in love. The baby fell in love too. SO is the only person besides her mom and dad that she would let hold her without crying lol.

At one point turned to me and said, "I can't wait until we have our first baby. I'm ready. We should start trying sometime next year."

I told said,"Um... really? There are certain, ahem, things that have to happen before we have a child."

Then he says "Of course, baby. We will get married beforehand. That goes without saying."

Okay, Mr. Man. *looks at empty ring finger* :lol:
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The ex waiting for me outside this am. I went to put the trash out and noticed the car but it didn't even register in my mind until I walked in the house thinking...did I? Yup.
I started shaking.

I called a friend "what do I do, what do I do, what do I sa?" The assumption was that he wanted to talk. Instead, he handed over a gift in a little straw bag. He said he bought it for me last month but since I've been avoiding him, this was the only way for him to reach me then he said have a good day and walked away.

I couldn't utter a word. I did smill just a tiny bit (darn it!) and I took the gift and we both went out seperate ways in our respective cars. Wow.....

I don't think I should email or text to say thank you as it will just give him the green light to communicate again now that he's single again. What do you think?

You know what made me sad? None of what happened between us was necessary. It was sloppy, messy, selfish and just plain ol' unnecessary. We could have at least been friends...eventually. Life.

PS- it was a tshirt.
!!!!OMG!!!! The ex waiting for me outside this am. I went to put the trash out and noticed the car but it didn't even register in my mind until I walked in the house thinking...did I? Yup. I started shaking. I called a friend "what do I do, what do I do, what do I sa?" The assumption was that he wanted to talk. Instead, he handed over a gift in a little straw bag. He said he bought it for me last month but since I've been avoiding him, this was the only way for him to reach me then he said have a good day and walked away. I couldn't utter a word. I did smill just a tiny bit (darn it!) and I took the gift and we both went out seperate ways in our respective cars. Wow..... I don't think I should email or text to say thank you as it will just give him the green light to communicate again now that he's single again. What do you think? You know what made me sad? None of what happened between us was necessary. It was sloppy, messy, selfish and just plain ol' unnecessary. We could have at least been friends...eventually. Life. PS- it was a tshirt.

Ugh. NO. He has a nerve.

AND I won't elaborate on my thoughts because I know the history. So NO. He's an ex for a reason.
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