2014 What's Happening in Our Relationships?

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I have learned that in relationships you have to take the good with the bad as long as it is not detrimental to your physical, emotional, or spiritual well being.

With that said, we were out grocery shopping for his house for the first time and he ended up spending $300 which is what I told him it would be based off of his household. He has two teenage daughter's and didn't really know how to do some essential maternal things right so I have been helping him. Anyway, when we were walking out I noticed he was agitated about the total because he thought it would be $200 so I went to hold his hand and he pulled it away from me and said don't hold my hand right now. I was outraged and ALL in my feelings and I immediately shut down. He has a going away dinner for a coworker and the old me would have went home as soon as we got back to his house but surprisingly I have kept my composure. I am going although I am still not taking to him until we have time to address what happened. The kids are around so we are holding off. I am going to remain my normal sweet self to his coworkers then go home afterwards.

The reason I say I have matured in this sense because I am thinking if we are going to get past this. .. yes he is going to apologize and I will forgive him because I know he was agitated and handled the situation wrong and he knows it too. But to not go to his going away party with all his coworkers who are expecting to meet me will take this mishap way longer ahead of when we make up. Yes, he will feel the ramifications of his actions because I won't spend the night which I feel is more appropriate in this situation.

In relationships it's 10% of what happens and 90% of how you react to it.

Now I am off to get me a nice glass of wine and the prime rib. ..I earned this meal lol
Awwww ladies, he left a vase of red tulips at my door step!

He rang and rang my doorbell but I didn't answer it at first because I was too lazy to get out of bed. Finally I wen downstairs and opened the door and voila! Then I got scared and quickly grabbed the flowers and jetted upstairs lol

Awwww he's too sweet...when he gives me space lol
He apologized and all was forgiven. In the midst of it all he was like I love you, I love your daughter, I love us, that's all I want forever

AHHHHHH he has never told me all that before!
Woke up this morning and felt something under my pillow. He left a cute Halloween card there before he left on Sunday. It took me 4 days to find it!! Lol. Kinda glad I didn't find it earlier. It really brightened up the end of my week! :cloud9:

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i'm just now noticing my ex looks like a young idris elba. i really ****ed up on that one.:lol:
also my current beau has to decided he wants to throw his flourishing biotech career in the trash and become a dj. i'm just smiling and nodding.
I love Fridays (end of the work week).

When he came over last night, he had a lovely vase of roses and a card for me. The roses are beautiful and smell so good, and the card is lovely (can tell he took his time to find a card that expresses him so well). We had a great dinner and wonderful conversation. I look forward to seeing him today and tomorrow too. :grin: He always says 'I'm making sure you always have that smile on your face'. Gosh, and he does a great job of doing that (just the thought of him puts a smile on my face and warms my heart).
This man will have me reporting sweet stories to you all day *barf*

Yesterday, I was feeling a little under the weather but had to go to an after work event for an hour. On our way there I was complaining about wanting to eat soup and what not just random b*tching. When he came back to pick me up from the event, he said he wanted to stop by the grocery store to get some cabbage...huh? ok. He asked me what I wanted to eat. By now I'm confused because why would you ask me what I want to eat but go to the store for cabbage? Maybe he needs stuff for his place *shrug* I played along...we get to my place and guess what? he was making soup! Not just any kind of soup, my favorite soup joumou (Haitian pumpkin soup). Y'all he knows nothing about making it and neither do I. It was actually good Lol
^^wow!! Soup joumou takes forever to make. That's so nice.

The one time I made that soup I took a nap right at the kitchen table once I was done. So many steps! It was delish though.
He just got pulled over by the cops while he was on the phone with me :lol: the cop was yelling at him "this is for your safety, man! :lachen:
Spending the holidays with boyfriend and his family. His family is really into gift-giving (mine isn't so much).
His mother was asking him what I would want for Christmas and if he could ask me clandestinely (is that you asking me clandestinely? -__-)
She was also telling him that I shouldn't feel pressured to buy gifts for everyone:lol:

I don't know, but I found that very funny. I'm feeling hecka pressured now. Somehow I've been thinking in my mind that I'm spending the holidays with BF, and didn't conceptualize it as partaking in all the family activities. Now I'm nervous. I obviously need to buy gifts for everyone now. Lawd!

We brainstormed a potential joint gift for the parents. Still need a gift for boyfriend and his brother. Sigh. I am not used to shopping for men who aren't my father or boyfriend (and that's still rare).

And now I'm feeling like: if I'm going to give someone else's family all these gifts, shouldn't I do the same for mine? Otherwise that's a bit weird.

So much pressure. I was honestly looking forward to just the beach and a safari 1-on-1.

(On another note, I'm grateful to have people who invite me to spend the holidays with them. I stayed in Africa last Christmas too with a close friend and had a great time.

My father was asking if I would stay in Senegal for the break. Um.... All my colleagues are leaving for a full month. The heck? I don't know if that was his way of suggesting I should come home as well... But that would make such a huge dent in my bank account... so, I don't know about that unless there's support offered).
Dating this new guy is really making me see just how bad my last relationship was.

The demise of that relationship was really a blessing......
Today he said he'd do everything in his power to make me happy. He said I'm the one.

I'm starting to catch feelings over here!
I hope everyone is still happy and in love (so we all can keep posting up in this thread).

We talked after work today (while each of us were on our way home). He was so excited to tell me he has a surprise for me. I have no idea what it is, but I could hear him smiling over the phone. Oh, and no it's not a ring. How do I know? Because I know. :giggle:
He's asked me out of the blue for my ring size on Sunday when we were cuddling.

Yesterday he asked again to make sure that it was correct. He's up to something lol :drunk:
we got into a huge fight last night over abortion.

i asked him what the plan would be if i had an accidental pregnancy. instead of answering the question this ***** goes into an anti-choice rant worthy of fox news! apparently he's been thinking a lot about it recently and changed his stance. y'all i don't know what happened but i lost it.:nono: i was raging so hard. even though im embarrassed of the way i acted i still think his opinion is **** and i don't respect it.

he woke me up to give me a kiss before he left for work and i sent him an apology text about an hr ago but he hasn't responded so im not sure where we stand.
He asked if he can call me his girlfriend!

Um.....is that normal when we haven't done the deed yet???

I said yes because I really do like him and want the same.....just thought it was a bit premature to vocalise it.
He asked if he can call me his girlfriend!

Um.....is that normal when we haven't done the deed yet???

I said yes because I really do like him and want the same.....just thought it was a bit premature to vocalise it.

Aww, how cute! I'm so happy for you! :)
Single again! I am going to reflect back onto myself and see what's blocking me from good relationships! I need time to be in love with myself while alone :)
Spending the weekends at his house with all of us has been such an enlightening experience and a great insight for the future. It is completely different from when we were dating and just visiting each other's houses and then going home. We have learned so much about each other and have grown closer because of it. It's now a regular thing and I enjoy them and then love coming home and having my me time.
I had a really weird week with my SO last week. We just were getting on each other's nerves or not saying the right thing in the right way. It was frustrating.

I think we both talked through it and appeared to make up in the end. We haven't made plans to see each other until Friday. It's nice to have the work week to myself but it feels weird to not see him midweek. But maybe we need a week of space after last week... I miss him.
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