2014 What's Happening in Our Relationships?

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What a very supportive man. I know I complain, but it's because it's fresh on my mind and I need to vent. Going to the doctor is very hard because I'm always on edge because my diabetes can get worse or better. I went to the doctor and got other stuff added to my problematic health. I can't get mad because I don't eat the healthiest. I held my tears back in the doctor office and tears started flowing down my face while walking home. I called him, voice trembling and assured me WE are going to get better and eat better. We just brought a juicer yesterday and he says we already started towards being better.
The good thing is that it could have been worst. He said my liver and kidneys was doing great which I thought diabetes affected your kidneys. Please explain if someone knows
Happy Wednesday everyone.

Gosh, he's so darn thoughtful and is always consistent. Like I said a million times before, it's the little things.....



Awhh. Both of my guys are fast asleep. My honey is asleep in bed on my right and my lil doggy is asleep in his own bed on the floor to my left.

They both look so peaceful and cayuute. :heart:

I hope to join them in peaceful slumber soon. In the meantime, these Bluetooth earphones are coming in handy as I let this girly romantic comedy put me to sleep lol.
I was so stressed today and he took 3 hours and to help me solve all my issues. I told him I felt bad that I was bringing him into my drama and he said "we are a team, what happens to you, happens to me so let's get a plan together to fix this"

I thank God for him. I am so used to dealing with things on my own it's nice to have someone dependable there.
This guy has me on cloud 9 right now. Got me staying on the phone with him until late in the night...talking to him first thing every morning...texting him all day. I haven't been this way about a guy since undergrad. It was unexpected. It came unannounced. I'm ready to see how this is going to blossom.
Next Saturday is bf's birthday!!!! I want make him a big Southern inspired dinner: a main dish, sides, and dessert, the whole shebang :grin:!! I already know I'm making jambalaya as the the main, but I'm having trouble with the sides, and I still need to find out what his favorite dessert it. I might try my hand at making some fried plantains :look:. He seems to love those!

Any suggestions or tips? I've never made a full birthday meal for a bf before :giggle:
Next Saturday is bf's birthday!!!! I want make him a big Southern inspired dinner: a main dish, sides, and dessert, the whole shebang :grin:!! I already know I'm making jambalaya as the the main, but I'm having trouble with the sides, and I still need to find out what his favorite dessert it. I might try my hand at making some fried plantains :look:. He seems to love those! Any suggestions or tips? I've never made a full birthday meal for a bf before :giggle:

Peach cobbler for dessert with vanilla ice cream!
Fried sweet plantains? That's easy...u'll be alright.
Peach cobbler for dessert with vanilla ice cream!
Fried sweet plantains? That's easy...u'll be alright.

Ohhhhh!!!! That sounds so good!!! LOL!! He's so finicky with food. He acts like he doesn't care, but when I ask if he likes a list of random things, he says No. LOL!!!!
I was up late watching Wendy Williams "How you doing? Lol He was at home and his homeboy came over to chill so I knew he was busy.

Anyway an hour later I get this text from SO that states "Do you know how amazing of a feeling it is to be in love with your best friend? Let me tell you, it feels so good."

I love it when he catches me off guard with these sweet messages, especially right before he goes to bed.
Put that $)&8^% on ice!

Why do men say dumb crap and then want to think about it later?! It's too late now fool! Ughh this time out will be harder on me than him (I think)...but my pride won't allow me to let it go.

Day 1 of operation silent treatment.

Le sigh...
They say everything happens for a reason and at the time it's suppose to happen, and I truly believe that saying.

I'm so very glad we came into each others lives when we did. We go together so doggone good (like two peas in a pod, like a stamp to a letter, like a hand in a glove, etc). It's funny, because (when we're out and about) strangers look at us and say 'you two look so cute together' or 'you two were meant for each other'. We always say 'thank you' and smile, and then he'll hug me tighter, squeeze my hand tighter or just kiss me (yes, we do pda in public). Aww, he makes me feel like a school girl, and it feels so good to see him smiling all the time.

He knows and respects that I'm gluten free. He loves eating whatever I cook. He says he knows it's good and healthy for the body and he says it always tastes good. He always asks for seconds. I didn't start enjoying cooking until a few years ago. I tell you, he is so darn easy to love.

Tonight, we're going to see Addicted (oooweee) and then out to dinner. :dinner:

Operation silent treatment aborted. He text me and of course it was pertaining to something I had to go see him to answer. Then he segwayed into "are you okay" and a joke. So of course I said "no I gotta bone to pick". He says "what I do/say now?" and gave this puppy dog look that he KNOWS makes me weak! So I told him and he said "you're right, that was a stupid thing to say considering the timing". Then I got all "feminine" and said you caused me to eat corn (I'm allergic) that's how pissed off I was. Then this joker says "aw baby, you're allergic to corn. I'll make it up to you." Aka paynus truce. I caved, with a sad and sorry "okay". Ugghhhh!!!! This man is stealing my "hardcoreness".
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My babe's transfer was snatched away at the last minute. I was so looking forward to him being less stressed at work and so was he!!! Wish I could do something to make him feel better! He is so bummed!! :(
Next Saturday is bf's birthday!!!! I want make him a big Southern inspired dinner: a main dish, sides, and dessert, the whole shebang :grin:!! I already know I'm making jambalaya as the the main, but I'm having trouble with the sides, and I still need to find out what his favorite dessert it. I might try my hand at making some fried plantains :look:. He seems to love those!

Any suggestions or tips? I've never made a full birthday meal for a bf before :giggle:

Another for peach cobbler! Also a fan favorite of mine is banana pudding. My family goes crazy over this stuff.
Next Saturday is bf's birthday!!!! I want make him a big Southern inspired dinner: a main dish, sides, and dessert, the whole shebang :grin:!! I already know I'm making jambalaya as the the main, but I'm having trouble with the sides, and I still need to find out what his favorite dessert it. I might try my hand at making some fried plantains :look:. He seems to love those! Any suggestions or tips? I've never made a full birthday meal for a bf before :giggle:

Make sure there's rice and fried plantains. Nigerians love rice and plantains :lol:
I know he loves me anyway and still calls me beautiful but I've gained a considerable amount of weight since we've been dating and it sucks! I used to be able to stay within a 5 pound range before him but I think the fact that he's the most unathletic guy I've dated it took my focus away from fitness and more to food. He hasn't gained nearly as much as I have and the worst part is he's still on the smaller side LOL ...I'm used to dating guys who stayed in shape and were physically active which kept me motivated to stay in shape.

Ladies how did you or do you manage to keep the pound off when you're in a relationship?
I know he loves me anyway and still calls me beautiful but I've gained a considerable amount of weight since we've been dating and it sucks! I used to be able to stay within a 5 pound range before him but I think the fact that he's the most unathletic guy I've dated it took my focus away from fitness and more to food. He hasn't gained nearly as much as I have and the worst part is he's still on the smaller side LOL ...I'm used to dating guys who stayed in shape and were physically active which kept me motivated to stay in shape. Ladies how did you or do you manage to keep the pound off when you're in a relationship?

Maintain my initiative to keep myself physically fit. Taking care of myself physically and emotionally is not connected to anyone or any relationship in terms of motivation.

With the exception of stress from anyone - him, work, family. When I'm stressed I'll eat something bad (corn), but not too much because I know the after effects are a pain to deal with. it's my pout food.

This is where your selfishness should kick in and it's healthy. I don't care what he does physically, but *i* have keep myself looking good all the time. If he can't keep up then he is risking a loss.

Me first
Relationship (him) second
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He's my coffee fairy. Bringing me Starbucks when I'm working the weekend. *love*

Had a laid back night last night. Went out to sushi, came home and just snuggled on the couch taking about random stuff. No TV, no internet, just him rubbing my feet. A lifetime of this will be heaven.

Sent from my iPad mini mini.
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I know he loves me anyway and still calls me beautiful but I've gained a considerable amount of weight since we've been dating and it sucks! I used to be able to stay within a 5 pound range before him but I think the fact that he's the most unathletic guy I've dated it took my focus away from fitness and more to food. He hasn't gained nearly as much as I have and the worst part is he's still on the smaller side LOL ...I'm used to dating guys who stayed in shape and were physically active which kept me motivated to stay in shape. Ladies how did you or do you manage to keep the pound off when you're in a relationship?

Try and do active things together. Bike rides, hiking, long walks around town. Find new things to do.

Schedule time for yourself and make him hold you accountable.

If he's doing something you're not interested in, use that time to go workout. For me, Football Sunday = workout Sunday.

Fit in little bits of exercise here and there. Take the stairs, etc.

Sent from my iPad mini mini.
He's more into me than I am him. Is this good or bad? I'm use to liking them more so this feels like ...I don't know, not enough of a challenge????
I need some re-programming.
He's more into me than I am him. Is this good or bad? I'm use to liking them more so this feels like ...I don't know, not enough of a challenge???? I need some re-programming.

That's the way it should be. Of course you should be into him too.

Sent from my iPad mini mini.
I know he loves me anyway and still calls me beautiful but I've gained a considerable amount of weight since we've been dating and it sucks! I used to be able to stay within a 5 pound range before him but I think the fact that he's the most unathletic guy I've dated it took my focus away from fitness and more to food. He hasn't gained nearly as much as I have and the worst part is he's still on the smaller side LOL ...I'm used to dating guys who stayed in shape and were physically active which kept me motivated to stay in shape.

Ladies how did you or do you manage to keep the pound off when you're in a relationship?

I'm the type that barely gains weight and when I do its all stomach. But I always make my men fat smh
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