2014 What's Happening in Our Relationships?

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We got into our very first argument since we have been together and I must say it was bittersweet. Of course I didn't want to argue with him but to see him fight "for" me instead of"with" me solidified everything I had been feeling about him. In the middle of it all he says "I am not going anywhere, I am going to be here and still love on you because our future and the plans I have for us is so much bigger and better than what we are arguing about"

Yuuuup this man is perfect for me. I love him. In the past relationships I would shut down when I felt offended and the guy would get upset and we would go hours or even a day without talking. Well my bf saw me starting to do that and instead of it making him angry and offended or defensive he chose to reassure me of his love for me. I am glad this happened because I got to see another side of him and its a relief to know I feel even more in love with him!
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We got into our very first argument since we have been together and I must say it was bittersweet. Of course I didn't want to argue with him but to see him fight "for" me instead of"with" me solidified everything I had been feeling about him. In the middle of it all he says "I am not going anywhere, I am going to be here and still love on you because our future and the plans I have for us is so much bigger and better than what we are arguing about" Yuuuup this man is perfect for me. I love him. In the past relationships I would shut down when I felt offended and the guy would get upset and we would go hours or even a day without talking. Well my bf saw me starting to do that and instead of it making him angry and offended or defensive he chose to reassure me of his love for me. I am glad this happened because I got to see another side of him and its a relief to know I feel even more in love with him!

Doesn't it feel amaaaazing? U can't even be mad anymore lololol. Did you walk off smiling trying to fake be mad? Lmao. Too cute.

First road trip tomorrow! Can't wait....
We're 1,806 miles apart right now. Can't wait to see him next weekend but first I have to run this dang marathon. Eek!

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Doesn't it feel amaaaazing? U can't even be mad anymore lololol. Did you walk off smiling trying to fake be mad? Lmao. Too cute. First road trip tomorrow! Can't wait....

I know! How could I be mad after that? We ended up going hiking and laughing about it.
He met me at the laundromat to help me do my various bags of laundry. Sssssweet!
I couldn't let him fold my panties though lol
He is the sweetest man so far.
I'm sooooo irritated right now. How are you going to make tentative plans with me then not answer your phone for hours? Blocking his number for 2 days or so.
This isn't the first time **** like this has happened. I don't really ever want to feel like I'm chasing a man for attention and he got me all the way effed up if he thinks I'm that type of gf. So nah *** it you can wonder where I am for a few days.
Maybe I will sleep this off lol but right now I'm on that typical Taurus behavior. We go hard for ppl we care for and when we don't feel we're getting the same....mmmmhmm honey you don't want to be on the receiving end of these bull antics.
I've never been very good at warding off unwanted attention from men (strangers). I don't have a stank face ready for people to leave me the heck alone. And it makes me really uncomfortable, sometimes, to have to be polite to people I have no desire to speak to. And I know I don't have to be polite, but I don't know what else to say. Sometimes I say (in a nice tone): I don't want to be bothered right now. I just need some fresh air.
And they're freaking relentless.
Is the key to just not speak at all?
At last night's party I went to sit somewhere to get away from the heat and browse on my phone, and I didn't get not ONE minute of the alone time I wanted. Eventually I just got up from there and went on a short walk elsewhere. You generally have to tell people that you're engaged for them to leave you alone or not try to set you up with somebody (even clients we work with try to find out about your marital status within 5 minutes. It's exhausting).

I had to ask my male friend to walk with me to get a taxi after a while. He too said I need better fending off strategies.
I've met guys that are closed off but this guys has the friggin Great Wall of China up! Sheesh. This close >< to giving up on ol' dude.
I had a really vivid dream this morning, and it involved me being married to bf!!
In it, I leave church (which had vampires sneaking into service :lol:), and I meet him and he has food for me. It was a cheeseburger and small fry from Wendy's, and we have a debate about why he got 2 small fries instead of a medium :lachen:. He has to go somewhere and tries to get me to stay home, but I'm nosy, and I follow him to a bank where he's getting my name added to all of his accounts :grin:. I think he was about to surprise me with a trip, but I woke up.

It was such a warm, fuzzy, and hilarious dream. I was cheezing the whole time!! Something's going on with my brain because I walked into the kitchen and had a flash of me holding a baby :blush:. What the hell :lachen:
In the clear!
Had an amazing time! Holding hands, strolling along, park, restaurant and more kisses and hugs. Even though our car for towed we were still all smiles. The impound people were like wtf? Why are they all smiling? Wwwwwweeeee know why lol
To top it off we found a nightclub playing out genre of music. We were in heaven!
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He said he would never get pads for me lol. He is currently at Walgreens getting me some having pad talk. "Extra long or long, wings or no wings?" Lol
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I had a bad first impression with his 16 year old daughter where she was rude and disrespectful (to me and him) it left a bad taste in my mouth and although she has apologized and he assumes we have moved on from it I cringe whenever we hang out with her and then feel bad. It's hard to get over it but it is causing bad vibes at random times and I don't know how to control it. I have told him about it and he has talked to me and then I talked to her but still. ..ugh I don't want it to seem like I am holding onto negativity but clearly I am.
I had a bad first impression with his 16 year old daughter where she was rude and disrespectful (to me and him) it left a bad taste in my mouth and although she has apologized and he assumes we have moved on from it I cringe whenever we hang out with her and then feel bad. It's hard to get over it but it is causing bad vibes at random times and I don't know how to control it. I have told him about it and he has talked to me and then I talked to her but still. ..ugh I don't want it to seem like I am holding onto negativity but clearly I am.

You're human, I'm sure you feel some type of way. Teenagers are a pain in the butt to deal with. I'm sure this will all get worked out. My ex had a child, but she was young and loved me to pieces. I always figured it's more difficult to date someone with an older child... much less a teenager. I hope in due time the both of you will warm up to each other.
You're human, I'm sure you feel some type of way. Teenagers are a pain in the butt to deal with. I'm sure this will all get worked out. My ex had a child, but she was young and loved me to pieces. I always figured it's more difficult to date someone with an older child... much less a teenager. I hope in due time the both of you will warm up to each other.

Yes I had an ex and his kids loved me and they were young so this whole ordeal caught me of guard. I am hoping it will get better, I have a 5 year old and she adores him.
He's been great this weekend however, he is back in the habit of taking liberties with my time. So this week, I may be unavailable for visits. Or, rather, I'll squeeze him in the way he has been doing with me this weekend.
I was disgruntled when I brought up going on a movie date, and he said next weekend :kick: . But then he said he'd planned to take me back to the Studio Movie Grill, and I was :yay:!! He had to leave town this past weekend, and is busy with clients this weekend :sad:. But I'm busy too this week, so I can't be mad :lol:
We just spent the day together which consisted of 2 hours of pillow talk, brunch, happy hour, barnes and nobles, starbucks, then movies to see Addiction. I love spending the day with him, he is like my BFF.
so every week this month he has been leaving or giving me gifts with notes indicating a big surprise for my birthday. First it was the new Sims game, then a new battery for my laptop, then he paid for my car inspection and registration tags. It has been fun and I am excited about this weekend. All of the gifts have been things I have either mentioned or complained about over the last few weeks or so. I love that he pays so close attention to me in this way.
Why dont we run out of stuff to talk about?!

Emails and texts ALL DAY. Up to 2 hrs talking on the phone before bed. Then non-stop chatter the 3 or 4 days a week we are together.

Too natural.
Too easy.

I just need to shut the. F :censored: up and not question the good stuff and blow it.
We had a minor ebola scare at work today. It turned out to be nothing.....the kid ate too much junk food on his flight. :lol: The first think I did was tell FH. He was so worried. He worries about things happening to me.....and I like it. :look: He loves me so much it's unreal.

It's been 10 days since we've seen each other. Less than 48 hours left! Can't wait! :kiss2:
Briabiggles how was the marathon?

Lucie, I have to thank you.
You shared a story about going to the movies with your guy some time ago. He was in a funky mood on the way to the movies if my memory serves me correctly. You didn't let that affect your mood. When you got to the movies, you pulled out your lipstick and mirror and re-applied pressing your lips together and carried on. Suddenly, he just grabbed and kissed you.
I channeled my inner Lucie last night and it was HARD! He was hungry and tired (I know that feeling all too well myself). After he ate and relaxed a bit he goes "you were quiet in the car because you were 'letting me be?" I said yes. He smiled and I thanked my lucky stars for thinking about your story and didn’t take his bad ‘mood’ personally!
Oh my. The little things mean so much to him (yes, and to me too). It makes me so feel good knowing that.

I hope everyone's having a terrific Thursday. I am. :grin:
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