2014 What's Happening in Our Relationships?

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Why did this boy tell me we're gonna watch March madness all freaking weekend?! Yeah right! You go ahead, Mr! :lol: You'll be watching ALONE!

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He's such a great supporter. I never had someone like that in my life. It amazes me sometimes. We were talking about my work issues and he said I can't believe they don't realize what they have in you! Baby I see your hard work, your strength and your perseverance. They don't deserve you! He made me cry!
Some days it would easier being single.... sir you don't have ovaries you're not allowed to have PMS!
I'm on schedule for my 40 day lent mission!
He texts random things but last night invited me to an engagement party for his cousin. NOPE! Didn't respond and not going...
This has been a good purging and cleansing period.

If you want to pretend like it's all good to your friends and family that's your business....
that moment at the beginning of the relationship when you honestly answer the question asked of you and he has trouble handling the response

the conversation lead to exes and he wanted to know about my abusive relationship. I told him my reservations, he persisted, and here we are. he was seeking deeper understanding about me, and all things considering I need him to if this is going to be long term. I'm not upset that I told him, I'm not upset he needs to process it, that's fair.

I'm supposed to call him later when I'm on my way home. but I'm drained and it's been quite a day. I'll txt him when I leave and when I get home. I'll let him call me when he's ready to talk to me because at this point I don't know what else to say.
A good girlfriend of mine got engaged last night. I am BEYOND happy for her but it made my look at my SO like.... what the **** is the hold up. Lol. I think that may just be me being in my feelings because Im not even 100% sure Im ready to be someones wife at this moment. But I definitely was (and still maybe) all up in my feelings. Ill get past it.

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Thoughts from my weekend with friends:

- If you're going through a breakup, listen to songs from a time period when you were happy. I was with friends that I hadn't seen in about 20 years and danced some great zouk!

- Being brutally honest in a relationship sometimes doesn't work. It can seem disrespectful.

- I overheard a friend saying something another friend told her. She said "if someone told you they had a million dollars for you, would you want it now or later? You're going to say you want it now right?" If a man knows your value, they would/should want you now, not self you for later. I like that analogy actually...

- Haven't heard from my great-date-guy. Not looking good after all...
Our first real one on one date is next Monday! I gave him a few ideas of what I'd like to do and told him to plan since he's the man. He said he was excited. Awwwww.
Had a great weekend with SO...He is doing some home improvements so I am helping him out (clearing out space, touch up painting, etc.) and I came across :look: some things from his previous relationships, (old party favors from his ex's bday; pictures; "coloring" activity games which were stored away but I found them :look:) He only knows that I saw the souvenir party glasses. He says that he has not cleaned out his cabinets in years and that he would dispose of the glasses. I have not brought up the other items because I was being nosey, but what do you ladies think? He also has old pics on his laptop from various events/trips that I think should be deleted. Should I not care if he still has these items in his home? Am I being jealous and unreasonable?
I have not brought up the other items because I was being nosey, but what do you ladies think? He also has old pics on his laptop from various events/trips that I think should be deleted. Should I not care if he still has these items in his home? Am I being jealous and unreasonable?

If it bothers you address it. The feeling won't go away right? If you believe they should be deleted state so. But would you want the same asked of you? What is the source of this request? Can you compromise and have him at least store them away on a flash drive or something like it? We've discussed similar topics here before where folks expresses that they would never destroy precious memories from their past. Be true to yourself and be fair. Simple....or easier said than done lol
MRJ1972, I wouldn't worry about it. I have pictures of my ex-DH that I cherish. Not because I want him back but because of the love and goodness we shared in dating and in our marriage. Now if he had them as a screen saver, or the file was recently named, "My ONLY Love" or something like that I wouldn't worry. Good luck!
Had a great weekend with SO...He is doing some home improvements so I am helping him out (clearing out space, touch up painting, etc.) and I came across :look: some things from his previous relationships, (old party favors from his ex's bday; pictures; "coloring" activity games which were stored away but I found them :look:) He only knows that I saw the souvenir party glasses. He says that he has not cleaned out his cabinets in years and that he would dispose of the glasses. I have not brought up the other items because I was being nosey, but what do you ladies think? He also has old pics on his laptop from various events/trips that I think should be deleted. Should I not care if he still has these items in his home? Am I being jealous and unreasonable?

I would not worry. His actions would speak more than any photo or favor in his closet. I also would not bring it up because snooping is not going to go over well with him, regardless of what you found. I would make mental notes of what you saw and if the ummmm collection of stuff increases or otherwise changes. Men are not good about covering up their tracks entirely so if he were doing something wrong, you'd be able to tell from his collection. :look: Until then.....mums the word.
I love the feeling of having someone in your life who you think is almost perfect for you. There is nothing like it in the world. When you just mesh with the person, conversation flows, you feel good together, and just the thought of the person makes you smile.
"There's something sexy about the way she confidently says 'thank you' when I tell her she's beautiful. But there's also something adorable when I tell her she's beautiful and she shoves her head into the pillow to hide her blushing face"

Two different 'shes', two very different reactions. I'm more like the second one and add screaming into the pillow.
We are still going on strong. I have been so wrapped up in school work that i havent had much time for anything including him :look:. We are coming up on our first year together and we are celebrating by taking a long overdue vacay. We want to bring our children as well so planning has been fun.
Having a great time in Vegas with SO. Having some alone time at the pool now while he naps/gambles. He burns like a candle and I need my tan!

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If it bothers you address it. The feeling won't go away right? If you believe they should be deleted state so. But would you want the same asked of you? What is the source of this request? Can you compromise and have him at least store them away on a flash drive or something like it? We've discussed similar topics here before where folks expresses that they would never destroy precious memories from their past. Be true to yourself and be fair. Simple....or easier said than done lol

@ Fine4s...Your post made me think twice. I would be upset if had asked me to delete photos because I still have old photos! I will suggest the flash drive...So thanks again for your input! :yep:

MRJ1972, I wouldn't worry about it. I have pictures of my ex-DH that I cherish. Not because I want him back but because of the love and goodness we shared in dating and in our marriage. Now if he had them as a screen saver, or the file was recently named, "My ONLY Love" or something like that I wouldn't worry. Good luck!

Thanks Lucie...I LOL'd at the bolded...I was being unreasonable! :look:

I would not worry. His actions would speak more than any photo or favor in his closet. I also would not bring it up because snooping is not going to go over well with him, regardless of what you found. I would make mental notes of what you saw and if the ummmm collection of stuff increases or otherwise changes. Men are not good about covering up their tracks entirely so if he were doing something wrong, you'd be able to tell from his collection. :look: Until then.....mums the word.

Holla...Thanks...The items were put away with a bunch of other stuff. I was just being nosey! ...But I have a photographic memory of what I've seen and there better not be any new items added! LOL
You mad because I didn't tell you the exact second dinner was ready, you didn't like the way it was seasoned, and now I won't rub your back.

Trust me, you'll live.

Love you boo, good night.
he goes above and beyond for me but he annoys the crap out of me. i myself walking off rolling my eyes very hard and mumbling not so nice things
It's weird when he tells me about myself and it is practically the exact same comment my ex made years before. Of course, I did not bring up the coincidence but it cracked me up. Men will tell you things about yourself that your girlfriends won't.

I need to be more spontaneous and excited about things that are "ordinary" to me. I have been everywhere so to join him on a business trip does not bring me joy. Yet, it would make him happy if I was excited about it. I'm just thinking…..to leave one business city to go to another is a yawn and time off from work that I'd rather not miss. I'll have to find things to do.
Sooooo, are men supposed to love/like you more than you love/like them? I'm giving the guy I'm dating JUST ENOUGH to keep him interested and that little bit is like gold to him. It's very interesting.
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Sooooo, are men supposed to love/like you more than you love/like them? I'm giving the guy I'm dating JUST ENOUGH to keep him interested and that little bit is like gold to him. It's very interesting.

Relationships work out better when the guy has stronger feelings because then the effort output is equal.
Uh oh- anger is setting in. I want to cuss him out!
I want this phase over with, where I don't even care about the past.
Relationships work out better when the guy has stronger feelings because then the effort output is equal.

I'm really starting to believe this. He's so into me and I actually feel like I might not deserve him. He gives me his undivided attention and the way that he looks at me is insane. It's like he saw God or something. & NO, I don't think I'm better than anyone, that's just really the look he gives me.
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