2014 Twist/Braid/Bun for Growth Challenge

Still bunning. Dusted my ends and they weren't too bad, just a few splits. Got some argan oil. I used to use it on my ends, but I ran out and never ordered anymore. I think I'm going to keep it as a staple.

Next wash day will probably be next weekend.
Still in the challenge...well it's not really challenging since this has always been normal for me so I forget to update sometimes. Still roller setting then rocking a bun or french braid until wash day. I do take them down after 3 or 4 days to properly moisturize then put it right back up. I still enjoy wearing my hair down, so I'll throw in a flexi rod set too and wear it out for a few days then up in a pineapple so it can be freeeeeee. lol It's all about balance. 4 inches away from hip...man my hair has grown fast and I retained it all this year. Once I reach hip, I'll maintain there and start trimming off the rest of these relaxed ends.
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Thanks lady! Your hair is gorgeous as always.

I finally edited my signature as I haven't done a roller set in months. I'll probably throw them in during the cooler months, but for now I'll cowash and bun as usual.

My hair grows the most during the fall months so I'm hoping to retain every inch. I'll straighten my hair around October and see where I am then.
lulu97 Thanks lady! Your hair is gorgeous as always. I finally edited my signature as I haven't done a roller set in months. I'll probably throw them in during the cooler months, but for now I'll cowash and bun as usual. My hair grows the most during the fall months so I'm hoping to retain every inch. I'll straighten my hair around October and see where I am then.

toaster Thanks Lady! I miss seeing your sets in the setting thread :(
Every time I see perm rods, I think of you!!
Just washed my hair and its in 6-7 big twists till it dries to damp.Getting ready to twist again. I want to do a combo of flat and 2 strand twists.
I suck at parting my hair :ohwell: This was my first time flat twisting so I should get better with time. :lol:


I've been watching AfrikanHairGod on Youtube and this was one of the styles he did. I really like his videos he has tons of great protective styles, and he's a beast at parting hair lol

I'm determined to wear my hair out more. And by more I mean ever. So tonight instead of bunning I put my hair in 8 twists (braided the roots) and I'm under the dryer to give them a head start before I sleep in my twists.

I started out under my Pibbs but I'm under my soft bonnet dryer now. I think because I can push my twists underneath the bonnet this might be more effective than a stand up dryer. And I can sit on the couch. :look:
Placed my hair in medium size twists Sunday. I've worn them in a bun for the last two days. I know they will not last long, because they're starting to frizz up.
Im not in this challenge but is the first time I've done twists in a year and wanted to share. I'll probably do them more now that is getting cooler since I don't have to wash that often. I pinned the front


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Was in twist since Saturday.

Here's today's twist out.


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I'm still bunning 99% of the time. I really want to trim because my ends are thin. I know it isn't damage, but it would look better trimmed. I'm trying to wait and let the rest of my hair catch up, which is what usually happens if I'm patient. I think I'll give it another month and trim in November.
I'm back in for the last quarter. My back has finally grown out and I can wear twist again. I'm also maintaining moisture better so my twist aren't drying out so much. I will be switching between 2 strands and flat twist depending on which holds moisture better and which I feel like doing that week.
Also anyone is welcome to join the challenge at any time!

I've personally been taking a break from bunning because I just can't wear my hair up every day. But I've been cowashing/deep conditioning/twisting twice a week and wearing a twist out until I don't feel like it anymore, and then it's a ponytail or bun.

That's probably totally breaking the rules of the challenge but... :look: I'm doing what's best for me. Hopefully in late October I'll straighten, get a trim, and keep protecting my ends through the winter.
Hey. I have been sleepwalking through my regimen to be honest. I need to get back on track.
I'm still in. Washing & steaming every week to 2 weeks, roller setting, moisturizing then throwing my hair in a french braid until the next wash day. I rarely do buns now....my hair has gotten too heavy & they give me headaches no matter how loose I make them. Posting a pic of my french braid & my length in roller sets. Keep in mind I have several inches of shrunken roots but I wont be pressing it out until some time next year so this will have to do. lmbo Pics are Jan of this year compared to this month.
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I'm still in. Washing & steaming every week to 2 weeks, roller setting, moisturizing then throwing my hair in a french braid until the next wash day. I rarely do buns now....my hair has gotten too heavy & they give me headaches no matter how loose I make them. Posting a pic of my french braid & my length in roller sets. Keep in mind I have several inches of shrunken roots but I wont be pressing it out until some time next year so this will have to do. lmbo Pics are Jan of this year compared to this month.

Very nice. Looks like you went from bra strap to WL. Three more months to go you may get close to HL. :yep: Can't wait to see the pics.

I am doing well still gunning 99.5% of the time. I have not taken any updated pictures. I'll have to take some this weekend. I am loving the buns right now. This challenge has been great.