2014 Twist/Braid/Bun for Growth Challenge

Some styles. I'm wearing the 2nd one this week.





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Oh! If I didn't tag you it's because I'm totally falling behind on my thread upkeep. Just two more weeks until I have more freedom, but please feel free to post and PM me if you're not on the "official challengers" list.

Thanks for the tag. I have been doing twists for a few days and then putting the twist into a bun. I think things are going well. In regard to growth I am not sure how much I have retained because I don't plan to flat iron until mid-August. I also don't have any recent bun pictures but I will be doing my hair on Tuesday and should have some fresh pictures to share.

So, I've been bunning a lot more and my hair has thanked me by retaining length. :lol: I do braid my hair from time to time. This past week I wore braids more than I have in the past month, but I joined the summer bunning challenge, so I'm going to commit to it through the summer. On my days off from that challenge I will be sporting french braids or halo twists - to coincide with this challenge.

My hair is growing nicely, even after my most recent trim, longest layer is about 5 inches (probably less than that now I last measured at the end of May) from APL.
Thanks for the tag. I have continued with twists. It is so much easier for me. It has been working out well, I'm not sure if I've gained any length, because I have not straightened my hair in quite a while. It feels / looks healthy though.

I may make a change in my routine for the summer, I have not decided yet. I'm eyeing the summer bun challenge, or I may try out wash and goes.
I straightened my hair 2 weeks ago, its just touching my shoulders. Got a head full of conditioner and will be twisting between now and tomorrrow morning. I'll post a pic!

Thanks for tagging me. I blew out my hair this weekend and gave myself a trim. I tend to overtrim though so I won't be checking my length until the end of summer or something. Also doing a blowout from a curlformers set while tedious is the least amount of hassle ever. My end feel great and my hair doesn't feel dry from the blowout at all. I didn't even need to use much heat and blowing it out took no time at all.

I just been bunning really more out of needing hair out of my face and from poofing up than anything. That and I don't care for how twists and twistouts look on me now. I ordered some hair toys so hopefully that spices up my hairstyles some. I flip flop betweent damp/wet bunning and doing stretched buns as I don't know which one works best for me really as detangling is still a pain for me. I got the much talked about Puff Cuff though and it's divine.
Just wanted to do a quick check in as 2014 is almost halfway over!!! I'd love to hear how your twists/braids/bun regimen has been evolving and how (or if) you're going to finish the year strong. As always pictures are NOT required, but welcomed!

Didn't want to re-tag everyone so I just copied and pasted the question :)

Still washing, dc'ing with steam and roller setting every 2 weeks as usual. I wear my hair out maybe 2-3 times within those 2 weeks but the bulk of my hair life is spent up, out of the way and protected. I'd say I've been in some form of braids around 75% of this year thus far. I do buns here and there but I really don't care for them that much. I have an appt. next month to get more cornrows installed at the braiding salon and as long as my money ain't acting funny, I'll be all up and through there. lol
Hey ladies! I'm still bunning 95% of the time. I wear my hair down every now and then. Right now I really need to wash and DC, but I've been putting it off because I don't feel like it.

I think I'm going to do a flat twist out for the week instead of straightening. I really want twists but I know they'll cause a setback so I'm staying away from them.

I've definitely had better retention this year since I've been keeping my hair stretched. If I stick to my regimen I'll be full HL in no time.

Hey ladies! Just wanted to do a quick check in as 2014 is almost halfway over!!! I'd love to hear how your twists/braids/bun regimen has been evolving and how (or if) you're going to finish the year strong.

As always pictures are NOT required, but welcomed!

I'm not really fulfilling the rules of this challenge. I was initially washing and retwisting my hair twice a week to get my hair more hydrated. Recently I've been cowashing every other day or 3x a week. I do twist in between but not quite the same. The last time I tried to wear two strand twists for more than 4 days my ends dried out too much and I just couldn't keep them moisturized.

I will be doing the frequent cowashes and off and on twist at least through September. Maybe after that I will get back to this challenge.
I'd like to join this challenge, since I wear my hair in twists very often.

1. What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning, etc.)?
Twists and buns.

2. What is your style maintenance regimen?
Wash and deep condition with steamer every week (or every other week), spritz daily (or every other day).

3. Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning?

4. What do you hope to achieve from the challenge?
Growth retention, fuller hair, healthy ends.

5. When and how will you restyle your hair?
I will retwist my hair at least once a month, but no more than once a week.

6. Include Starting Pic. (You will not be an official challenger without one).
I will add a pic later today. :yep:

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Twisted this past Monday.
Undoing and detangling those small twists with braided roots from 5/29 as I type using my conditioner/water/oil spritz. I think I will clarify and DC before bunning a few days, then back into twists.
Bun with twist, I've been wearing my hair like this with and without scarfs/headbands.


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My flexi rod set was on it's last leg so as soon as I got home today, I moisturized like a mad woman and did a double twist bun. I wont be taking this baby down until wash day Friday. For moisture, I'll just let the steam from when I shower each day take care of that for me.
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Womp. I've been hiding my hair mainly under beanies. I really don't remember the rules of this challenge. Sorry ladies, I've been going through waay too much to explain so updating here has been like last on priorities list. Sorry ladies.

On the downside, I've discovered my hair is having MAJOR breakage lately. I keep getting little broken strands popping off all the time. What did it was when I finally decided to style/moisturize my hair in the bathroom sink and it was a true eye opener. Little curly q's EVERYWHERE. I almost died. All on my shirt, all over the sink, I can't ever remember my hair being this bad...except the days before I started caring for my hair. =(

So what I've been doing lately is trying to moisturize by means of water, moisturizing conditioner, oil, and avocado butter. I've done it two days already and I'm already seeing a dramatic cutback on broken strands though I still lose a few every now and again. Ultimately, I want to lose NONE. I mean, cause I was just wondering how come I'm always around the same length every month when I've been bunning and braiding and wearing my beanie (WITH the satin bonnet) like mad. It just didn't make sense.

These days I do my hair in the bathroom with a bright shirt on so I can monitor the hairs that I'm losing. I think the moisturizing my ends daily is going to help me start growing and retaining again but I won't really know if it's working until I detangle on wash day. =/

And with that, I also trimmed off .5 an inch a few days ago. *rolling eyes* I'm doing a braid regimen seems like. I do my wash day, put in a braid set that will ultimately take two days to dry, and every day after I wash day I moisturize my ends by means of water/conditioner/oil/butter. This is my first week moisturizing daily, but I've been doing the braid regimen for about a month now. I'm hoping for a change in length and health come the end of July!

Sorry I've been away from you all. Hope that you all are doing well!
Last week, I wore my hair in two twists and a bun in the back. I loved it!! I reached several complements!

Last night, I prepooed, washed, and deep conditioned my hair. I placed my hair in several medium size twists.
I've been wearing my mini twists for less than 2 weeks and they're pretty fuzzy. I'll probably redo the front this weekend.

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Happy to see the updates! I hope everyone having hair worries is able to correct them quickly.

I've been cowashing once a week, deep conditioning and detangling, and then putting my hair in 8 twists using knot today and the curling custard. One hour under the pibbs with the twists pinned around my head and they're dry!

I usually untwist and just wear my hair in a bun. Nightly I spray the air around my hair, apply coconut oil, cantu natural leave in, and seal with a butter.

I feel like this regimen can get me through the summer.
Oh! Here's my June length check. Tried to crop it at waist length so hopefully I make it by the end of the year. image-2432672326.jpg

Same picture. Just tried to lighten it so it was easier to see.


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Lc...I still need 2 or so inches to MBL. *sigh*


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I'm been on and off this challenge all year!

But I'm back on! This is week 3 of this set of small twists. I will be washing them and redoing the perimeter of my head. Want to get to 4 weeks with this set.

I'm determined to get to retain some growth this month before I flat iron at the beginning of August.
I ended up taking out the mini twists and wearing a twist out yesterday. My SO loved it.

SO: How'd you get that style?
Me: I just took out my twists.
SO: Cool. You put it in one style and all you have to do is take it out to get another.

Later that day...
SO (sleepy): I'm tempted to use your hair as a pillow.


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