2014 Christian Random Thoughts -- Don't Lose Hope

This morning on my way to work approaching a pedestrian crossing I noticed a car slowed for me, the window rolled down and it was an old boyfriend, he said hi how you doing and I responded in the same way and added a good to see you then walked quickly across the street (a car was right behind him).

I'm happy to say that I felt NOTHING, no guilt, no condemnation, no shame , no nothing. I'm grateful to God that he has brought me to such a place.

Romans 8:1
"There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit."
DreamLife: I woke up with the exact same feeling; feeling I've already invested so many years in my professional life and have nothing to show for it. Nothing as in nothing other people would value or consider successful. But behind closed doors I battle some of the greatest struggles that would push anyone else into insanity. All of the problems you've listed are the ones I'm going through right now, all at the same time. But just like the title of this thread says: don't lose hope! I like to listen to TD Jakes' sermon on how nothing you're going through right now will be wasted by God, He will use every single thing to build you up. And then there's also this nugget of Scripture from the Old Testament that says that it is best to carry the yoke in our young years, gives me hope. Stay encouraged! (((hug)))
Lord forgive me when I wasn't the 'light' in every thread that I've posted in on this forum. Forgive me when I didn't say what your word says and didn't give your opinion but the opinion of my flesh. I am sorry if I was a stumbling block to anyone searching for your truth.
I was physically attacked on the street two weeks ago, both my mom and my aunt are in the hospital right now and a supposed "friend" just went off on me for not making time to talk to her. When I told her that I thought that was selfish she called me rude and judgmental but didn't even once ask "how are you doing?" or "are you ok?" I try to look out for her but right now it would've been nice for her to check on me. I feel so hurt right now.

Lord, please give me strength to keep going. Despite how I feel right now, I'm still thankful for all you've brought me through.
I was physically attacked on the street two weeks ago, both my mom and my aunt are in the hospital right now and a supposed "friend" just went off on me for not making time to talk to her. When I told her that I thought that was selfish she called me rude and judgmental but didn't even once ask "how are you doing?" or "are you ok?" I try to look out for her but right now it would've been nice for her to check on me. I feel so hurt right now.

Lord, please give me strength to keep going. Despite how I feel right now, I'm still thankful for all you've brought me through.

Sis I'm so sorry you have to go through this....
Today's Devotional was about Serving. It was a revelation for me! There are things that God expects from us... We can't choose which ways we want to be faithful to him. Serving is a form of worship too. I need to re-committed to serving. I'm in a ministry and I haven't done anything in a year.
Trust that your memory is better than you think; a simple song, a smell can take you back to a memory or evoke emotions that were long forgotten, don't let those memories become a sin by lingering on them for too long, cast them down immediately.
I remember talking to one of my friends recently. She told me : I haven't heard from you in 5 days". Are we in trouble because we have so much going on we do not call people regularly? I just can't cater to people like that. Especially when I just had too much trouble to help anyone else. People can be hard to understand sometimes.
Lord forgive me when I wasn't the 'light' in every thread that I've posted in on this forum. Forgive me when I didn't say what your word says and didn't give your opinion but the opinion of my flesh. I am sorry if I was a stumbling block to anyone searching for your truth.

I love your prayer and I know that it applies to me far more than you. Your 'Light' and Love always shines in this forum and I thank God that you have been such a guiding light of God's love to follow.

I'm speaking the Truth here. Your prayer humbles me. Truly. :love2:
I was physically attacked on the street two weeks ago, both my mom and my aunt are in the hospital right now and a supposed "friend" just went off on me for not making time to talk to her. When I told her that I thought that was selfish she called me rude and judgmental but didn't even once ask "how are you doing?" or "are you ok?" I try to look out for her but right now it would've been nice for her to check on me. I feel so hurt right now.

Lord, please give me strength to keep going. Despite how I feel right now, I'm still thankful for all you've brought me through.

Reminiscing, please know that we love you, here and are praying for you and your family. Just focus on healing and how much you are truly loved, Dear One, because you are truly loved. :hug3:
I have friends that I haven't spoken to in months, and occasional text or an email, life happens, I still love them and they still love me when we talk its catching up time, no pressure.
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I put way too much pressure on myself to be perfect. I always compare myself to others, and anytime I mess up I just kick myself. I'm wondering how can I overcome this? It's like I'm so focused on doing God's will that I calculate every step I take. Did I let the right person in my life? Did I choose the right option? Did I just block my blessing by going back to something?

I need to just chill out :lol:
I can relate... sometimes it can get so busy..then I pause... and right when I pause is when so-and-so comes to mind. Then comes the phone call, email or lunch, to ketchup... lol

I have friends that I haven't spoken to in months, and occasional text or an email, life happens, I still love them and they still love me when we talk its catching up time, no pressure.
The older I get the more I learn you really do reap what you sow. The good and the bad. The positive and the negative. When I was young my elder church mother would say: "It's coming up again" I didn't give the saying much thought back then but now I understand. :yep:
It's always good to know who your General Counsel is.

Is 48:17
This is what the LORD says-- your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: "I am the LORD your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.
I experienced the craziest thing today! I began praying in the spirit then all of sudden it kind of felt like my body was taken over. I was conscious but I wasn't in control. When I finally stopped praying I just sat and meditated. I opened my eyes and then the weirdest thing happened! I was just sitting in a daze and I felt something knock me out. I was so scared, It felt like I was in a trance. I could hear but I couldn't move or speak. When I broke out of it I felt like a new person.

I was trying to see if more people experienced this but it seems like my circumstances are unique. I'm still not sure what happened or how it happened.
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Fred Phelps, Westboro Baptist Church Founder, Is 'On The Edge Of Death'


Fred Phelps, the founder of the highly controversial Westboro Baptist Church, which is known for protesting high-profile funerals with signs that read "God Hates Fags," is said to be dying at a hospice center in Kansas.

The news comes via Nate Phelps, one of Fred's estranged children, who wrote this in a Facebook post Saturday night.

I've learned that my father, Fred Phelps, Sr., pastor of the "God Hates Fags" Westboro Baptist Church, was ex-communicated from the "church" back in August of 2013. He is now on the edge of death at Midland Hospice house in Topeka, Kansas.

I'm not sure how I feel about this. Terribly ironic that his devotion to his god ends this way. Destroyed by the monster he made.

I feel sad for all the hurt he's caused so many. I feel sad for those who will lose the grandfather and father they loved. And I'm bitterly angry that my family is blocking the family members who left from seeing him, and saying their good-byes.

In an interview with Patheos, Nate confirmed the statement was true, saying he'd spoken with several other family members who, like him, had previously been "excommunicated" from the church.

Westboro Baptist Church did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Huffington Post.
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I'm in the process of moving and was packing my media things. I have a boat load of cassetts, vcrs, dvds, cds etc of sermons. It seems that many of the best pastors with great revelations, and teaching ministries have falling. I loved so many of these pastors and it was their sermons that really stirred-up my spirit and got me moving forward in the things of God. Seems that in the 90's a vein of pastors came thru that were off the chain, now it is almost like a famine. I guess it is the falling away.
I'm in the process of moving and was packing my media things. I have a boat load of cassetts, vcrs, dvds, cds etc of sermons. It seems that many of the best pastors with great revelations, and teaching ministries have falling. I loved so many of these pastors and it was their sermons that really stirred-up my spirit and got me moving forward in the things of God. Seems that in the 90's a vein of pastors came thru that were off the chain, now it is almost like a famine. I guess it is the falling away.

I know exactly what you mean. During that time I was a college student who was trying to find my way. I came across a church where the pastor was preaching and teaching the Bible in a way that I had never heard. I was understanding what he was saying, I was getting a better understanding of the Bible and God. Through this ministry my prayer life went to a whole other level and I was walking closer with God than I had ever walked. To this day, I have no doubt that God was working through that man. Just a few short years later he was removed from that church for stealing money, sleeping with several women in the church and he was rumored to have fathered a child with one of those women. I saw the signs that things were going in the wrong direction before things got too bad and I found another church, but there were so many people who stuck with him. That was when I learned that just because someone can preach and teach the roof off a building doesn't mean that they can't fall victim to the devil's tactics.
...I learned that just because someone can preach and teach the roof off a building doesn't mean that they can't fall victim to the devil's tactics.

Say it! I don't care if a minister can preach fire down from heaven. At the end of the day it's how he's living that counts. Eventually, God will bring what's done in the dark to the light.

gn1g I feel you and agree... I believe God still has a few men and women who are ministering and practicing His Word in truth. It's a remnant compared to the masses. It feels like we are moving into the day that Amos spoke of "Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD: Amos 8:11." When we get to this point we are in trouble, a famine of the word of God is judgment.
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Listened to a sermon by Charles Stanley over the radio today and in it, he stated that G-d is no respecter of persons. But, G-d gives according to His Divine plan and that if one wishes G-d's favor, that there is much room there. But...then that means that G-d does create some people as "inferior" to others. Shrugs. How can G-d be impartial and purposefully place some people at a disadvantage than others? Then the answer is that it's something beyond our comprehension and cosmic? Sometimes, I think white preachers simply don't think beyond the box they were raised in. I'm going to get that sermon again and listen more intently because what I was hearing was just...:look::look:...rather confusing.
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Seriously, though, are we so far gone that we don't know what is appropriate dress and fail to realize that our female fashions barely reflect any modesty?
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I am still looking for a church home and I did not go to church on last week because I went out of town for a funeral. I noticed a couple of minutes ago, I was getting angry and upset about different things and then I realized the enemy was trying to get me off set to forget about church tomorrow. I am going tomorrow and I know where I will go. I have been going to different places to settle on one place. My walk with God has been so much better than what it has been in the past. When I get up set, I remember my scriptures and examples in the Bible and speak it over my situation, I remember God in my time of weakness and need. I feel closer to God and I am still worshipping him and giving up praise. I think I am on my way, still perfecting my faith and myself.
#Rant: It's really annoying that people automatically think because I'm young I know nothing about the Word or that I'm this lost soul. Why can't I love God like you do? Why does my age matter? I'm not a case and I don't want to be treated like one.

"Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity." 1 Timothy 4:12

I plan on living out this scripture! I'm not just some "young" girl. I'm woman who is love with God. I am his child. Through me you will see his will be done.
A friend asked me to listen to this message by Joel Osteen and I am so glad I did.

Keep Your Walls Up

A Few quotes from the sermon.

"Guard your heart"

"Don't waste your time trying to win over people that are never going to be for you."

"You don't need their approval to become who God has created you to be."

"Nothing can offend you without your permission."

A statistic he read:

25% of the people you meet won't like you and never will
25% won't like you but could be persuaded to
25% will like you but could be persuaded not to
25% will like you and stand by you no matter what
I'm really enjoying Right from the Heart with Bryant Right in the mornings on talk radio. His radio casts are always uplifting. This guy uses both secular and Christian radio, tv, print and the Internet to share the Good News.... good stuff