2014 Christian Random Thoughts -- Don't Lose Hope

A lot of elements in local churches are being considered business ventures. Our church has a senior citizen apartment house, a veterans home, condo like townhomes and some other buildings and construction.

The street where the church is located had become a strip where unsavory behavior was conducted. The city sold most of the property on the street to the church and the county assisted with funding and or tax breaks. I have not seen any derelict appearing person ( unsaved soul) wandering the area.

Our church has a lot of people delivered from various addictions. This situation seemed to make the community more valuable.

Indeed it does make your community more valuable. Good for you and your Church. Jesus said: "Occupy til' I Come!"

Simply put, take over the world do not let it take over you. God gave this Kingdom to us with full dominion. I'm not speaking of greed and materialism, but we are to rule and not be ruled by the sins of this world. Living the lives that Jesus paid and died for with His Blood.

God bless you for sharing this wonderful testimony felic1
Isaiah 5:

20Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

21Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!
You know, I've just gotten a revelation today about the behaviors of some people. They are full of judgment against others and yet they show forth such a FAKE relationship to Jesus. How can you look at another human being and declare you cannot touch that person as any other? You cannot sit next to such? What kind of christian faith is that? Where did Jesus proclaim such? It's irritating and of all things, for that to exist within a christian university? My poor, lovely African friends who had to deal with being the only person on the pew yet everywhere else, they crammed in like sardines. Poor Rivka.

Yet, their first choice as missionaries is to go to Africa, Latin America, places where people are dark? Rather than people who have had to deal with these kinds of personalities, and they are everywhere, to just give into vengeful mindsets, I'm going to pray for such people. Not that they get their just-due, but that they find the true Jesus. Because, evidently, they have not comprehended the gospel and they are in deep need of the love of Christ. I'm going to show them Christ and encourage my children to show them Christ in the deepest of actions, even if they respond with more hatred. O pilgrim, this is your path!
ETA: Rant over...still living in this Burgh or ignorance...sigh. Life is so much bigger than the pea-sized opinions of some of these people.
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So as I said in the prayer request thread, my life has been the oddest thing lately. I went on a mini-vacation with mi mama :infatuated: and one night while she was up working :nono: she said that I was groaning and tossing and turning in my sleep. I'm usually a very restful, heavy sleeper, so this is unusual. I told her that I had a bad dream, it was with my boss and I was crying, bawling my eyes out in the dream and at the end of the dream I was being told constantly to quit and to leave my current position.

Now if that wasn't direct I don't know what is :lol:. So please say a prayer for me ladies that I find another good position. My boss is a nice lady but I don't know how to explain our relationship. But I definitely need to get out of there.

Thank you :)

**PS I didn't want to put this in the prayer request thread.

This seems to be playing out now. Today my coworker was doing exactly the bolded:nono:
ETA: I've been editing and editing, because I don't want to truly touch this thing with words outside of my heart and mind, but I'm compelled to...in the words of someone else...this is the truth. I've been blessed by this catholic man in his writings. He says it without my having to and revealing the discord. Friendships hurt, a lot:

Paulo Coelho

"People come into our lives for a reason. The reason? To love. That’s it; to love. We have a tendency to complicate matters by finding all the nuances as to their presence and if something goes wrong, well let’s just say, all hell breaks loose because we want to make the other person BAD and WRONG. I’m here to ask you to stop doing that; to the best of your ability, please stop doing that. Regardless of the circumstances, there is nothing wrong with the experience(s) or people. They are what the are. The opportunity is to offer love to another; however, it’s just as important to love yourself FIRST. Only then can you truly love another; and I mean, truly love.

So, when a relationship turns sour, the first person to think of is you and how you can love yourself through the process. Does what’s happening in the interaction match who you are? If so, then shower you and him or her with all the love you can muster. It’s not about keeping points here (that’s not love). It’s about loving unconditionally, knowing that what’s on the other side of the issue will reveal beautiful opportunities. On the other hand, if what you’re up to in life is not in alignment with the other person’s or vice versa, bow out gracefully; allowing him or her ALL the space they need to be free to be themselves while at the same time giving yourself permission to be you. This is love.

Love is not about being hitched. It’s about allowing the space to BE. If you can do that together, then YAY for you both; however, if it requires distinguishing separate paths, then by all means take the time to create it all while loving yourself through the process."
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"God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”
Sometimes all you need is a WORD

"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love."
That thread in the off topic forum really has me tearing up, I am just so saddened by this generation and the lack of respect people can show. But I know God is good and I'm thankful to know him, my spirit is just weeping and it is close to bursting out of me.
That thread in the off topic forum really has me tearing up, I am just so saddened by this generation and the lack of respect people can show. But I know God is good and I'm thankful to know him, my spirit is just weeping and it is close to bursting out of me.

It's sad indeed. I am glad I know that despite what the world says, He is still God and will forever be God. Nothing can change that.
That thread in the off topic forum really has me tearing up, I am just so saddened by this generation and the lack of respect people can show. But I know God is good and I'm thankful to know him, my spirit is just weeping and it is close to bursting out of me.

It's sad indeed. I am glad I know that despite what the world says, He is still God and will forever be God. Nothing can change that.

Can you tell me which thread it is. If necessary, I will report it.

Thanks, Sweethearts.
For the past few weeks we have been learning, re-learning (because we were taught this before) how to praise and worship God, how to shabach, towdah, thillah, barack Him, praise is not quiet people, lol.

Last night at church while we were almost at the end of our praise and worship, putting what we learned into motion..I suddenly realized that I had been ungrateful, I felt so convicted of my lack of gratefulness expressed earlier during the day it made me weep before the Lord.

You see, I received an increase which is a percentage paid due to the rise in the cost of living. In my case, I received a percentage of weekly salary plus a onetime lump sum payment of $365, I was so discouraged about the percentage that I just did not see the $365.

In the midst of worship and thanksgiving Holy Spirit highlighted "but you also got $365", all I could do is cry. All day I was too busy reminding God of all I do around here, plus the extras that even though I saw the extra money, even inquired with our payroll department how and why I got it, I was distracted because I felt like I should gotten a higher percentage.

Father so gently reminded me, that He is my keeper and provider and that every good thing truly comes from Him, if the boss doesn’t give me what I deserve, He is still my provider all my needs are met and I will not beg bread!
Oh my what a Word ! You're busy looking at the percentage, He's reminding you of the whole. LOL

One dollar for each day of the year. Girl..thanks for sharing that. It's a great testament of gratitude. I also enjoy the different forms of praise!

For the past few weeks we have been learning, re-learning (because we were taught this before) how to praise and worship God, how to shabach, towdah, thillah, barack Him, praise is not quiet people, lol.

Last night at church while we were almost at the end of our praise and worship, putting what we learned into motion..I suddenly realized that I had been ungrateful, I felt so convicted of my lack of gratefulness expressed earlier during the day it made me weep before the Lord.

You see, I received an increase which is a percentage paid due to the rise in the cost of living. In my case, I received a percentage of weekly salary plus a onetime lump sum payment of $365, I was so discouraged about the percentage that I just did not see the $365.

In the midst of worship and thanksgiving Holy Spirit highlighted "but you also got $365", all I could do is cry. All day I was too busy reminding God of all I do around here, plus the extras that even though I saw the extra money, even inquired with our payroll department how and why I got it, I was distracted because I felt like I should gotten a higher percentage.

Father so gently reminded me, that He is my keeper and provider and that every good thing truly comes from Him, if the boss doesn’t give me what I deserve, He is still my provider all my needs are met and I will not beg bread!
A small plane crashed-landed in the ocean, debris everywhere. A couple of passengers who survived were clinging to floating debris. The woman was fearful but held on as tight as she could and started to pray. She noticed another passenger, a man, also in the water. She couldn't reach him, so all she could do was offer him the best help she could...she told him to pray and ask God to save him. The man got upset and started to curse profusely. The minute he started doing that, he sank quickyl and drowned. The woman held on, and later got rescued.
Oh my what a Word ! You're busy looking at the percentage, He's reminding you of the whole. LOL

One dollar for each day of the year. Girl..thanks for sharing that. It's a great testament of gratitude. I also enjoy the different forms of praise!

Lol, yes a dollar for each day...

I was sharing this story with a co-worker who got the same percentage, she thanked me for reminding her to be grateful.
This is my anthem for the day, Psalm 57

Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me: for my soul trusteth in thee: yea, in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be overpast.

2 I will cry unto God most high; unto God that performeth all things for me.

3 He shall send from heaven, and save me from the reproach of him that would swallow me up. Selah. God shall send forth his mercy and his truth.

4 My soul is among lions: and I lie even among them that are set on fire, even the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword.

5 Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens; let thy glory be above all the earth.

6 They have prepared a net for my steps; my soul is bowed down: they have digged a pit before me, into the midst whereof they are fallen themselves. Selah.

7 My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise.

8 Awake up, my glory; awake, psaltery and harp: I myself will awake early.

9 I will praise thee, O Lord, among the people: I will sing unto thee among the nations.

10 For thy mercy is great unto the heavens, and thy truth unto the clouds.

11 Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens: let thy glory be above all the earth.
Mark 10:34
And they shall mock Him, and shall scourge Him, and shall spit upon Him, and shall kill Him: and the Third Day he shall rise again.
As a Christian, I do not celebrate Easter. It's based off of pagan Idolatry that has been incorporated into the church. As Christians we need to take more time to understand where these "Christian holidays" originate from. YHWH warned the Israelites concerning fraternizing with pagans and incorporating their ways (Deuteronomy) . If we are celebrating most of these holidays we are doing exactly what He warned against. Many will state that that's not what it means to them but that's no excuse because it's founded on pagan ungodly principles that are detestable to God. It doesn't matter what it means to you only what it means to God.
He is Risen! Happy Easter! I spent my morning in church celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the other part of my morning trying to get non bunnified pics to decorate our youth ministry's facebook page :giggle:

Have a great day :)