2014 Christian Random Thoughts -- Don't Lose Hope

Thank you God for sending the young man to help me and my mom shovel the driveway, thank you for filling my day with laughter, and thank you for ending the relationship with my live in boyfriend (a blessing in disguise). You are so amazing and I thank you for your love and favor.

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Have a great church service ladies. I just came back from mine (early morning service) and I feel so alive, happy and filled with the Holy Spirit! I'm ready for the week ahead :)
I've always felt like I needed people who are "connected" or more religious to me to pray on my behalf because I didn't know how. Although I pray in tongue, cry out, I've felt so unconnected to God. It brought me comfort to know that someone who appeared saved and better than me had a quicker connection could pray for me and God would receive it and I will get help. I realized this evening that I only have one Savior and I have to work on feeling connected and my faith. I'm really struggling right now. I don't have words to express my numbness and sense of defeat. I'm tired. I just want to run off and hide under a rock or in a cave. I need a safe place, but there is not one.

I use to be so faithful,now, it's hard. I'm still struggling with my faith even when my spirit is at peace, but my mind is not. I'm afraid of abandonment , or God being displeased, or I'm not quite sure what it is. Maybe, I'm afraid to let go and rest completely in God.

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^^^I know how you feel, I was listening to a sermon on this subject, about how a few years into being born again it becomes harder and harder to maintain the same zeal we once had. Turn what you just wrote here into a prayer to Him, He yearns for such honesty from His children.
Thanks! I did just this morning. I just laid it out. I felt better. I'm still working on me. I know God is a healer and deliver but I have to buckle down and fight for my life and faith. I need a good church home to keep me connected to the body but I don't know where to go. I'm tired of the mega church scene. I'm praying God will set me up with one. I'm going to the Christian book store today to get some inspirational books and get a new bible, I've got to do my part. I've got to fill myself in the word so I won't fall prey.

I'm reminded of the woman with the issue of blood. Her faith and desire was so strong she just wanted a touched so she could be healed. That's me right now. I was feeling like I don't deserve it but that is the trick of the enemy. We have been justified in Christ.

God revealed to me this week when I asked for a word, how Jacob wrestled with God. I think that is where I am and I will come out on top with my life.

Thanks for letting me ramble my disconjointed thoughts.

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2 Peter 1:3

Make Your Calling Sure

3According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue: 4Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. 5And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; 6And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; 7And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity. 8For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins. 10Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall: 11For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Thanks! I did just this morning. I just laid it out. I felt better. I'm still working on me. I know God is a healer and deliver but I have to buckle down and fight for my life and faith. I need a good church home to keep me connected to the body but I don't know where to go. I'm tired of the mega church scene. I'm praying God will set me up with one. I'm going to the Christian book store today to get some inspirational books and get a new bible, I've got to do my part. I've got to fill myself in the word so I won't fall prey.

I'm reminded of the woman with the issue of blood. Her faith and desire was so strong she just wanted a touched so she could be healed. That's me right now. I was feeling like I don't deserve it but that is the trick of the enemy. We have been justified in Christ.

God revealed to me this week when I asked for a word, how Jacob wrestled with God. I think that is where I am and I will come out on top with my life.

Thanks for letting me ramble my disconjointed thoughts.

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This may sound strange, but your haplogroup and subclades point to the Fulani and they are from their father Jacob, who became Israel after he struggled with the angel. :yep: Your status has never changed. I am praying for you.
So, I went to the bookstore and prayed that God will show me what books to get that is speaking to my situation. I found several books, a study bible and a bible case that had big words of TRUST on it. It was the only one they had and it didn't have a price tag. I knew it was mine and God was just guiding me and telling me to trust this process you are going through!

I had so many revelations with this book, How to Worship Jesus Christ by Joseph S. Carroll. I realized that I did not worship God, I have not exalted God. I've Thanked Him, gave praise for things manifested but pure worship and total submission of my heart and to exalt HIM, I have not. It's been about me, whiney and my needs. I forgot the basics somewhere along the way. I forgot that I am here to serve and that everything I do it must glorify God. I also realize that God is bringing me out of situation and he had to get my attention because I was going down the wrong road.

Worship is what will allow for me to feel God's presence and total devotion will help my faith and prayer life. I forgot to worship, I forgot to exalt, I forgot many things. What a mighty God we serve and his Grace!
As for ageing, I don't have much of a problem with ageing, that's a must if you live long enough to age and there are ways to slow some stuff down.

Neither do I have a problem with dieing that is also a must, there's no way of escaping that, its dieing twice that I'm afraid of, that is why I'm working to make my election sure.
Now, I understand what it means to prepare your heart for worship. I am grateful for God waking me up and bringing me out of my mess. I just want to worship you Oh Lord! I praise your name. Thank you for your grace, mercy and your word that is sweet to my heart, ears and my mind. Thank you Lord. I worship you!
I really need guidance and a sign from God because I'm so unhappy and lost. I'm at the edge and ready to just quit everything. I'm so done with myself. I don't know what to do anymore to make myself happy. I don't think it's possible anymore.

Whatever you do don't quit. Hang in there. In time everything will work out if you trust in God. Please don't feel you are alone sometimes we get in very dark places in our life this is when (if we let Him) God will be our refuge, joy, and strength.

What works for me during trouble times is prayer getting on my knees and crying out to God. When I finish prayer I read God's Word and EVERY time He leads me to the scripture which comforts my heart. Ask God for guidance and trust in Him and He will work things out.

I will go in prayer for you as well. God's going to turn things around in your life. Happiness and contentment is yours.

Prayer of David.
Hear my prayer, O Lord, and let my cry come unto thee. Hide not thy face from me in the day when I am in trouble; incline thine ear unto me: in the day when I call answer me speedily.
Psa 102:1-2

If you believe it God will do it!

Don't give up look up! We all have our moments and go throughs in this world?Do you have a counselor you can really trust and go to. Do you have a trusted Sister friend in Christ? Your Pastor? Yes we aught to pray and read the word of God. However there will be times when we have to speak to someone who can help you through all of this. This too shall pass.
So I've been complaining lately :rolleyes:. I woke up this morning and complained about how I'm stressed out and tired and why can't one sector, just one sector of my life be stress free.

Then I'm browsing this forum and a message came to me. Why am I claiming stress in my life? Why don't I claim in Jesus' name, peace, clarity and victory in all sectors of my life?
If there is ever a generation that can do great exploits for God, it is this generation... the sheer onslaught of spirtual attacks ...like on no other generation... is convincing enough. Keep praying for teens and young adults.
Satan's game hasn't changed nor the instruments that he uses. So, try the spirits because not everyone that uses the common Christian terms belongs to him. We have to continue to go forward in God and persist no matter what!!!!So press, today for anyone feeling discouraged.
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I felt down today
but then I started sharing a piece of my testimony to a friend, and I couldn't help but realize that "I Won't Complain."
Word of the Day

1Tim 6:10
For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, in their eagerness to get rich, have wandered away from the faith and caused themselves a lot of pain.

It's a pretty cut and dried verse... yet I enjoyed a discussion on it with a young man today.
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I went to a marriage conference this weekend and so much wisdom was shared. My soul was truly blessed :).

One of the speakers talked about the importance of intimacy with our spouse, children, and loved ones. If we study the life of Jesus then we will know what 'true intimacy' is all about.

True intimacy...
-Making time for your spouse and family
-Letting your presence be known
-Attentive and meeting the needs of your spouse and family
-Affirming your spouse and family with words of love and encouragement
-Mastering the art of listening
-Physical touch (hugs, holding hands)

Marriage is not about a set of rules but asking God for insight on how to love your spouse in a way that he or she will understand and receive. It's so important to learn your spouse's love language.

Always remember that your responsibility in your marriage is to bring out the best in your spouse.
My priest resigned today. He says that his calling is (and has been) missionary work and he wants to devote his life to that. He gave excellent sermons. He was able to recreate in your mind the atmosphere regarding the era in which the scripture was taken then bring you back to current times and meld the both and show you how you can apply it to life.

I also think that the job was negatively affecting his health as he was frank and didn't mince his words. If xyz was wrong and unbiblical, he would say so. He wouldn't make exceptions to the rule or try to dance around the matter.

I really appreciated his sermons and his work.
I'm so grateful to be alive! God through Jesus has given me a new life! I am renewed and restored. With him I have peace.

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My priest resigned today. He says that his calling is (and has been) missionary work and he wants to devote his life to that. He gave excellent sermons. He was able to recreate in your mind the atmosphere regarding the era in which the scripture was taken then bring you back to current times and meld the both and show you how you can apply it to life.

I also think that the job was negatively affecting his health as he was frank and didn't mince his words. If xyz was wrong and unbiblical, he would say so. He wouldn't make exceptions to the rule or try to dance around the matter.

I really appreciated his sermons and his work.[/QUINT

Send him a note I'm sure it will be a source of encouragement for him
Send him a note I'm sure it will be a source of encouragement for him

I was thinking about doing that... When the rumor was circulating yesterday morning it was really sad, then he came to announce it at the end of the service and he seemed so happy to be going out to do missionary work.