2014 Christian Random Thoughts -- Don't Lose Hope

Zechariah 12:10

"And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication. They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a firstborn son.
I have no doubt about His presence next to me. I can feel Him and I can see and feel the changes that He is making in my Life and I am thankful.
But at the same time I feel so low, afraid and desperate. I can't explain it.

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A timely message for this "Independence day"

July 3

Luke 18:8 I tell you, he will give justice to them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?

How many of you reading this are struggling with life interrupting your faith? Let me explain what I mean. You constantly declare the truth of the word while you see the facts of life. You are trying to hold on to the substance and evidence of your faith, yet you are in pain while declare healing, and your world keeps unraveling while you declare that God is in control! The hymn "It Is Well With My Soul" has an intriguing stanza that says "And Lord Haste The Day When My Faith Shall Be Sight...." Luke 18:8 is the response of Jesus when questioned about God's desire to vindicate His children. Our job is to PRAY without ceasing! We don't pray for vengeance: we pray for God's intervention. I believe our constant praying moves God and turns faith into sight right now! Not only that, I also believe prayer changes sight into faith, and puts our focus back on God. The hymn focuses on life after death, but I won't need faith after I die! I need God to be interested in swallowing up the facts with the truth. Your prayers determine whether or not Jesus will find faith when He decides to move. Are your prayers littered with your problems or gratitude for His solutions?

Elder S R Henderson, Pastor
Iwanthealthyhair67 Thank you for the " how can two walk unless they be agreed?" post. I just got beat down in the predator thread. I have not joined the homosexual acceptance group. I do not celebrate non heterosexual unions. I do have to realize that statements that are not gay accepting offend those who walk in darkness. Many women that participate in this forum are not Christians. They have a very worldly agenda. It is surprising to me. A family will grow via procreation or adoption. I am still a believer in a traditional marriage and family. Fellowship on LHCF is limited in some areas.
How do you deal with someone who's close to you being in a non-heterosexual relationship? I get that it's not biblically sound, but are you just supposed to throw the person away?

I do not agree with that lifestyle, however I firmly believe in loving and respecting one another. I feel like certain relationships in my life are strained because of this change. I haven't accepted it.
Mark 6:16-17
16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. 17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
Iwanthealthyhair67 Thank you for the " how can two walk unless they be agreed?" post. I just got beat down in the predator thread. I have not joined the homosexual acceptance group. I do not celebrate non heterosexual unions. I do have to realize that statements that are not gay accepting offend those who walk in darkness. Many women that participate in this forum are not Christians. They have a very worldly agenda. It is surprising to me. A family will grow via procreation or adoption. I am still a believer in a traditional marriage and family. Fellowship on LHCF is limited in some areas.

felic1 ...

Just read this.

Office Rant Update

Guess what, today I got a bag of mangoes and lots of conversation, and I took them both, not because I love mangoes so much but because I want to forgive as often as HE has forgiven and forgives me.

okay its official, YOU have a problem, I extended myself to you this morning and brought your favorite, mangoes!

your response, "I have lots of these at home, someone brought me a lot of them, you can give it to the girls downstairs".

I wish you would stay this way and never come round, it would make it easier ...You are much too old for this, this is child's play!

I wont have your bad attitude have me begging God to get me from around you or you from around me, HE PLACED ME HERE and I will not be moved before my time.

Trust in the LORD.... in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.Proverbs 3:5-6

During a visit to Chicago, I stayed on the 25th floor of a downtown hotel. As I gazed out of the window, I was facinated by the maze of cars flowing fourlanes abreast in opposite directions.

One motorist faced an emergency. He had engine trouble and was stalled in the middle of all traffic. From my vantage point I could see for blocks, I watched
several drivers switch into the same lane as the stalled auto, unaware of what was ahead. Thinking they were gaining time, these motorists were actually crossing over into a lane that would only spell greater delay.

As we travel along life's road, we do much the same as those misguided drivers. With our limited foresight we select the route that seems best-only to find that the temporary advance has led us into a course filled with delay and heartache. But now reassuring that we can look to One who is above everything, who knows the end from the beginning!

This is why the writer of Proverbs could say, "In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths" (Prov. 3:6). When the Lord indicates a "stop" or a "change of lanes" or a "wait", we gladly obey.

Yes, look for directions from above.

The best way to know God's will is to say "I will" to God.
If there is one thing this situation taught me is that I do hear the voice of God

I mean I couldn't rest, the Holy Spirit gave me a clear "no" months later I find out why....and what a why!
There are days you just have to enjoy a belly full of soulful laughter. Praying for them...
I must say I am feeling much better Praise God! I am just feeling a little down that one of my friendships have ended. But I know God has a purpose for that happening. I'm also feeling a little nervous about my doctor appointment on Monday, I'm praying everything goes well. I have forgiven the people at my church. But now I kind of feel a certain way on other stuff. Like I will text reach out to people from my church to try and build friendships. But it’s like every time I'm told we will get together soon or they say they are going to call me and it never happens. It's been going on for months now, I totally understand people being busy with their daily lives. And a lot of people at my church are newlyweds or starting families. But it's just like don't keep telling me something and it never happens.
Yesterday I sat in my car and cried...for a variety of reasons, some burdens feel so heavy and lately it's a lot

Today I feel comforted knowing I serve a God who sees me. He sees us and watches over us. He sees beyond what we can see. There's nothing we are going through that He does not see.

He who keeps you will not slumber - Psalm 12:3

One of the most dangerous aspects of flying is the landing. As the air craft gets closer to land,the air traffic is more congested, the weather on the ground may be far worse than the weather at 30,000feet, and the runways may not be clear of other planes. So pilots rely on the air-traffic controller to coordinate all the details so that every plane can arrive without incident. Without the air-traffic controller, chaos would be certain.

Image, then, the plane when the piolot of an airliner full of passengers radioed the tower and got no answer. It was eventually discovered that the air-traffic controller was in fact there but sound asleep, putting pilot, passengers, and plane in great jeopardy. The good news is that the plane landed safely.

Even better news is that God, the ultimate traffic controller, neither slumbers nor sleeps. From His Heavenly vantage point, He knows all that is going on in and around your life. As the psalmist notes, "My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to be moved;He who keeps you will not slumber" (121:2-3).

You can count on it-God knows the impending dangers and will tirelessly direct the traffic of your life for your good and His glory.

Because God never sleeps, we can be at peace.
The Holy Spirit spoke to me tonight while reflecting on the "shacking up" thread. I think that the decision regarding shacking up is more than being able to live with that person, it boils down to the values and principles you and your spouse stand on. Marriage is more than a test run, a piece of paper, it's about a commitment. A commitment to the covenant you took before Jesus Christ. There may be times during one's marriage and life that the person who you live with become 'unlivable' but unlike a test run both you and your partner need to remember that covenant and that is why it is important that the values and principles on which both you stand should be the same.

You can quit a test run. And if you treat marriage like a test run by shacking up then who says it's not as easy for you to emotionally quit or for your spouse to emotionally quit. After all, divorce rate among persons who shack up is higher than couples who do not.
Recently I was listening to a sermon by Yan Yoon Tuck of Cornerstone Church in Singapore he said something that stuck with me.

Are you more interested in people or unity more than the TRUTH?

Selah! Something to ponder this morning.
The Holy Spirit spoke to me tonight while reflecting on the "shacking up" thread. I think that the decision regarding shacking up is more than being able to live with that person, it boils down to the values and principles you and your spouse stand on. Marriage is more than a test run, a piece of paper, it's about a commitment. A commitment to the covenant you took before Jesus Christ. There may be times during one's marriage and life that the person who you live with become 'unlivable' but unlike a test run both you and your partner need to remember that covenant and that is why it is important that the values and principles on which both you stand should be the same.

You can quit a test run. And if you treat marriage like a test run by shacking up then who says it's not as easy for you to emotionally quit or for your spouse to emotionally quit. After all, divorce rate among persons who shack up is higher than couples who do not.

That thread was something else. :nono: It had more excuses to justify sleeping together prior to marriage than a dog has fleas.
There really are days where I just want God to answer my prayer. I really want a new job where I get paid a better wage and I no longer have to work as a contract employee, but it's just not happening. All I can keep thinking about is all the bills I have to pay and all the taxes I'm gonna owe. Idk how God is going to help me pay my bills but I'm leaning on his provision.
There really are days where I just want God to answer my prayer. I really want a new job where I get paid a better wage and I no longer have to work as a contract employee, but it's just not happening. All I can keep thinking about is all the bills I have to pay and all the taxes I'm gonna owe. Idk how God is going to help me pay my bills but I'm leaning on his provision.

I can totally relate to this post. My dh has been looking for a job for almost 2 years. Everything we think is going to work out seems to fall thru. I know God is working something out. Somedays I just wish I knew what that plan is. I know I must lean on His understanding and not my own...
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