2014 Christian Random Thoughts -- Don't Lose Hope

For the first time since I was 10 or 11, I got down on my knees and prayed to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I have been speaking with The Lord for over a week, and tonight I was compelled to submit myself, to touch my forehead to the floor to the King of Heaven.

I've found myself lurking in this side of the forum for a long time, and I never thought I would be posting in here. I never thought I would come to Christianity ever again, but I asked to be made whole and He is the one who answered.

I have so many questions for you ladies, if you all would be willing to help me :) I feel like a little kid, I'm totally new to this LOL!!

Dearest ckisland... :welcome3:

I mean this far beyond cordial greetings. I am so moved by your testimony.

God is pleased with you and I know beyond anything that you have made His day upon Heaven and Earth that you chose to be one with Him. He is just beaming from Heaven that you chose His love for you and that in Him, you chose to Believe.

God bless you and keep you. You have surely made our day as well. We are here for you, as your sisters. Thank you again and again, for blessing us with your beautiful heart full of love.

Once again, Dearest One...


For the first time since I was 10 or 11, I got down on my knees and prayed to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I have been speaking with The Lord for over a week, and tonight I was compelled to submit myself, to touch my forehead to the floor to the King of Heaven.

I've found myself lurking in this side of the forum for a long time, and I never thought I would be posting in here. I never thought I would come to Christianity ever again, but I asked to be made whole and He is the one who answered.

I have so many questions for you ladies, if you all would be willing to help me :) I feel like a little kid, I'm totally new to this LOL!!


Luke 15 says,
10Even so, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner repenting."

I rejoice with the Angels and Welcome you on your return HOME!

Begin reading the Gospel of John, which really speaks to the love of God. We are praying for you.:yep:
Awwww, ladies, thank you so much!! I teared up reading your responses. I really and truly appreciate your warm welcomes :bighug: .

Iwanthealthyhair67, thank you for your suggestion :yep:. I downloaded the Bible and Daily Walk New Testament about a week ago. I've been reading the New Testament daily, and that's what built up this final push.

I feel bashful because I've never even been to a Church service before. . .in my life :look:. I wasn't raised in a religious household at all (though we're weirdly spiritual), so I'm starting from ground zero in many ways. I don't even know how to pray properly :lol:.
Awwww, ladies, thank you so much!! I teared up reading your responses. I really and truly appreciate your warm welcomes :bighug: .

Iwanthealthyhair67, thank you for your suggestion :yep:. I downloaded the Bible and Daily Walk New Testament about a week ago. I've been reading the New Testament daily, and that's what built up this final push.

I feel bashful because I've never even been to a Church service before. . .in my life :look:.

I wasn't raised in a religious household at all (though we're weirdly spiritual), so I'm starting from ground zero in many ways. I don't even know how to pray properly :lol:.

ckisland ... You're one of the best kind because God doesn't have to 'undo' anything with you. You are all 'brand new'. :yep:

As for prayer, the only proper prayer is speaking truthfully from your heart. God listens, while embracing you in His forever loving heart. :love3:
I feel bashful because I've never even been to a Church service before. . .in my life :look:. I wasn't raised in a religious household at all (though we're weirdly spiritual), so I'm starting from ground zero in many ways. I don't even know how to pray properly :lol:.

Don't feel bashful ckisland! When I first got saved, although I had been in the church my whole life, I had no idea how to have a relationship with God. I didn't know how to pray. I didn't know how to worship. I was much pretty lost! But God answered me when I called upon his name and has been leading me ever since. Everything became natural. There wasn't any rocket science behind it.

So continue doing what you have been doing. Praying is simply having a conversation with God. Just remember: conversations are two-way so listen for His still small voice.
ckisland ... You're one of the best kind because God doesn't have to 'undo' anything with you. You are all 'brand new'. :yep:

As for prayer, the only proper prayer is speaking truthfully from your heart. God listens, while embracing you in His forever loving heart. :love3:

Amen. There's no way to pray "right"

Its my pleasure, prayer is simply talking to God as you begin to study the word of God you will notice and increase in your prayers as well as how you pray, so don't worry about that, the ways of the Lord are learned.

We will be praying that the Lord directs you to a bible based church one where you can learn and grow.
In a tough situation, we sometimes resolve to say, "L-rd, you're all I've got."

"Well, gee, thanks!" (He must think) LOL

I want it to be, "L-rd, You're the ONE that I've got!!!!!"
In a tough situation, we sometimes resolve to say, "L-rd, you're all I've got."

"Well, gee, thanks!" (He must think) LOL

I want it to be, "L-rd, You're the ONE that I've got!!!!!"

Lol... I always say "Lord, you're all I have... But the good thing about that is... You're all I need!"
“The difficulties of life do not have to be unbearable. It is the way we look at them - through faith or unbelief - that makes them seem so. We must be convinced that our Father is full of love for us and that He only permits trials to come our way for our own good.

Let us occupy ourselves entirely in knowing God. The more we know Him, the more we will desire to know Him. As love increases with knowledge, the more we know God, the more we will truly love Him. We will learn to love Him equally in times of distress or in times of great joy.”

― Brother Lawrence, The Practice of the Presence of God
I truly appreciate how God always gives me indications of what I need to work on next. For past couple of weeks, I have just been feeling like God has been telling me to find peace in Him alone. At first, I was confused because I thought I had found peace in Him! But then the tests came and they truly revealed that I was still putting value in temporal things.

I have always had this mindset that I deserve things from others because I over give. As a codependent, I would always give and overexert myself and secretly hope that the same things would be given to me. I carried this into my relationship with God: giving and denying myself, secretly hoping I would receive something in return. God quickly revealed showed me that I don't deserve anything, period.

I am learning to be thankful simply because God allowed me to see another day. I feel at peace just because I have the Holy Spirit within me. The power that raised Jesus from the dead is living inside me! I am not worthy of God's grace, but yet he showers me with it daily.
Very profound...my pastor says this all the time, the first time she said it, it stung, because we actually think we are entitled we've been 'trained' to think that we are deserving...

For me it's I don't trust God in every situation, my excuse was I've been doing things my own way for so long that I couldn't trust God to do everything that He says He would do and has already done. What an eye opener and what a feeling of sadness that I still sometimes struggle in that area, aren't we just like little children how quickly we forget, but He's working on me I'm glad that He hasn't given up on me, I'd be literally lost. I thank Him for His longsuffering and tender mercies towards us.

I truly appreciate how God always gives me indications of what I need to work on next. For past couple of weeks, I have just been feeling like God has been telling me to find peace in Him alone. At first, I was confused because I thought I had found peace in Him! But then the tests came and they truly revealed that I was still putting value in temporal things.

I have always had this mindset that I deserve things from others because I over give. As a codependent, I would always give and overexert myself and secretly hope that the same things would be given to me. I carried this into my relationship with God: giving and denying myself, secretly hoping I would receive something in return. God quickly revealed showed me that I don't deserve anything, period.

I am learning to be thankful simply because God allowed me to see another day. I feel at peace just because I have the Holy Spirit within me. The power that raised Jesus from the dead is living inside me! I am not worthy of God's grace, but yet he showers me with it daily.
Very profound...my pastor says this all the time, the first time she said it, it stung, because we actually think we are entitled we've been 'trained' to think that we are deserving...

For me it's I don't trust God in every situation, my excuse was I've been doing things my own way for so long that I couldn't trust God to do everything that He says He would do and has already done. What an eye opener and what a feeling of sadness that I still sometimes struggle in that area, aren't we just like little children how quickly we forget, but He's working on me I'm glad that He hasn't given up on me, I'd be literally lost. I thank Him for His longsuffering and tender mercies towards us.

Things didn't click for me until someone told me I was being arrogant. When I heard those words...I was ready to fight! It stung tremendously to hear that. I never thought of myself as one those people who only looked to God for his hand and not his heart. But when I look back at all the times I have gotten mad at God, it's because I felt like he was withholding something from me.

We'll always be a work in progress. Thankfully, we don't have to strive to be perfect. There's always an area that we need to work on and God is there to help.

It's so funny, I actually had to go back to my blog and encourage myself with my own blog post in this area :lol: The Lord must have known I needed it at some point :yep:
I found myself with thoughts turning away from the Lord today. I see how much diligence this change and this submission will take.
I went to read a diet book of mine, and the first page I opened to said, "Time for Change" in big bold letters. My mind was spinning about what I'm doing and if I want to continue this path. I'm taking this as a sign.
ckisland praying for your strength to persevere, it's easy to go back to what is familiar...know that even in this that the Lord is still there with you he hasn't left you and wants you to trust Him.
^^^^I agree with Iwanthealthyhair67, don't give up. There's an ongoing battle going on for God's children. For them to turn their backs on God. God answered you for a reason. I have no doubt that he is going to use you for something far greater than you can even imagine right now.

I think he was definitely speaking to you through your book :yep:
I divest myself of all guilt related to the misunderstanding. It is no longer my problem. I will not seek understanding, explain my side - nothing. Whatever is thought of me, it is not my problem, not my guilt. It does not belong to me. I am free.

Sometimes, people are going to be wrong and think wholeheartedly that they are right. They are not going to understand that people make mistakes and don't actually hear what you had to say to them when they were busy. Things escape people sometimes. But building and building upon that, it's in your hands. I divest myself of all the guilt you are attempting to place upon me. I am free. I leave it to Our Blessed Mother. She knows how to pray for this situation.
2 Thess 2
3Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
Lo and behold, almost two weeks later and I got a voice mail message from my father....I will keep you ladies posted



And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers ...

Malachi 4:6

For your Dad...

II Timothy 2:7
Consider what I say, and may the Lord give you understanding in all things (New King James Version)
The next time someone asks you, 'how are you doing' or 'how are things' (which usually refers to your walk with Christ, don't say that you are "trying".

Definition of try (v)

Bing Dictionary
[ trī ]

1.attempt something: to make an attempt or effort to do something
2.test something for purpose of assessment: to test, sample, or experiment with something in order to assess its usefulness, worth, or quality
3.vex somebody: to subject somebody or something to great strain

Let's "do" Jesus, the bible says that I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me!
Job 33:29-30

“God does all these things to a person—
twice, even three times—
to turn them back from the pit,
that the light of life may shine on them."

I needed that verse this morning. I wasn't feeling like going to work this morning or doing anything. I wanted to be an ostrich and bury my head in the sand and just wait for everything to pass. Thankfully God blessed with with breath and with life. Through his grace, I got up and pushed through everything and today is turning out to be a great day because God made it so :).
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Job 33:29-30

“God does all these things to a person—
twice, even three times—
to turn them back from the pit,
that the light of life may shine on them."

I needed that verse this morning. I wasn't feeling like going to work this morning or doing anything. I wanted to be an ostrich and bury my head in the sand and just wait for everything to pass. Thankfully God blessed with with breath and with life. Through his grace, I got up and pushed through everything and today is turning out to be a great day because God made it so :).

I love the Book of Job. I can remember thinking that it would be depressing, but it's anything but. God's Word is always 'Up Lifting'. :yep:
^^ Job is very relatable to me. I feel like I can read it and identify so much with his feelings!

:yep: I agree with you. :yep:

Another Book that I find 'Up Lifting' is the Book of Revelation.

I can remember in the beginning, that it seemed more ominous than a blessing; but after we had a Bible Study on it, I fell in love with that Book. :yep:

Revelation 1:3

Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.

Praise God for His everlasting words of Truth. So very 'Up Lifting'.


Have you noticed what I've been doing here? :look: