2013 COWASH CHALLENGE THREAD (1/1/13-3/31/13)

Last cowash went well. Turned into a mini major wash day since my hair was screaming at me. But the cowash helped tremendously.
Surprisng how nice and healthy my hair looks now. I feel like I have a weave...its my hair its just super soft and fluffly and shiny and unf.
Will cowash with AOHSR in a few...as always I will also coffee/tea/oil rinse then do a leave in rinse of tea/avj.
Co washed last night 2x for my major wash day. Normally I just rinse the tea/dc off and then dry and style. But this time I did ANOTHER co-wash after the tea/dc to help with some of the stiffness I felt afterwards. It did feel a lot better. And we will see how it did soon as I take these bantu knots out.
I think for my next cowash I am going to do a protein though, starting to feel a litttttle mushy when wet...not a lot but I want to head it off before any major damage from too much moisture happens. Plan on washing again tuesday night.
Cowashed all last week except Sunday and Wednesday. Plan on doing it every day this week other than tonight (Shampoo/DC time).
Even thought it feels like i am washing my hair everyday. I think my hair really likes being washed 3x a week. It feels gooood. Doing a protein cowash tonight i think. Then bantuknots . its 25 here and I dont know if my ends can handle being straight right now.
cowashed last night with Vo5 Tea Therapy Blackberry and my hair lovesss it! this and milk moisture are on my favs list!
I just co-washed with some La Bomba conditioner & I am now air drying.I can feel the new growth & I can see the length.My hair is also becoming very thick & I think I have found my new love (my hair).
I have been cowashing for the past 2 mornings with Enjoy Hydrating Conditioner and I have to admit, the first day of using it, I was totally unimpressed.

So I clarified and still nothing the morning after, but now almost a week later, I gatta say, it really is quite hydrating as claimed on the bottle.

I believe it's my go-to cowash conditioner and will most likely be purchasing it again by the gallon.
So I did my 2nd cowash of the week tonight, and my hair felt weird. It still felt moisturized but it felt very very thick and heavy and sorta hard. Which it hasn't felt like in a long time. I did a protein cowash on Tuesday...I also did a tea rinse with my normal black tea chamomile green tea..but added in nettle and hibiscous. Same out of shower regimen, leave in heat protectant (for bangs) water based moisturizer, seal with coconut oil then wet wrap. No direct heat except on my bangs the next morning. And I've been wearing hats out.

It also took a lot longer for the water to penetrate through my hair. Even after cowashing it still felt very thick, and heavy but the hardness went away and it felt soft and moisturized.

So I am thinking either:
the protein sat too long? I left it in for 10 mins (when I cowashed on Tuesday)
The nettle and hibiscus thickened my hair (is that normal?)
Is been very very cold so it could have affected the coconut oil and made it seal hard on my hair.

I am not sure if its a good thing or not. My hair is usually thinner due to the relaxer, so I am glad it is feeling a lot thicker.. i just didnt like the hardness I felt. The thickness I am feeling could be the NG already since I am already 8 1/2 weeks post. I did all the same post shower steps although this time I didn't add as much coconut oil....just in case that's where the hardness came from....

Should I be concerned or is this a good step?
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So I did my 2nd cowash of the week tonight, and my hair felt weird. It still felt moisturized but it felt very very thick and heavy and sorta hard. Which it hasn't felt like in a long time. I did a protein cowash on Tuesday...I also did a tea rinse with my normal black tea chamomile green tea..but added in nettle and hibiscous. Same out of shower regimen, leave in heat protectant (for bangs) water based moisturizer, seal with coconut oil then wet wrap. No direct heat except on my bangs the next morning. And I've been wearing hats out.

It also took a lot longer for the water to penetrate through my hair. Even after cowashing it still felt very thick, and heavy but the hardness went away and it felt soft and moisturized.

So I am thinking either:
the protein sat too long? I left it in for 10 mins (when I cowashed on Tuesday)
The nettle and hibiscus thickened my hair (is that normal?)
Is been very very cold so it could have affected the coconut oil and made it seal hard on my hair.

I am not sure if its a good thing or not. My hair is usually thinner due to the relaxer, so I am glad it is feeling a lot thicker.. i just didnt like the hardness I felt. The thickness I am feeling could be the NG already since I am already 8 1/2 weeks post. I did all the same post shower steps although this time I didn't add as much coconut oil....just in case that's where the hardness came from....

Should I be concerned or is this a good step?

You did use quite a few things that leave a protein-like effect on your hair but when was the last time you clarified it? Also you maybe needing a good moisturizing deep conditioner after you clarify.