2013 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

Oh, and btw... What's with the "mentally ill black folks" targeting the DC area lately...I find it ironic that Miriam Carey and Aaron Alexis were both the same age, 34. Note the biblical first names. Should we wait to hear about Moses? I may be reaching..but somethings not right. OK? <mini vent>
Would u care to expound? I ask bc I'm a babe to Christianity and I really would like to read/hear other believers experiences. @Renewed1 would you care to share also?

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Brittster I was referring to the "social scene" (Disclaimer: I'm only socializing....not drinking.....or even dancing). I just don't have a desire to do those things anymore or hanging with strangers. That's all.
I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist but noting this young lady shot at the White House. Anyone even cares what her sister said ? She said: "It's impossible"... praying for the well-being of the baby girl she left behind. Can't believe everything in the media. Something's amiss....

Oh, and btw... What's with the "mentally ill black folks" targeting the DC area lately...I find it ironic that Miriam Carey and Aaron Alexis were both the same age, 34. Note the biblical first names. Should we wait to hear about Moses? I may be reaching..but somethings not right. OK? <mini vent>

Oh wow.... both of these people were Black? Either way, it's very sad, even if they were of another race. But this behavior is random for AA's.
“God knows your value; He sees your potential. You may not understand everything you are going through right now. But hold your head up high, knowing that God is in control and he has a great plan and purpose for your life. Your dreams may not have turned out exactly as you’d hoped, but the bible says that God’s ways are better and higher than our ways, even when everybody else rejects you, remember, God stands before you with His arms open wide. He always accepts you. He always confirms your value. God sees your two good moves! You are His prized possession. No matter what you go through in life, no matter how many disappointments you suffer, your value in God’s eyes always remains the same. You will always be the apple of His eye. He will never give up on you, so don’t give up on yourself.”

― Joel Osteen, Your Best Life Now: 7 Steps to Living at Your Full Potential
“Look at all the people who received miracles from Jesus during His ministry on earth. Not a single one of them deserved it. They did nothing to earn their miracles… On the other hand, we don’t find any record of those who were trying to deserve blessings from God – the Pharisees – receiving anything from Jesus!”
Enjoyed a conversation this morning with mom that was edifying... Zac reminded her of the reliance to look for on an 'emotional church service', that only excites the senses yet leaves one's spirit unquicked and dead. Ironically, SIL mentioned something along the same lines to me yesterday... can't be caught up in appearances.. it's much deeper; Feed the spirit.
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Psalms 1
Blessed is that man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.

Who is the ungodly?

The ungodly are persons opposed to God (which also means Jesus).

Who are the person's opposed to God, those who do not follow or believe in him.
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Pray for me...

Precious Coily... Whatever it is.....for you and with you I pray. In Jesus' Name, Father we bring our dear sister before you in loving prayer. Whatever her needs, her hurts, her pain, her heart's cry, we bow before you asking for you to shower her in loving blessings and healings that only you can give.

Bless her heart, her family, her loved ones, her finances, her sources of income to increase and for the one in her heart that she cries out for in prayer for your protection. Keep her safe and guide her and comfort her through the loving care and blessings of the Holy Spirit who knows all and heals all that concerns her.

Father let her know for sure and beyond sure, that no weapon, physical or otherwise, no threat, no diseases nor fear of such can ever rule against her.

Father she has a spirit and faith that I truly admire. She has stood when and where others have not. In this time of need in her life, she will stand even stronger and will come out of this beyond Victorious!

In Jesus' Name, we thank you with loving hearts.

Amen and Amen.


For you Precious CoilyFields :love2:
Precious Coily... Whatever it is.....for you and with you I pray. In Jesus' Name, Father we bring our dear sister before you in loving prayer. Whatever her needs, her hurts, her pain, her heart's cry, we bow before you asking for you to shower her in loving blessings and healings that only you can give.

Bless her heart, her family, her loved ones, her finances, her sources of income to increase and for the one in her heart that she cries out for in prayer for your protection. Keep her safe and guide her and comfort her through the loving care and blessings of the Holy Spirit who knows all and heals all that concerns her.

Father let her know for sure and beyond sure, that no weapon, physical or otherwise, no threat, no diseases nor fear of such can ever rule against her.

Father she has a spirit and faith that I truly admire. She has stood when and where others have not. In this time of need in her life, she will stand even stronger and will come out of this beyond Victorious!

In Jesus' Name, we thank you with loving hearts.

Amen and Amen.


For you Precious @CoilyFields :love2:

Thank you Shimmie

You dont know how much it means to me to read that prayer. Its reasurring that the saints will add their prayers to mine in this dry land that Im in right now. My heart is uplifted knowing that the volume has been raised to heaven since my voice has grown hoarse and I feel weary of even praying for myself. Thank you and everyone else that offered up prayer and agreement.
Thank you Shimmie

You dont know how much it means to me to read that prayer. Its reasurring that the saints will add their prayers to mine in this dry land that Im in right now. My heart is uplifted knowing that the volume has been raised to heaven since my voice has grown hoarse and I feel weary of even praying for myself. Thank you and everyone else that offered up prayer and agreement.

We're all 'Family' here. We love you. :giveheart:

Beyond Words, beyond 'quotes', beyond uttered 'cliches'... We love you.

:circle: :love3: :circle:
Jesus Christ is Lord over all, He certainly is Lord over these United States of America....
Gotta agree with Dr. Rutland on this message to atheists (paraphrasing): If there is no God, then what are you fighting against? If I tell you I see a big purple gorilla in the room, would you jump up and emphatically deny it?
Gotta agree with Dr. Rutland on this message to atheists (paraphrasing): If there is no God, then what are you fighting against? If I tell you I see a big purple gorilla in the room, would you jump up and emphatically deny it?

^^^ Exactly.
Gotta agree with Dr. Rutland on this message to atheists (paraphrasing): If there is no God, then what are you fighting against?

If I tell you I see a big purple gorilla in the room, would you jump up and emphatically deny it?

:lol: Now who could deny a purple gorilla?

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Reading baddison's thread brought this thought to the forefront again..lol.. ever notice how a couple that's been married a while tend to look alike? The longer they stay married, the more and more they become one..finishing each other's thoughts, laughing at the same thing at the same time, etc. it's like infusing oil with flowers or herbs.. impossible to separate. Biblically, it's what Mark 10: 7-9 means to me.
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John 14:1-4“Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. And you know the way to where I am going.”

my 20 year old nephew was talking to a girlfriend about church the other day, the girl was explaining that her father was saved but her mother just went to church every Sunday, his response; "What is she going to church for every Sunday and still ain't saved, that don't make no sense"

I considered that for a moment...
Guess I will take the leap and transfer my letter.
Like the sermons? Check
Like the people? So far. Check
Extremely close to home? Check
Lots of stuff going on? Check
Like the preacher? Check
The preacher is a Ph.D? Check (as of July 2013)
THe preacher is not an Aggie? NOT a check... everything can't be perfect.
The preacher is beautiful? Check

Okay that last one... it's just that my first and only pastor was beautiful. So I'm used to it. Now my old pastor was tall and broad shouldered, and this new guy... well he's itty bitty. But I got a good, close look at him today and he's absolutely beautiful. Angelic, really.

I'm going to do it. This week or next. Yay me.
I watched this video about Ja Rule taking the first step in his relationship with Jesus' (link - http://vimeo.com/77281434) at my church in New York (I go to the London church) and got me thinking about the power of acceptance and non-judgmentalism in the house of God.

In the London church this year we have seen salvations like never before, we had over 130 decisions in one weekend this year (in 4 Sunday services + Saturday night service + sisterhood night). That is not normal in a time when the church is said to be in decline and when the world is becoming crazy. As much as there is a Grace in our house and it is God that adds to our family, I believe one of the main things that we do right is that people can just come as they are and find acceptance and love and a place that they belong regardless of where they are now and what they have done in the past. Just thinking about that makes me imagine what it would be like if people knew that in Church (all churches) they will find love and acceptance and value for who they are without any masks, that they would find purpose and life and authentic friendship and community. The Church will not be in decline. If the Church is more synonymous with love (which is the very nature and essence of God) and not judgement who wouldn't want to at least give it a try?
I watched this video about Ja Rule taking the first step in his relationship with Jesus' (link - http://vimeo.com/77281434) at my church in New York (I go to the London church) and got me thinking about the power of acceptance and non-judgmentalism in the house of God.

In the London church this year we have seen salvations like never before, we had over 130 decisions in one weekend this year (in 4 Sunday services + Saturday night service + sisterhood night). That is not normal in a time when the church is said to be in decline and when the world is becoming crazy. As much as there is a Grace in our house and it is God that adds to our family, I believe one of the main things that we do right is that people can just come as they are and find acceptance and love and a place that they belong regardless of where they are now and what they have done in the past. Just thinking about that makes me imagine what it would be like if people knew that in Church (all churches) they will find love and acceptance and value for who they are without any masks, that they would find purpose and life and authentic friendship and community. The Church will not be in decline. If the Church is more synonymous with love (which is the very nature and essence of God) and not judgement who wouldn't want to at least give it a try?


I didn't realize that you were in London (UK). I always find it amazing and heartwarming to see how we are connected country to country.

It wonderful to hear about the abundance in salvations occurring in your Church. I pray that it continues and that each heart is truly rendered unto the Lord far above and beyond the 'moment' when they prayed to give their hearts to Jesus.

I don't know of any Church (personally) who has ever turned anyone away from the Altar or prayer to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.

To God be the Glory for all who comes unto Him in sincere surrender to live for him.

God bless you... :giveheart:
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Hello Ladies. Hope everyone is doing well...I feel like I haven't been on here in forever. Within a few short months I feel like my life has been turned upside down. Everything...my relationship with God, my career, my mindset, my relationships with family and friends. Some things wonderful, some things not so good. Some things I've prayed for so hard to come to pass seem to be coming my way, and some things that I prayed to God to save me (and my family from) seem to be inevitable at this point. It's been a roller coaster of a ride. Trying to take things day by day and know that God is always with me.